UIS Space Allocation Committee Request Form
The UIS Space Allocation Committee (SAC) reviews all requests for reallocation of physical space located in all University
facilities unless prohibited by contract or funding source obligations, policy or statute. This includes reassignment of
space from one unit to another or space that would involve remodeling/construction. In addition, the SAC will review
major changes in use of space (for example, changing a conference/meeting space or classroom to offices). The
committee will not review requests for moves of personnel within a department’s existing space, such as reassignment of
offices within the same department/center or assignment of space for special events.
I. REQUESTOR INFROMATION: If you need assistance completing the form, please contact Jerry Joseph 206-6003
Requestor (Primary Contact):
Request for Additional Space to support new or expanded activity
Request to relocate to a new location
Lease request
A. Briefly describe why new/additional space is needed. How will this requested space positively impact the educational mission?
Address the implications to your program/service if additional space is not approved. Please supply supporting documentation.
New space will be used for: Instruction Research/Grant Administration Storage Support
C. What attempts have been made to locate space within your current space allocation? Has under utilized space been assessed to
solve this need? Have shared space possibilities been explored?
D. Have you identified a suitable location for this new space that may be available? Yes No
If yes, describe, identify building/room #s or attach drawing/floor plans/diagrams:
F. Is the space requested currently occupied? Yes
G. If space will be vacated by approval of this request, please indicate if current space will be released? Yes