Sutherland Campus, Peterborough Frost Campus, Lindsay
599 Brealey Drive, Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1 PO Box 8000, Lindsay, ON K9V 5E6
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to process hard copy OFFICIAL transcripts at this time.
Please complete the form below for an electronic unofficial version.
Please note: some institutions may accept an electronic version as official if it is sent directly from Fleming.
Last Name First Name Name (s) while in attendance (if different)
Student ID # Date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy) Phone Number
Contact Information – Personal Email Address
1. Completed transcripts will be emailed. We CANNOT mail through regular Canada Post service. Please ensure you have provided your
correct email address and that of the receiving institution with contact name.
2. Requests may take up to 5 business days to complete.
3. Graduation status will appear on a transcript 6 weeks after program completion.
Number of copies Delivery time As soon as possible-refer to above
Hold until after final grades
Hold until after graduation
Recipient name:
(Where it needs to go)
Please scan your completed request form. Email records@flemingcollege.ca
The information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, RSO, 1980, Chapter 272, SS, RRO, 1980, Regulation 640. The information is used for administration and statistical
purposes of the College and/or the Ministries and Agencies of the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Manager, Records, Fleming College,
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B1 (705) 749-5530 ext. 1512.