©2016 Mr. Breitsprecher & BreitLinks (www.breitLinks.com) Web Design Study Guide: Unit 1, page 1
Study Guide: Web Design Unit 1 Name: _________________________________
Please explain, in your own words, the three steps of the DESIGN PROCESS we reviewed in class:
1. Discovery
2. Exploration
3. Implementation
4. Why is the Discovery part of the interview critical to delivering a high-quality design to our client?
5. While the main purpose of discovery is to understand what we will create for our client, it also
serves a very important secondary role for us as designers why is a detailed and documented
discovery interview essential to professional designers (HINT: This is not about the web design
©2016 Mr. Breitsprecher & BreitLinks (www.breitLinks.com) Web Design Study Guide: Unit 1, page 2
6. Why are professional web designers taught to develop simple sketches on papers (HINT: Why did
we us the “Crazy 8” design project)?
7. While we could create mockups of web designs in MS Word, PowerPoint, other specialty design
programs, or even code actual samples to show our client proposals for layouts; why is this not
part of the preliminary design process?
8. Why do we design and propose web layouts to clients in gray-scales and/or black/white?
9. We looked at three traditional design ideas that can be used in art, sculpture, architecture, desktop
publishing, and web design. How are (1). Rule of 3 (2). Golden Ratio (3.) Golden Triangle
How is each unique?
10. Rule of Three
©2016 Mr. Breitsprecher & BreitLinks (www.breitLinks.com) Web Design Study Guide: Unit 1, page 3
11. Golden Ratio
12. Golden Triangle
Please sketch one each of the three “bread and butter” design (Hint: You did this in class as a “crazy
8” project – you only need very general sketches.
13. Left Navigation
14. Right Navigation
©2016 Mr. Breitsprecher & BreitLinks (www.breitLinks.com) Web Design Study Guide: Unit 1, page 4
15. Left/Right (Multicolumn) navigation
16. What is the problem with a “fixed width” design?
17. What is the problem with “fluid width” designs?
18. How does “responsive” design (web page “sniffs” browser and delivers a design created
specifically for that devise/operating system/browser) Solve the 2 problems you identified above?
19. What is the challenge with “responsive” web designs?
20. What is meant by “conversion” – you must give an example to earn credit for this questions