Revised 10/2018
Graduation Application
Office of the Registrar / 200 West Kawili St. Hilo, HI 96720-4091 / Student Services Center, First Floor Rm 101 / Phone: (808) 932-7447 / Fax: (808) 932-7448 / E-mail: uhhro@hawaii.edu
• Read the accompanying Graduation Application Instructions before submitting this application.
• Submit completed form with non-refundable processing fee to the UH Hilo Cashier’s Office. Fee includes one diploma in both English &
Hawaiian (only one diploma cover provided).
• A separate processing fee is required for each degree/certificate being completed. Double majors appear on one diploma and only one fee
payment is necessary. A written indication and a separate processing fee are required to print each major on its own diploma. Minors do
not appear on diplomas.
• Complete the Request to Mail Diploma form to have your diploma mailed to you. Diplomas will otherwise be available for distribution via
pick-up in our office with a valid photo ID.
• Graduation catalog(s) for General Education and Major/Minor/Certificate requirements will remain as appears in STAR. Complete the
Catalog Declaration Form to indicate a different catalog choice other than what’s in STAR.
SECTION I: Student Information
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Student ID: _____________________________
Last First MI
Email Address: ________________________________________________@hawaii.edu Phone: _________________________________
Current Address (will be updated): Applying to graduate in:
_______________________________________________________________________ ________________ _______________
Term Year
Address after graduation: same as above Additional diploma ($15 fee each):
_______________________________________________________________________ English Hawaiian
Print legal name below exactly as it will appear on diploma (45 characters maximum, including spaces and ‘okina):
SECTION II: Degree(s) to be awarded:
BA in (list major): _________________________________________________________ Option: __________________________________
BS in (list major): _________________________________________________________ Option: __________________________________
BBA in (list major): ________________________________________________________ Option: __________________________________
Minor in (awarded only with baccalaureate degree): __________________ _______________________________________________
Certificate Program: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Master’s Program: ____________________________________________________ Thesis or Non-thesis
Doctoral Program: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
I would like my name excluded from the Commencement Program: Initial for exclusion on Commencement Program __________
I have read the accompanying Graduation Application Instructions and understand the terms of this application
Student Signature Date
Amount Paid: __________
VISA / MC / CC Other / MO / Cash / Check #:________
Date Paid: ______________ Cashier: ______________