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15. Attach to this form a Nonconfidential Abstract of the invention addressing the items listed below:
(a) Description. Provide a brief general description that communicates the essence of the invention without
disclosing pertinent technical details.
(b) Application. Intended use of the invention, especially for commercial purposes. Be specific.
(c) Advantages. What is new and useful about the invention? Why is it better than the prior art?
(d) Current State of Development. Is the invention a concept only, fully developed and ready to license, or
somewhere in between? Give some idea of how much development work would be needed to
commercialize the invention.
16. Prepare the Detailed Description so an individual reasonably skilled in the art would readily
recognize what is new, different, useful, and non-obvious about the invention. Try to communicate
the central essence of the invention. Use photographs, sketches, and graphs as necessary. Include the
following elements in the description.
(a) Intent. Briefly identify the problem and/or need addressed by the invention.
(b) Applicability. Describe the invention's general areas of application and specific uses.
(c) Function. Describe in detail the pertinent features of the invention with emphasis on (1) novelty,
(2) advantages, (3) disadvantages and limitations, and (4) prior related inventions.
(e) Inventors' Roles. If more than one inventor contributed to the invention, describe the individual roles and
contributions of each inventor to either the concept or its successful reduction to practice.
Submit completed disclosure form to:
Office of Technology Partnerships
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-0102
Telephone 937-229-3469
Fax 937-229-3873