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12. NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT: Same as item 9 on Amendment form
11. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE NUMBER: Same as item 1a on Amendment form
13. Name of DEBTOR on related financing statement (Name of a current Debtor of record required for indexing purposes only in some filing offices - see Instruction item 13): Provide only
one Debtor name (13a or 13b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor’s name); see Instructions if name does not fit
17. Description of real estate:
16. Name and address of a RECORD OWNER of real estate described in item 17
(if Debtor does not have a record interest):
covers timber to be cut
covers as-extracted collateral is filed as a fixture filing
SOUTH CAROLINA SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE, 1205 Pendleton Street Suite 525 Columbia, SC 29201 (Rev. 07/01/13)
Instructions for UCC Financing Statement Amendment (Form UCC3)
Please type or laser-print this form. Be sure it is completely legible. Read and follow all Instructions, especially Instruction 1a; correct file number of
initial financing statement is crucial.
Fill in form very carefully; mistakes may have important legal consequences. If you have questions, consult your attorney. The filing office cannot give
legal advice.
Send completed form and any attachments to the filing office, with the required fee.
A and B. To assist filing offices that might wish to communicate with filer, filer may provide information in item A and item B. These items are optional.
C. Complete item C if filer desires an acknowledgment sent to them. If filing in a filing office that returns an acknowledgment copy furnished by filer,
present simultaneously with this form the Acknowledgment Copy or a carbon or other copy of this form for use as an acknowledgment copy.
Always complete items 1a and 9.
1a. File Number. Enter file number of initial financing statement to which this Amendment relates. Enter only
one file number. In some states, the
file number is not unique; in those states, also enter in item 1a, after the file number, the date that the initial financing statement was filed.
1b. If this Amendment is to be filed in the real estate records or in any other filing office where the name of current Debtor is required for indexing purposes,
check the box in item 1b
and enter Debtor name in item 13 of Amendment Addendum (Form UCC3Ad). Complete item 13 in accordance with
instructions on Amendment Addendum (Form UCC3Ad). If Debtor does not have an interest of record, enter the name and address of the record
owner in item 16 of Amendment Addendum (Form UCC3Ad).
Note: Show purpose of this Amendment by checking box 2, 3, 4, 5,
or 8 (in items 5 and 8 you must check additional boxes); also complete items 6, 7,
and/or 8 as appropriate. Some, but not all filing offices accept multiple actions on an Amendment. Filing offices that accept multiple actions may charge
an additional fee. Some filing offices that accept multiple actions may only index one of the actions requested. Consult the administrative rules of the
designated filing office to determine the extent to which multiple actions will be accepted, indexed, and the applicable filing fees for multiple actions.
2. Termination. To
terminate the effectiveness of the identified financing statement with respect to the security interest(s) of authorizing Secured
Party, check box in item 2. See Instruction 9 below.
3. Assignment. To assign (1) some or all of Assignor’s right to amend the identified financing statement, or (2) the Assignor’s right to amend the
identified financing statement with respect to some (but not all) of the collateral covered by the identified financing statement: Check box in item
3 and enter name of Assignee in item 7a or 7b; always enter the Assignee’s mailing address in item 7c. Also enter name of Assignor in item 9. If
assignment affects the right to amend the financing statement with respect to some (but not all) of the collateral covered by the identified financing
statement, check the ASSIGN collateral box and indicate the particular collateral covered in item 8.
4. Continuation. To continue the effectiveness of the identified financing statement with respect to the security interest(s) of authorizing Secured
Party, check box in item 4. See Instruction 9 below.
5-7. Party Information Change. To indicate a party information change, check this box; also check additional boxes (as applicable) and complete items
5, 6, and/or 7 as appropriate.
To change the name and/or address of a party (items 5, 6, and 7): Check box in item 5 to indicate whether this Amendment relates to a Debtor or
Secured Party of record; and check the CHANGE name and/or mailing address box in item 5 and enter name of affected party (current record name)
in item 6a or 6b; and repeat or enter the new name in item 7a or 7b; always enter the party’s mailing address in item 7c.
To add a party (items 5 and 7): Check box in item 5 to indicate whether this Amendment relates to a Debtor or Secured Party of record; and check
the ADD name box in item 5 and enter the added party’s name in item 7a or 7b; always enter the party’s mailing address in item 7c.
To delete a party (items 5 and 6): Check box in item 5 to indicate whether this Amendment relates to a Debtor or Secured Party of record; and check
the DELETE name box in item 5 and enter the deleted party’s name in item 6a or 6b.
