- As part of the grant submittals, the applicant shall provide evidence of the following:
o The eligible business owner must have either a signed, contingent lease for a minimum of a five-
year period or owns the subject property. (Proof of a lease or property ownership is required.)
o If the property owner is not the business owner, then proof must be provided that the property
owner is providing at least 10% of the total build-out costs in terms of tenant improvement
o If applying for any grant amount above $100,000, then the applicant shall provide proof that
he/she has owned and operated at least one sit-down restaurant for a minimum period of five
years. The proof shall be in a form approved by the grant administrator. Examples of proof include
copies of previous business licenses, a copy of a lease or copies of business incorporation
documents that include the applicant’s name.
o The applicant must also provide a written statement in the Project Narrative that a decision maker
for the proposed business location will be stationed at the subject address on a full-time basis.
(See Step 2 under the Grant Application Steps and Submittal Requirements for more details.) The
professional background of the decision maker shall be provided in the business plan. (Details are
also found in the Grant Application Submittal Requirements and Procedures section.)
- Applicants who have been approved by either the Village Board or the grant administrator shall complete
the entire build-out and open the business within 12 months of the date of the Village Board resolution
approving the grant or the date of the approval letter composed by Village staff.
- All grant awards are subject to available funding. The Village Board reserves the right to discontinue this
program at any time for any reason.
- Grant approval by the Village Board or grant administrator does not constitute approval to start work. All
work must receive all applicable permits and any other approvals. Any work done without proper
approvals by the Village or any other applicable entity may result in termination of any approved grant.
- The Economic Development Director reserves the right and option to not approve and/or recommend a
grant request to the Village Board after reviewing and vetting each applicant and application. The
Economic Development Director also reserves the right and option to amend the requested grant amount
based on review of the application, anticipation of grant applications and available funding.
- Note that any work conducted by the applicant is not eligible for reimbursement. The installation of the
eligible permanent improvements must be performed by hired professionals who are not related to the
applicant or the building owner, either through familial relationships or from any other business
- This grant will not cover any expenses incurred prior to applying for and receiving a letter or resolution
approving the grant request.
- No reimbursement will be issued until all steps have been satisfied by the applicant (see below).
Grant Application Steps & Submittal Requirements
Any applicant interested in applying for the Wheeling Restaurant and Retail Build-Out Assistance Program must
complete all steps listed below in order to be awarded and reimbursed from this program.
Step 1 – Pre-Application Meeting
Any prospective applicant must meet with the Economic Development Director to go over the application, the
process, and general items. Prospective applicants must also thoroughly read through all portions of the grant
application prior to applying to ensure that all conditions will be satisfied. The applicant is strongly encouraged
to bring the project architect and/or general contractor to the pre-application meeting, since the application
submittals require base drawings for the proposed improvements and a contractor quote for the estimated
project costs. No application will be accepted until a pre-application meeting with the Economic Development
Director has taken place.