PART 2 Cont’d
9. During the last five (5) years, has your firm ever been denied bond coverage by a surety
company, or has there been a period of time when your firm had no surety bon
d in place du
a publi
ect when one was
_ YES _____ NO
10. Has CAL OSHA cited and assessed penalties against your firm for any “serious,” “willful,” or
“repeat” violations of its safety or health regulations in the past five (5) years?
_____ YES _____ NO
(Note: if you have filed an appeal of a citation, and the Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board has not yet
ruled on your appeal, you need not include information about it.)
11. Has the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration cited and assessed penalties
against your firm in the past five (5) years?
_____ YES _____ NO
(Note: if you have filed an appeal of a citation and the Appeals Board has not yet ruled on your appeal, or if there is a
court appeal pending, you need not include information about the citation.)
12. Has the EPA or any Air quality Management District or any Regional Water Quality Control Board
cited and assessed penalties against either your firm or the owner of a project on which your
firm was the contractor, in the past five (5) years?
_____ YES _____ NO
(Note: If you have filed an appeal of a citation and the Appeals Board has not yet ruled on your appeal, or if there is a
court appeal pending, you need not include information about the citation.)
13. Has there been more than one occasion during the last five (5) years in which your firm was
required to pay either back wages or penalties for your own firm’s failure to comply with the
state’s prevailing wage laws?
_____ YES _____ NO
(Note: this question refers only to your own firm’s violation of prevailing wage laws, not to violations of the prevailing
wage laws by a subcontractor.)
14. At any time during the last five years, has your firm been found to violate any provision of
California apprenticeship laws or regulations, or the laws pertaining to use of apprentices on
public works?
_____ YES _____ NO
(NOTE: You may omit reference to any incident that occurred if the violation was by a subcontractor and your firm, as
general contractor on a project, had no knowledge of the subcontractor’s violation at the time they occurred.)
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