UHP Course Proposal
Course Title:
Department Affiliation (-s):
Proposed Semester:
Proposed Course:
1757 (fall)
1857 (spring)
HONR 1997, 2997, 3997, and 4997 are Special Topics courses. These courses deal with
variety of topics and can be taken as electives (and in some cases used as major courses
depending upon topic and with departmental approval). Courses have included Literary
AIDS (AIDS as a literary theme), The Color of Green (environmental economics), Myth
and Metaphor (Greek myths in the modern world), and Democracy and Dissent (a study
of legislative functioning and citizen involvement).
HONR 1757, 1857, 2757, and 3757 are Honors Seminars.
These courses involve a
multidisciplinary approach to the issues under discussion, and can be used to satisfy
students’ Core Curriculum requirements. Some of these courses are expected to employ
particular texts or emphasize specific themes; please check with the UHP director for
updated information on the details of the honors curriculum.
Criteria for both Special Topics and Seminar proposals are listed on the following pages.
Please briefly explain whether and how your course proposal satisfies each relevant criterion.
Unless otherwise indicated, it is not necessary for your proposal to satisfy all of these criteria.
(But it wouldn’t hurt if it did.)
Revised October 2019
The proposed course…
will achieve the UHP goal of interdisciplinary learning
will achieve the UHP goal of enhancing students’ critical and creative thinking skills
will achieve the UHP goal of developing leadership skills
will achieve the UHP goal of promoting citizenship and a global perspective
involves a variety of effective and even innovative teaching strategies
With respect to honors seminars, this criterion is the only one that is strictly necessary; a successful proposal for HONR 1757,
2757, or 3757 will always be interdisciplinary in character.
Revised October 2019
emphasizes student ownership of the learning process through, e.g.,
substantive research, beyond mere online search engines
a creative, “outside the box” project
includes content from diverse sources, emphasizing primary rather than secondary
source material
requires students to demonstrate strong written and oral communication skills
includes outside-the-classroom experiences, e.g.,
field trips
lectures, attendance at an academic conference
a community service project
social events
Revised October 2019
Please include with your proposal…
a draft of the course syllabus, including
o a
brief course description
o readings
o assignments
o outline of topics and learning experiences
o grading scheme/rubric
any other materials that support the proposal
Faculty Member Date
Department Chair/Head Date
Dean Date
Faculty Member
Department Chair/Head
Note to faculty: Effective January 2018, team-taught courses will not count as full “in load”
courses. If two professors are listed as instructors of record, each will be considered to have
taught one-half of a course rather than a full course.
Note to department heads/chairs and deans: The Honors Committee of the Faculty Senate will
consider proposals for honors courses only with your permission. If a proposal is approved by
the committee, it is expected that the faculty member teaching the course will do so as part of his
or her regular course load, unless other arrangements are made in advance.
Occasionally, two or more faculty members from the same department may submit proposals for
a particular semester. The UHP will make every effort to ensure that we do not approve multiple
proposals from one department to be taught in the same term unless we have explicit permission
from the relevant head/chair to do so. Please contact the UHP director if you have any questions
or concerns.
Revised October 2019
Faculty Member Date
Department Chair/Head Date
Dean Date
Faculty Member
Department Chair/Head
If needed: