C. Housing, food, and other living allowances paid to members of the military, clergy, and others
Include cash payments and/or the cash value of benefits received. Do not include the value of on-
base military housing or the value of a basic military allowance for housing.
Name of Recipient Type of Benefit Received
Amount of Benefit
Received in 2016
D. Veterans non-education benefits
List the total amount of veterans non-education benefits received in 2016. Include Disability,
Death Pension, Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), and/or VA Educational Work
Study allowances. Do not include federal veterans educational benefits such as: Montgomery GI
Bill, Dependents Education Assistance Program, VEAP Benefits, Post 9/11 GI Bill.
Name of Recipient
Type of Veterans
Non-education Benefit
Amt. of Benefit
Received in 2016
E. Other untaxed income
List the amount of other untaxed income not reported and not excluded elsewhere on this form.
Include untaxed income such as workers' compensation, disability, Black Lung Benefits, untaxed
portions of health savings accounts from IRS Form 1040 Line 25, Railroad Retirement Benefits, etc.
Do not include any items reported or excluded in A
D above. In addition, do not include student
aid, Earned Income Credit, Additional Child Tax Credit, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
(TANF), untaxed Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Workforce Investment
Act (WIA) educational benefits, combat pay, benefits from flexible spending arrangements (e.g.,
cafeteria plans), foreign income exclusion, or credit for federal tax on special fuels.
Name of Recipient
Type of Other
Untaxed Income
Untaxed Income