USDA FNS – SNAP EBT Online Purchasing Pilot Request for Volunteers Page 105
R6. As indicated in Section, of the RFV all refunds for online orders must be transmitted
through Acculynk in accordance with their message format requirements and because there
are no PINs required, the ability to generate refunds must be limited only to authorized
R7. As indicated in Section 2.4.4 of the RFV, by law SNAP clients must be treated in the same
manner as other customers. There are some notable exceptions with the pilot requirements,
covered under the waivers in
Section 2.5. Section 2.5.7 provides the applicant with flexibility to
propose some limited additional deviation, which will also require a waiver. If so, the applicant
should respond to this question with “Qualified Yes” and explain their additional proposed
differences in the explanation box.
R8. As indicated in Section 2.5 of the RFV, the Online Purchasing Pilot will result in deviation from a
number of SNAP regulatory requirements. Therefore, FNS will issue a set of conditional
waivers, as explained in the RFV, to pilot participants and require written agreement from each
participant that they will abide by those conditions. Failure to do so will be grounds for
terminating your participation in the pilot and your authorization as an Internet Retailer.
R9. As indicated in Section of the RFV all retailers participating in the pilot and performing
online transactions must be certified as PCI-compliant and must maintain that certification as
long as they are authorized by FNS as an Internet Retailer. Failure to do so will be grounds for
terminating your participation in the pilot and your authorization as an Internet Retailer.
Acculynk will validate compliance.
R10. As indicated in Section of the RFV, retailers must never capture or store PIN data even
if it is encrypted. Customers must enter their PIN for every transaction (except for refunds) at
the time of the online purchase or balance inquiry and the retailer must turn over all
responsibility for PIN entry and capture to Acculynk.
R11. As indicated in Section of the RFV, FNS will hold all retailer participants liable for any
monetary losses or other damage to EBT customers as described in the assurance. Retailers
are responsible for ensuring the security of PII data.
R12. As indicated in Section of the RFV retailers may not share PII with outside parties
without the explicit permission of the EBT customer. This is true even if the terms and
conditions of the website for other customers allow such data sharing.
R13. As indicated in Section of the RFV, Internet Retailers must have in place a security
program and best practices to protect PII, as reported in the response to question P1. Retailers
will be expected to maintain or improve this level of security as long as they are authorized by
FNS as an Internet Retailer.
R14. As indicated in Section 3.11.1 of the RFV, selected pilot participants will be required to report
on progress, challenges and results. FNS has opted to handle this through regular conference
calls with all appropriate parties to be held at mutually agreeable dates, times and intervals.
R15. As indicated in Section 3.11 of the RFV FNS will require documentation from each selected
participant such as, but not limited to, a project timeline, business requirements identification
and analysis; description of EBT related functional design changes to the system, work flow
and customer service; copies of changes to screens, notices and reports; and test results.
R16. As indicated in Section 3.11.5 of the RFV, participating retailers will be expected to thoroughly
test EBT system changes before putting them into production. This includes testing of
Acculynk message formats, end to end testing with the EBT processor, successful completion
of an FNS-developed test script, identification and correction of issues and regression testing.
FNS expects to participate in several days of onsite testing at the retailer’s facility.
R17. As indicated in Section and Appendix F of the RFV, FNS will require selected retailers
to participate in a formal evaluation of the pilot. FNS has identified the type of data and
summary statistics that we expect our evaluation contractor to collect from each participating
retailer. This initial list may be modified during the course of the pilot. If the applicant is unable
to comply with any of the data collection and evaluation requirements in the above cited
sections, they should respond to this question with “Qualified Yes” and identify the areas of
R18. As indicated in Section of the RFV, selected retailer participants must work with the
evaluation contractor to develop content and process flow for the retailer-initiated online
customer survey, and to identify a sample of EBT (and if applicable, commercial PIN debit)