Supplemental Information Form for Undergraduate International Applicants
Applicants requiring an I-20 or DS-2019 for an F-1 orJ-1 (student) visa/status must complete this section. Failure to complete this
section may affect compliance with federal immigration regulations requiring non-immigrant student visa holders to document
sufficient funds to provide for their academic studies in the United States.
I. Personal information
1. Name of student: Date of Birth:
Family First Middle
2. Permanent address in home country:
3. City & Country of Birth:
4. Do you plan to enter the U.S. from abroad? □No □Yes
5. Do you currently hold a U.S. visa? □No □Yes If yes, type of visa: _____
6. Name of school that issued your last I-20 or DS-2019:
7. If in the U.S., give your SEVIS I.D. number: ____________________
8. If you plan to bring dep
endents, list their names and information in the space below. Provide evidence that
approximately $4,000 per year/ per dependent is available above the amount required for yourself:
II. Family or Sponsors Support
9. Name of sponsor: Phone:
10. Address: Email: ________________ _______
11. Relationship to student: ________________ Yearly amount of student support in U.S. $______________________
12. If you expect to receive a grant/loan, please provide the name and address of the sponsoring agency:
By signing this affidavit of support, I (or my organization) agree to be financially responsible for the student indicated above by way
of tuition, fees, living and any other relevant expenses for the duration of this student’s enrollment at the University of Hawaii.
Printed Name: _____________________________
Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________
III. Bank Verification for Visa Purposes
13. Name of bank (agency):
14. Address:
15. Name of account holder: ______________________________ Date account opened: (MM/DD/YYYY): ____________
I certify that the above-named sponsor has the amount on deposit with our institution sufficie
Printed Name: __________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________
Confirmed by bank employee:
provide financial support to the applicant. This certification is offered with no responsibility on the p
this bank or financial agency.
16. Type of account: Checking Savings Certificate of deposi
nt t
Place bank seal or stamp in area above.
Date: ______________________
Rev. UHSYSSA 1/15/2021