Place a cross in box A, B or C. Where C applies, complete the rest of this section (C5) Ø
A A best interests review assessment was not carried out.
B The reason(s) why the person meets the best interests requirement IS/ARE the
reason(s) stated in the standard authorisation.
C The reason(s) why the person meets the best interests requirement IS NOT/ARE
NOT the reason(s) stated in the standard authorisation.
If you placed a cross in box C above, indicate which of the reasons have changed by placing a cross
or crosses in one or more of boxes D–F below:
D The reason(s) why the arrangements authorised by the standard authorisation
are in the person’s best interests HAS/HAVE changed.
E The reason(s) why the arrangements authorised by the standard authorisation
are necessary in order to prevent harm to the person HAS/HAVE changed.
F The reason(s) why the arrangements authorised by the standard authorisation
are a proportionate response to the likelihood of the person otherwise suffering
harm, and the seriousness of that harm, HAS/HAVE changed.
New Reason
Where one or more reasons has/have changed (see rows D–F immediately above), the standard
authorisation is hereby varied so that the reason(s) given in it as to why the person meets the best interests
requirement is/are now as stated in the best interests review assessment attached to this form.
Note: Part F4 of the bests interests review assessment form (Form10) sets out the assessor’s
opinion as to whether or not the existing conditions should be varied. If the assessor has
recommended their variation, they will have set out there the new recommended conditions.
Place a cross in box A or B or C Ø
A There HAS BEEN a signifi cant change in the person’s circumstances. The supervisory body
MUST therefore vary the conditions to which the standard authorisation is subject.
In the circumstances it is appropriate to vary the conditions in the way shown in Part E.
Now complete Part E of this form.
GFSB-Liberty Form 22.indd 5 19/2/09 13:26:39