5. Details of Tree Protection
Under what procedures/designations are these trees(s) protected?
Tree Preservation Order* Conservation Area Condition on Planning Permission**
*Please provide any relevant details about the Tree Preservation Order (e.g. title and date of the Tree Preservation
Order, If known):
**Please give the application reference number:
6. Identification of Tree(s) and Works Proposed
Please identify the tree(s) and provide a full detailed specification of the works you want to carry out.
Give details of the species of the tree(s) and include an accurate plan showing position(s) of the tree(s) in relation
to buildings, named roads and boundaries. If the trees are protected by a TPO, please try to number them as
shown in the First Schedule to the Tree Preservation Order (e.g. T3 Oak, two Beech and one Birch in G2; seven
Ash in A1; sycamore in W1). You may submit a schedule of works.
Approximately how many trees are affected by the proposed works?*
*A group of trees can be treated as one.
Please provide details:
7. Reasons for Proposed Tree Works
Please state the reasons why you wish to carry out the proposed works to tree(s). In particular, please indicate
whether the reasons for carrying out the proposed works include any of the following.
Health or Safety of the tree(s) – e.g. it is diseased, fears that it might break or fall
Alleged subsidence damage
Other (please specify)
The Planning Authority may require you to submit a professional report in support of your reason for the proposed
8. Tree Works – additional information
Are you proposing to plant replacement tree(s) in support of your application? Yes No
If yes, please outline your replanting proposals on plans or other supporting information. Yes No