© Oxford University Press 2019
Oxford MyEnglish 510 Victorian Curriculum 2E Teacher obook assess ISBN 9780190320706
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Student book questions
Unit 5 Adverbs of manner
Pages 2225
Unit 5A: in focus
Your turn 5.1
1 Change the adjectives into adverbs of manner. Be careful, as not all of them will end in ly.
2 Choose one of the adverbs of manner from Your Turn 5.1 and use it in each sentence.
a Anh knew the test would be hard, so he ________________________ applied himself.
b The choice of research topic needs to be ________________________ considered.
c Sometimes quality can suffer if you work too ________________________.
d They knew that by choosing their team ________________________, they would be in with a
e She executed her dance routine ________________________.
Your turn 5.2
Highlight the adverbs of manner in these sentences, and then suggest a better, more specific adverb.
1 Before quickly judging her actions, I should find out her motivations. __________________________
2 Luke carefully weighed the pros and cons of his choice. ________________________________
3 Scientific evidence needs very careful examination. ______________________________________
4 Priya wisely considers the outcome before she acts. ______________________________________
© Oxford University Press 2019
Oxford MyEnglish 510 Victorian Curriculum 2E Teacher obook assess ISBN 9780190320706
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Your turn 5.3
Give three adverbs of manner that could be used in each of these sentences, and then choose what you
think would be the best choice and give a reason why.
1 The antique chest is ___________________________ old.
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Best choice /reason:
2 We were ___________________________ surprised by the strength of the wind.
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Best choice /reason:
3 Andreas worked ___________________________ on his landscaping project.
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Best choice /reason:
4 Horses sometimes jump ___________________________ in their stalls.
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Best choice /reason:
Unit 5B: in context
Your turn 5.4
1 How does Jamal attempt to cheer up his sister Bibi?
2 What happens in Jamal’s story when the West Ham striker slips over?
© Oxford University Press 2019
Oxford MyEnglish 510 Victorian Curriculum 2E Teacher obook assess ISBN 9780190320706
Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.
3 What is dropping on Bibi’s leg? Why?
4 Why does Jamal believe that his parents are going to the soccer stadium?
5 Why is Jamal ‘so excited’? What does he think is going to happen?
6 Highlight the adverbs of manner in this sentence from the extract ‘ … a West Ham striker slipped over
and grabbed wildly at something to stop him falling and accidentally pulled down the Arsenal goalie’s
7 What type of image do the adverbs create of the striker falling over? What do you imagine the scene
looks like?
8 Choose two different adverbs that could be used instead, and then explain your choices.
9 Highlight the adverb of manner in this sentence ‘I’m not really thinking about golden goals.’
10 What do you think it means when Jamal says, ‘I’m not really thinking about golden goals.’? How does
the adverb give you some insight into Jamal’s thoughts?
© Oxford University Press 2019
Oxford MyEnglish 510 Victorian Curriculum 2E Teacher obook assess ISBN 9780190320706
Permission has been granted for this page to be photocopied within the purchasing institution only.
11 In each sentence from the extract, specify a different adverb of manner that Gleitzman could have
a ‘Your yoghurt’s dripping ______________________ on my leg.’
b Suddenly it hits me ______________________.
c They’re going to talk ______________________ to a government soccer official …
d They’re going to explain ______________________ how our soccer skills will help Afghanistan
12 Why can Jamal ‘hardly get the words out’?
13 What difference does the adverb ‘hardly’ make to this sentence? How would it be different if Gleitzman
had written ‘I couldn’t get the words out’ or ‘I got the words out’?