Undergraduate Permission to Study at
Another Regionally Accredited U.S. Institution
(Not for Registration through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area)
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________________ G#: ______________________
Last First
Mason Email Address: ___________________________________________ Major: _____________________________________
Permission to Study at _____________________________ in ________________________________/________________________
Institution City State
This form must be submitted by the following dates:
o August 1
Fall Semester
o January 2
Spring Semester
o May 1
Summer Semester
Detailed policy information can be found on page 2 of this form.
This form cannot be used for courses located outside the U.S. See Mason Study Abroad for a Petition to Study Abroad.
Visited institution must be regionally accredited.
Attach catalog course description and/or syllabus from the visited institution.
Students may not study elsewhere while on academic or non-academic suspension.
Upon course completion, official transcripts from the visited institution must be mailed directly to George Mason University, Office of
the University Registrar, MSN 3D1, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030.
o Credit cannot be transferred until an official transcript is received.
o Students cannot graduate when receipt of the official transcript is still pending.
Course Subj & Number
(i.e. HIST 100)
Course Title
Number of
Student’s reason for this request: _______________________________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________________/_____________________
Course Subj & Number
(i.e. HIST 100)
Number of
Source of Equivalency:
___current articulation table ___ *course review by department
*Approval for Mason Equivalency (Required for courses NOT on the current articulation table):
____Approved for all students (future articulation table) ____Approved for this student only (explanation must be attached)
____Not approved
Chair/Designee, Department of Course: _____________________________________________/________________
PERMISSION TO STUDY (required for all students):
_____Approval to transfer course back as accepted Mason equivalent
_____Approval to complete College/School Foreign Language requirement
Transfer Credit will NOT be posted. A waiver will appear on the degree evaluation.
Student’s Advisor: ________________________________________________________________/_____________________
Student’s Major Dean: ________________________________________________________________/_____________________
Course Dean: ________________________________________________________________/_____________________
4/16 Date
Page 2
Permission to Study at Another Regionally Accredited U.S. Institution
Currently enrolled George Mason University students who wish to take courses at another regionally accredited
U.S. institution must obtain advance written approval. This process permits a student to enroll elsewhere in a
suitable course unavailable at Mason or through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan
Area. Students who wish to Study Abroad must contact Mason Study Abroad. Students wanting to pursue study
through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area should contact the Registrar’s
The Permission to Study at Another Regionally Accredited U.S. Institution form can be found at
registrar.gmu.edu. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval.
Catalog numbers and descriptions of courses to be taken elsewhere must be submitted with the request
for approval.
A minimum course grade must be achieved, however, grades themselves do not compute into any
Mason GPA. For undergraduate courses, a minimum grade of C (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) is required.
Undergraduate students must obtain advance written approval from the academic dean of the
school/college offering the course to be taken elsewhere and from their major academic dean.
Upon course completion, students must submit to the George Mason University Office of the University
Registrar an official transcript from the visited institution for all course work taken elsewhere.
Advance approval to study elsewhere is required. Undergraduate students who enroll elsewhere without
advance written permission will not receive transfer credit for course work taken at other institutions
unless they re-apply for admission to Mason as a transfer applicant and meet all priority deadlines. Re-
admission is not guaranteed and transfer credit is awarded based upon course equivalencies in effect
at the time of re-admission.
Special instructions for undergraduates:
Once enrolled in degree status at Mason, students may request permission to take a limited number of
credits at another regionally accredited institution.
Students must be in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 in their Mason courses to
request permission to study elsewhere.
Individual colleges/schools/institutes determine restrictions on the number, type, mode of delivery,
location and offering patterns of courses that can be taken at another institution.
Freshmen and transfer students in their first semester at Mason are not permitted to study elsewhere.
Courses previously attempted at Mason (including withdrawals) cannot be taken elsewhere.
Students must meet the minimum 30-hour residency requirement at Mason.