UMSA Employees
FAMIS Full User Account Request Form
Edit User
Department: _____________________________________________ (Global Dept. Name)
User Name (Net ID): _________________________
U Number: ___________________________ Employee ID: _________________________
First Name: __________________________ Last Name: ___________________________
Title: ________________________________ E-Mail Address: _______________________
Phone: ______________________________ Alt. Phone: ___________________________
(User's office phone number) (Alternate Phone/Cell Number)
Address 1: ______________________________________________
(Address of the building user will work in)
Address 2: ____________________________ (Example: MDH1000)
(Users mail point)
Requestor Location: ________________ (Example: MDH1006)
(The building and room user will work in)
Email WO Confirmation: Yes
(Email is sent when user submits a work order)
Approval Level WO (Dept. Approval): Yes
(Will user be approving paying work orders)
User Security
Region Settings: _______________________________________________
(Select the primary region (group of properties) that the user will require access to)
Default Property: _______________________________________________
(Building default for work requests, use: USF **Select a Property** to require a selection at submission)
Security Profile: ________________________________________________
(Select the name of the security profile for the user)
Name of Approver: _______________________________
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____________
Doc. Version - 0.0
(Example: MDH)
click to sign
click to edit