FA-706-UNUS21 20200416
(2020-2021 Academic Year)
2800 S Lone Tree Rd Flagstaff, AZ 86005-2701 PH: 928-226-4219 FAX: 928-226-4110 finaid@coconino.edu
institutions cannot have their SAP status calculated and are thus, not eligible to have their financial aid file reviewed until they are
turned in.
New transfer students are required to have a transfer grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0. Official transcripts from ALL previously
attended colleges must be submitted to the Office of Registration and Enrollment Services to determine a transfer GPA. Unofficial
transcripts are not accepted. Classes that are in progress (not complete) on a transcript at another college will delay the processing of
financial aid until the final transcript is received and reviewed. New transfer students who have attended only one other college and
transfer to CCC with a cumulative transfer GPA above a 2.0 will be placed on Good SAP status. New transfer students who have
attended only one other college and transfer to CCC with a cumulative transfer GPA between 1.0 and 2.0 will be placed on Financial
Aid Warning. New transfer students who have attended only one other college and transfer to CCC with a cumulative transfer GPA less
than 1.0 may be required to meet with an academic advisor and will placed on Warning. New transfer students who have a transfer
GPA of 0.0 or who withdrew from their previous college are immediately suspended from financial aid at CCC and may not receive
financial aid. New transfer students who have attended more than one college prior to CCC and have two or more transfer GPAs of
less than 2.0 are immediately suspended from financial aid at CCC and may not receive financial aid. Transfer students who fail to turn
in their official transcripts from any previously attended institutions cannot have their SAP status calculated and are thus, not eligible to
have their financial aid file reviewed until they are turned in.
Returning Transfer students who left CCC on a suspension status, upon return to CCC, continue on a suspension status, regardless of
the grades at the other college they attended. Returning transfer students who left CCC on a good, warning or probation status will
have their transcripts evaluated from all colleges that were attended after CCC and SAP will be set based on an averaging of the CCC
SAP standing and the grade point average at the other colleges. For example, if a student leaves CCC on warning status and then
attains a 3.0 at another college, their SAP will become good at CCC. If a student leaves CCC on a warning status and attains a 1.95 at
another college, the SAP becomes suspension at CCC. Transfer students who fail to turn in their official transcripts from any previously
attended institutions cannot have their SAP status calculated and are thus, not eligible to have their financial aid file reviewed until they
are turned in.
Regaining Aid Eligibility
If CCC denies a student financial aid under the circumstances described above, it must provide the student with information as to how
the student may subsequently regain title IV, HEA program eligibility. Since the basis for the denial is the student’s academic
performance, it is expected that successful completion of academic credit would form the basis for the student’s subsequent request for
renewal of title IV, HEA program eligibility. This could include meeting the requirements of an academic plan that CCC established with
the student. (See 34 CFR 668.34(c)(3)(iii)(B) and (c)(4), and 668.34(d)(2)(ii)(B) and (d)(3).) Please visit
http://www.coconino.edu/details/satisfactory-academic-progress click on “Regaining financial aid SAP suspension.”
1. Provide us official academic transcripts for ALL previously attended colleges, whether or not academic credit was
2. Attach to this document a written explanation of why you failed to complete attendance at any and all of the
institutions you have previously attended. Please itemize your enrollment at ALL previously attended colleges so that
we understand what happened. Also, if you did complete attendance at your previous colleges and received passing
grades, please tell us that.
I certify that information provided on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Purposely giving false or misleading
information may result in a delay or denial of my federal financial aid and I may be fined up to $20,000, sent to prison or both. I
hereby provide consent for the use of electronic records and signatures on all financial aid documents. I understand that if I choose to
sign electronically, my electronic signature constitutes a binding contract and may not be denied legal effect, validity, or enforceability
solely because it is in electronic form or because an electronic signature or electronic record was used in its formation.
Student signature and date (required)
How do I create a digital signature with Adobe?
For F
inancial Aid Office use only:
“D” “ I” - Add comment on RHACOMM
IF UNUS**= “D” then add SAPAPP R on RRAAREQ and request Missing Docs Letter
Processed by:
click to sign
click to edit