Undergraduate No Grade (NG) Request Form
Updated August 2019
Policy: Texas A&M University Student Rule 10.3 states, “Administrative removal of posted grades requires approval by the dean of the
college in which the student was enrolled during the semester in which the courses were taken. A NG requires extensive documentation of
the extraordinary circumstances justifying the No Grade.” In addition, the College of Agriculture and Life Science’s policy is that if approved
a NG will be assigned for ALL courses taken during the requested semester.
Requests to the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences must be submitted in writing and include the following:
A completed, signed, and dated request form.
A justification statement that must include the below information as section headers:
o The reason for your request. What problems did you encounter?
o Describe the extraordinary circumstances that were beyond your control. Why was the situation beyond your control, giving
you no choice about being involved in the problem?
o How did these circumstances specifically affect your coursework in that semester?
o How have the circumstances been resolved? What are your plans to be successful?
o If you are in good academic standing, please address how you feel a No Grade assigned to your requested semester will
benefit you academically.
Written documentation, with specific dates, of extenuating circumstances from a neutral third party (physician, lawyer, counselor,
etc.). Please do not include documentation that contains sensitive information such as lab results, full medical files, social security
numbers, etc.
Proof of academic and/or professional success. This documentation may include unofficial transcripts, letters of recommendation,
Semester Requesting NG:
Major in Semester of Request:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Terms of Review
Indicate your acceptance of the terms of this NG request by initialing in each space below:
I understand that:
If request is approved, No Grades will be assigned for ALL courses taken during the semester reviewed & that only ONE
semester can be requested
The neutral third party documenting your extenuating circumstances may be contacted to validate the authenticity of that
The instructor of each course (or department head if the instructor is not available) and/or your advisor may be contacted
regarding this request. No information regarding the circumstances will be provided beyond the fact that the request has
been made.
The panel of representatives from the college will be able to view confidential materials included with the request
All TAMU employees who become aware of discrimination, harassment (including sexual violence) and/or retaliation must
report to the incident to the university's Title IX officer, regardless of how they become aware of the information.
That No Grade requests are reviewed by a committee of various representatives from the College of Agriculture and Life
Sciences and can take more than 30 days to complete
To submit your request, send this form and written documentation in a confidential envelope to Dr. Mary Bryk, Associate Dean, 600 John
Kimbrough Blvd., Suite 515, Agriculture and Life Sciences Headquarters Bldg., 2402 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2402 or hand deliver
in person to suite 515 of the AGLS building.
I have read and understand the terms of this NG request. The information I have provided for this request is complete & correct.
Student Signature Date