1 Special handling for unaccompanied minors applies only to SIA-operated flights and must be arranged
separately for the outward & return journey.
2 Special handling is mandatory for unaccompanied minors aged from 5 to under 12 years old.
3 Dispensation for special handling can be obtained for unaccompanied minors above 12 years and below
18 years if parental/legal guardian consent is given. In such an instance, a "Unaccompanied Minor
Assistance & Handling Waiver" must be signed by the parent/guardian for each outward and return journey.
4 Carriage of Unaccompanied Minors shall be subject to SIA's General Conditions of Carriage (GCC) and
Conditions of Contract (COC), which can be found on and they shall prevail to
govern SIA's rights and remedies.
I declare all the particulars furnished by me in this form are true and correct.
I declare that I am responsible in ensuring that my child/ward* has my permission to travel on this flight.
I confirm that I have arranged for my child/ward* to be met on arrival by the persons named. These persons
will be available at the airport at the scheduled arrival time of the flight.
Should my child/ward* not be met as stated, I authorize SIA to take whatever action they consider necessary
to ensure child’s/ward’s* safe custody including return of the my child/ward* to the airport of original
departure. I agree to indemnify and reimburse SIA for the costs and expenses incurred by them in taking
such action.
Should my child/ward* be connecting or transferring to another non-SIA operated flight, I confirm that
appropriate arrangements have been made at the point of connection/transfer. I agree that SIA’s
responsibility and special handling duty towards the Unaccompanied Minor ends at the point of
disembarkation of the SIA-operated flight. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if my child/ward* is subsequently
found to be unattended to, I authorize the SIA to take whatever action they consider necessary to ensure
my child’s/ward’s* safe custody including return of my child/ward* to the airport of original departure. I agree
to indemnify and reimburse SIA for the costs and expenses incurred by them in taking such action.
I certify that my child/ward* is in possession of all travel documents (passport, visa, health certificate, etc.)
required for the journey.
I confirm that I do not require my child/ward* to be provided with any special seating arrangements on board
any aircraft.
I agree and acknowledge that any personal data provided will be processed by Singapore Airlines for the
purpose of handling the travel of my child in accordance with its Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is
available on
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian* Date
* Delete as necessary.
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