8. Collateral Change. To indicate a collateral change, check this box; also check additional box (as applicable) and describe the change in item 8.
If space in item 8 is insufficient, continue collateral description in item 14 of Amendment Addendum (Form UCC3Ad). Do not include social security
numbers or other personally identifiable information.
To add collateral: Check the ADD collateral box in item 8 and indicate the additional collateral.
To delete collateral: Check the DELETE collateral box in item 8 and indicate the deleted collateral. A partial release is a DELETE collateral change.
To restate covered collateral description: Check the RESTATE covered collateral box in item 8 and indicate the restated collateral.
To assign the right to amend the financing statement with respect to part (but not all) of the collateral covered by the identified financing statement:
Comply with Instruction 3 above and check the ASSIGN collateral box in item 8.
If, due to a full release of collateral, filer no longer claims a security interest under the identified financing statement, check box in item 2 (Termination)
and not a box in item 8 (Collateral Change).
9. Name of Authorizing Party. Enter name of party of record authorizing this Amendment. In most cases, the authorizing party is the Secured Party
of record. If this is an Amendment (Assignment), enter Assignor's name in item 9a or 9b. If this is an Amendment (Termination) authorized by a
Debtor, check the box in item 9 and enter the name of the Debtor authorizing this Amendment in item 9a or 9b. If this Amendment (Termination)
is to be filed or recorded in the real estate records, also enter, in item 12 of Amendment Addendum (Form UCC3Ad), the name of Secured Party
of record. If there is more than one authorizing Secured Party or Debtor, enter additional name(s) in item 14 of Amendment Addendum (Form
10. Optional Filer Reference Data. This item is optional and is for filer's use only. For filer's convenience of reference, filer may enter in item 10 any
identifying information that filer may find useful. Do not include social security numbers or other personally identifiable information.
Instructions for UCC Financing Statement Amendment Addendum (Form UCC3Ad)
Please type or laser-print this form. Be sure it is completely legible. Read and follow all Instructions; use of the correct name for the Debtor is crucial.
Fill in form very carefully; mistakes may have important legal consequences. If you have questions, consult your attorney. The filing office cannot give
legal advice.
11. File Number. Enter file number of initial financing statement as shown in item 1a of Amendment (Form UCC3) to which this Amendment
Addendum relates.
12. Name of Authorizing Party. Enter information exactly as shown in item 9 on Amendment (Form UCC3).
13. Name of Debtor on related Financing Statement. If this Amendment (Form UCC3) is to be filed in the real estate records or in any other filing
office where the name of a current Debtor of record is required for indexing purposes, enter Debtor name in item 13a or 13b. Item 13 is intended
to cross-reference the Amendment (Form UCC3) and Amendment Addendum with the related Financing Statement (Form UCC1). If more than
one current Debtor, enter additional name(s) in item 14 or on additional Amendment Addendum (Form UCC3Ad). Do not use item 13 to change,
add, or delete a Debtor name.
14. Additional Space for Item 8 (Collateral). If space in item 8 of Amendment (Form UCC3) is insufficient or additional information must be provided,
enter additional information in item 14 or attach additional page(s) and incorporate by reference in item 14 (e.g., See Exhibit A). Do not include
social security numbers or other personally identifiable information.
15-17. Real Estate Record Information. If this Amendment (Form UCC3) is to be filed in the real estate records, complete the required information
(items 15, 16, and 17). If this Amendment (Form UCC3) covers timber to be cut, covers as-extracted collateral, and/or is filed as a fixture filing,
check appropriate box in item 15. If the Debtor does not have an interest of record, enter the name and address of the record owner in item 16.
Provide a sufficient description of real estate in accordance with the applicable law of the jurisdiction where the real estate is located in item 17.
If space in items 16 or 17 is insufficient, attach additional page(s) and incorporate by reference in items 16 or 17 (e.g., See Exhibit A), and continue
the real estate information. Do not include social security numbers or other personally identifiable information.
18. Miscellaneous. Under certain circumstances, additional information not provided on the Financing Statement Amendment (Form UCC3) may
be required. Also, some states have non-uniform requirements. Use this space or attach additional page(s) and incorporate by reference in item
18 (e.g., See Exhibit A) to provide such additional information or to comply with such requirements; otherwise, leave blank. Do not include social
security numbers or other personally identifiable information.