Revised 7/2016
Processed By:
Extension and Box #:
Complete the below so that receipts will be mailed:
Safekeeping Contact Box Number:
Department Contact: Box Number:
DEBIT (Taking Money From):
Detail Code Found on
Deposit Form
*Description - Name of Group of Department
FOAP Amount
CREDIT (Giving Money To):
Detail Code Found on
Deposit Form
*Description - Name of Group of Department
FOAP Charges
1. Use above written description.
2. Mail receipts to both departments.
Receipt Number:
Date Received:
Safekeeping Account
Instructions: This form is to be used when movement of money to/from a Safekeeping Account is needed. Attach
original invoices, billings and receipts to justify movement of money. Failure to do so will delay processes.
Accounts Receivable Use Only - TFAMISC:
Total column equals 0.00 to
ensure same amount is
being debited/credited.