Age 18 – Parent Transfer of Rights Notification Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services
PEER March 2014 Florida Department of Education
County School District
Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority (Age 18)
Parent Notification
School: Date:
Student Name: DOB: Age:
Florida law provides for the transfer to rights when an individual reaches the age of majority at age 18.
An exception to this transfer can occur only if, in response to a petition, a court determines that the
individual is incapacitated and a guardian is appointed. This is especially important for students with
disabilities who receive exceptional student education (ESE) services under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Under IDEA, all rights accorded to you as the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a student with a disability
transfer to your student on his/her 18
birthday. In addition, IDEA provides that you retain the right,
along with the student, to receive any notices about his/her ESE program.
Your student has reached the age of majority and no documentation of court action limiting the
transfer of rights under IDEA has been provided to the district. Therefore, this notice is to inform you
that all rights and protections previously accorded to you as the parent(s)/guardian(s) now transfer
to your student.
If you have any questions regarding this notice or wish to obtain a copy of the Notice of Procedural
Safeguards for Parents of Students with Disabilities, please contact the following:
Name/Title: Name/Title:
Phone: Phone: