University of Hawai`i at Hilo
(Undergraduate Programs)
SEMESTER: _____ Fall 20_____ _____ Spring 20_____
NAME (PRINT): _______________________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (M.I.) (Student I.D. No.)
E-Mail Address ________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Normal maximum student credit load is 18 semester hours. To register for more than 18
semester hours, one of the conditions below must be met:
_____1. You must have a cumulative grade point ratio of 3.0 or better and be in the last
semester prior to graduation, have the permission of your faculty advisor and the
Dean (in which case your maximum load is 24 semester hours.)
Requested: ____________ Approved:____________________ ____________________________
Credit Hours Print Faculty Advisor Name Faculty Advisor's Signature
_____2. You must have a cumulative grade point ratio of 3.0 or better and, if not in the
last semester prior to graduation, have the permission of your faculty advisor and
the Dean (in which case your maximum load is 21 semester hours.)
Requested: ____________ Approved:____________________ ___________________________
Credit Hours
Print Faculty Advisor Name Faculty Advisor's Signature
I certify that I have met one of the above conditions:
___________________________________________________ ___________________
Student's Signature Date
_____ Credit Hours Approved: ___________________________________ ___________________
College Dean Date
Dean’s Office Use:
GPA Check: _________________ By: ________ Date: __________
Input Banner by:
Date: Revised 7/2018