Syllabus for PSY 4940
PSY 4940, Introduction to Teaching in Psychology, provides students with the
opportunity to learn about college-level teaching in psychology by serving as undergraduate
teaching assistants (TAs). Each undergraduate teaching assistantship is unique, tailored to both
the student's skills and knowledge and to the instructor's needs. Because this course is
individualized, there is no standard syllabus, as responsibilities assigned to undergraduate TAs
are at the discretion of the instructor. Typical responsibilities may include: (1) facilitating
discussion groups or study sessions, (2) assisting an instructor in the preparation of assignments
and lectures, (3) reviewing written assignments and providing evaluative feedback, (4)
proctoring exams and holding office hours, and (5) responding to student questions and inquiries.
Undergraduate TAs are expected to meet regularly with the instructor to review their
responsibilities and receive feedback on their performance. In compliance with state and federal
regulations, undergraduate TAs will not have access to UFID numbers, social security numbers,
or specific grades of other students.
PSY 4940 can be taken for 0-3 credits in any semester, with the number of credits
dependent on the amount of time to be spent on undergraduate TA activities. A maximum of 4
credits of PSY 4940 can be taken across semesters. Grading for PSY 4940 is limited to the S/U
option and cannot be taken for a letter grade. In terms of prerequisites, students enrolling in PSY
4940 are expected to have successfully completed the course for which they will serve as an
undergraduate TA. Other prerequisites can be specified the individual instructor.