Uniform Municipal Excess Weight Permit (Fleet)
Public Works Department
Fleet Cost: $10.00
All information must be completed before permit is issued. Permit is not valid unless
accompanied by an approved VT Excess Weight and Dimension Permit Application, TA-VP-
101. Approval is hereby given for the granting of a permit by the Department of Motor
Vehicle under the provision of 23 VSA Section 1400a and any amendments thereto,
covering the operation of Motor Vehicles with gross loads as follows:
Product Carried
Max. Weight
This approval covers only the vehicle listed above and may be withdrawn at any time in
accordance with 23 VSA Section 1400 and any amendments thereto. The following
restrictions apply:
Approval to remain in force until March 31, 2021
Operation restricted on all City streets except designated truck routes, between 7 PM and 6 AM
No tractor trailers on Elm Street from Malletts Bay Avenue to West Street
Maximum gross weight 84,000 lbs
The holder of a permit shall be liable for any damage to highways or bridges per VSA Title
23, Sec. 1400a (c) and is required to furnish the municipality a valid Certificate of Insurance
with a minimum of $100,000/ $300,000 Personal Injury Liability Coverage and $100,000
Property Damage Coverage.
Approved By: ___________________________ __________________
Director of Public Works Date
Permit #2021___________