Georges River Council – Tree Management Application | www.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au | 9330 6400
Has any previous application been
made to prune or remove the
☐Yes – if yes, please provide
application reference:
☐ No
Is the property a heritage item?
☐Yes – if yes, you must indicate
development consent as type of
approval required at the top of this
☐ No
Is the property subject to any
current development application
(DA), i.e. house, house alterations
or additions, swimming pool,
garage or subdivision?
☐Yes – if yes, please provide DA
☐ No
Is there a dog on the property?
☐Yes – is the dog
☐ Aggressive
☐ No
Is access available to the property?
☐Yes ☐ No –please state why
access is not available? E.g.
locked gates
Do you have supporting reports?
☐Yes – if yes, please specify what
reports you will be providing :
☐ No
Applicants must ensure that all sections have been completed in full and that all supporting
information indicated is attached before lodging the application with Council.
Payments can be made by cash, cheque, EFTPOS and s
ome credit cards. Do not post cash. It is best to
confirm fees before writing cheques. A dishonoured cheque will result in an application being cancelled and
payment of cheque dishonour fee will be required. For fees, please Refer to Schedule of fees and charges
located on Council’s website
Printed form can be submitted in person at Hurstville or Kogarah Service Centres or it can be
posted via the postal address Georges River Council, PO Box 205, Hurstville NSW 1481
Georges River Council is required under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 to collect,
maintain and use your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles. Your
personal information is being collected to process your application. Council may use your personal information
for the purposes of processing your application. Council is regarded as the agency that holds the information
and will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless authorised or required by law. You
may apply to access or amend your information by contacting Council on 9330 6400 or at
For tree removal applications, has an AQF5 Qualified Arborist submitted an accompanying report identifying
and financially valuing the tree/s using the Thyer Method of Tree Valuation (2000b)? Note that under Council’s
Tree Management Policy, when a tree is removed, 2 advanced approved species must be planted on the
property, or, the payment of an Offset Fee valued by the Thyer Method applies under Item 1.11 of GRC
Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Yes - if yes, please prov
ide report as attachment.