Applicants requiring an I-20 or DS-2019 for an F-1 or J-1 (student) visa/status must complete this section. Failure to complete this
section may aect compliance with federal immigration regulations requiring non-immigrant student visa holders to document
sucient funds to provide for their academic studies in the United States.
I. Personal Information
Name of student:_____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:__________________
Family First Middle
Permanent address in home country:__________________________________________________________________________
E-mail address:________________________________________________________
Do you plan to enter the U.S. from abroad? No Yes
Do you currently hold a U.S. visa? No Yes If yes, type of visa:_________________
Name of school that issued your last I-20 or DS-2019:___________________________________________________
If in the U.S., give your SEVIS I.D. number:_____________________________________________________________
If you plan to bring dependents, list their names and birthdates in the space below. Provide evidence that approximately
$4,000 per year/per dependent is available above the amount required for yourself:
Name SEVIS I.D. # Birthdate Country of Birth Country of Citizenship Relationship Gender
II. Family or Sponsor’s Support
Name of sponsor:_________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________
Relationship to student:______________________________________ Yearly amount of support in U.S. $_________________
If you expect to receive a grant/loan, please provide the name and address of the sponsoring agency:
By signing this adavit of support, I (or my organization) agree to be nancially responsible for the student indicated above
by way of tuition, fees, living and any other relevant expenses for the duration of this student’s enrollment at the University of
Hawai‘i (or for ____________years).
Signature of sponsor:____________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
III. Bank Verication for Visa Purposes
Bank seal or stamp
I certify that the above-named sponsor has the amount on deposit with our
institution sucient to provide nancial support for (indicate name of student)
This certication is oered with no responsibility on the part of this bank or
nancial agency.
Name of bank (or agency):______________________________________________________ Country:____________________
Name of account holder:__________________________________________________________________________________
Type of account: savings certicate of deposit other___________
Date account opened: Month__________ Day_______________ Year________________
Conrmed by bank employee:
Name:____________________________________________________ Title:__________________________________________
Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________
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