UH Hilo Degree Pathways - Classified
Application Form
Who submits this form:
Students enrolled or planning to enroll at another campus in the University of Hawai‘i system who wish to be
admitted and eligible to take one or more courses concurrently through the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo.
Home Campus Secondary Campus Description Requirements Deadline
UH Community
UH Hilo
Classed in a
Degree Program
Register for UHH
courses with other
classied students.
Follow the Degree
Requirements for
the catalog year
of your admission.
Degree Pathways Application
Transcripts from all non-UH Colleges
2.0 GPA minimum 24 credits
$50 Application Fee
July 1 (Fall)
December 1
The UH Home campus will remain the primary campus. This Degree Pathways enrollment status may continue
in subsequent terms without submitting another form unless the student decides to sit-out of the UH System and
then re-enter at a later term. The Degree Pathways student does not have to immediately enroll at UH Hilo and
does not have to take courses through UH Hilo every term to maintain their Degree Pathways eligibility. The
application fee will only be collected once as long as the student maintains their continuous enrollment in the
UH system.
A student can have only one home campus and one secondary campus. For students who later wish to change
their home campus to UH Hilo, a one sentence written request should be submitted to the UH Hilo Admissions
ofce with the student’s signature and ID number.
University of Hawaii at Hilo
Admissions Ofce
200 W. Kawili Street
Hilo, HI 96720-4091
Fax: (808) 932-7459
Fall _____________ Spring ______________
Community College Home Campus _______________________________________________
UH Hilo List Major: _____________________________________________________
UH ID Number
Legal Name: Last First MI Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy)
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Current Mailing Address: Street City/Province State/Country Postal Code
Mailing Address Valid Until (mm/dd/yyyy)
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Phone Number
( ) -
Email Address
Permanent Address: Street City/Province State/Country Postal Code
By entering your name here, you agree that it is the same as your signature.
Signature ________________________________________________________________________________
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
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