Neither Agree
Nor Disagree
The tutor was willing to
admit when they didn’t
know something
The tutor was on time to all
of our sessions
The tutor responded to all
emails and phone calls
I would work with the tutor
Do you have any additional comments about the applicant and their ability to tutor?
Do you think the applicant is able to work well with someone who has a learning, mental, or
physical disability?
☐ yes ☐ no
Please explain:
After completing the Tutee Reference form, please:
1. Mail it to the address below, or
2. Email it to the address below, or
3. Place it in a sealed envelope and sign across the sealed flap, then return to the
applicant to submit
To submit your reference form, or for additional information, contact Janet Klippenstein,
Learning Services Coordinator:
Student Life & Learning, HA 114
Concordia University of Edmonton
7128 Ada Blvd, Edmonton, AB
T5B 4E4
toll free: 1.866.479.5200 ext 854