To: Accounts Payable
Subject: Travel Advance Request
Travel Destination(s):
Date(s) of Trip:
Number of Students Traveling:
Number of Faculty & Staff Traveling:
Amount Requested (minimum $1,000; maximum $5,000):
Department to be Charged for Travel (include specific accounting strings):
Attach a completed Check Request Form. For Source of Funding enter account: _103009_
Description/Quantification of Travel Advance Request Amount:
As a condition of receiving a travel cash advance for the purpose and amount indicated above, you
must agree to the following:
Complete and submit a Travel Expense Claim Form to Accounts Payable with the original
itemized receipt(s), amount of travel advance and balance due to employee or CSU Channel
Islands. This must be submitted to Accounts Payable within thirty (30) days of the completion
of travel for the above referenced trip. Funds to be returned to CSU Channel Islands should be
in the form of a check or money order payable to: California State University Channel Islands
and be submitted with the Travel Expense Claim Form.
Any portion of the travel cash advance not used for the above referenced travel must be
returned to CSU Channel Islands within thirty (30) days of the completion of the travel. See
above for specific information regarding return of funds to CSU Channel Islands.
The travel advance will be used to cover only out of pocket (incidental) expenses. These would
include meals, gas for rented vehicles, airline baggage fees, ground transportation (bus, train,
shuttle, taxi), parking, admission charges.
Travel advances cannot be used to pay for lodging or airline tickets.
I understand that any portion of this travel advance which is not substantiated with receipts
and/or returned to CSU Channel Islands within the timeline presented above, I may be subject
to such amounts being recorded as personal income to myself.
I have read and understand the CSU Channel Islands Travel Advance Policy.
I have read and understand the CSU Channel Islands Travel Procedures and Regulations
If you accept the terms and conditions for the travel cash advance, please confirm your acceptance by
signing and returning this letter to Accounts Payable no less than ten (10) business days prior to travel
but not more than thirty (30) days prior to commencement of the travel.
I accept the terms and conditions of this advance.
_____________________________________________ _________________
Traveler’s Signature Date
I am in agreement with the above request and authorize this Travel Advance. I understand that any
amount of this advance which is not substantiated by appropriate receipts and/or returned to CSU
Channel Islands within the timelines presented above, will be charged to the Department indicted
above. Further, I understand that should appropriate receipts and/or return of funds happen at a later
date, the above referenced Department will not receive credit for the late submission(s).
_____________________________________________ __________________
Approved by Traveler’s Dean or Manager (or Designee) Date
I am in agreement with the above request and authorize this Travel Advance.
_____________________________________________ __________________
Approved by Division Cabinet Member or Designee Date