Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL)
Complaint Form
Write legibly in ink, or type.
Attach all documents relevant to your complaint.
Keep copy of this form for your records.
Send to the above mailing address.
1. How can we contact you?
Street Address:
City, State, ZIP:
Daytime Telephone No.:
Other Telephone No.:
2. How can we find or contact the respondent, i.e., the person or organization you believe
has engaged in the unauthorized practice of law?
Individual’s Full Name:
Organization’s Full Name:
Telephone No(s):
Web Page:
3. Is respondent a resident of Arkansas? Yes No Don’t Know
4. Where and how did the respondent communicate with you?
(a) Did you meet in person? Yes No
(b) If yes, where? in Arkansas? outside Arkansas? If outside, where? ____________
Supreme Court of Arkansas
Committee on the
Unauthorized Practice of Law
2100 Riverfront Drive
Little Rock, AR 72202
Telephone: (501) 376-0313
Facsimile: (501) 376-3438
Office Use
UPL Case No.
(c) Did you communicate by (check all that apply): phone? letter? e-mail?
(d) Explain, if needed (see also Questions 5 and 6):
5. Was the activity engaged in or the work performed by respondent: (Check all that apply;
if possible, attach copies of any documents you might have in support.)
Advertising legal services or holding out as attorney
Giving legal advice for a fee
Preparing legal documents, with or without payment of a fee
Representation in a legal matter heard by a court or other tribunal
Other Explain: ____________________________________________________
6. Please describe in detail the activity that is the subject of your complaint. (Continue on
another sheet, if needed.)
7. Did you pay respondent for services? Yes No (IfYes”, how much? $________)
Please attach copies of any fee agreement, invoices, billing statements, canceled checks
and other documents showing payment or payment arrangements.
8. Is there any lawsuit or other legal action against anyone about this problem?
Yes No Don’t Know
If yes, what is the current status of that lawsuit or legal action?
9. Please attach clean copies (not originals) of any documents relevant to your complaint.
10. What else, if anything, should we know to help us understand your complaint?
AR/UPL Rev. 1.1 06/22/16