Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research
Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2
Fax (306) 337-2444 ▪ Phone (306) 585-4161
Grad.Studies@uregina.ca ▪ www.uregina.ca/gradstudies/
Revised Mar. 15, 2018
Advanced standing is awarded to a student upon demonstration of acquired knowledge of a course’s content through university or
professional course. It does not reduce the credit hours or tuition and fees required; the courses must be replaced with GRST 994, other
courses or research hours.
Transfer credit is awarded when a student has successfully completed coursework at an accredited institution that has not been used to
satisfy another academic credential. This coursework may be transferred to the University of Regina and reduces the overall credit hours and
the tuition by the number of courses accepted. Please see the Graduate calendar for complete details.
*Use this form for advanced standing or transfer credit for courses completed before current UofR program started.
*If you are transferring between programs use the Request for Transfer Within a Graduate Program rather than this form.
This form should be submitted by the student with their application to FGSR or to their academic unit during their first semester.
Last or Family Name First Name Middle Initial
UofR Student Number (if available)
To be completed by Student
To be completed by Graduate Coordinator
Completed course or designation
(name and title, if applicable)
Institute that offered course or
Request type:
(advanced standing or
transfer credit)
Replacement course
(for advanced standing)
For courses, attach the course syllabus and official transcripts with final grade, if not already included in application.
For a Designation, attach proof that the designation was awarded (unless this is already included in application).
An additional page of information may also be attached.
Student Signature: _______________________________________ Date:_____________________
Graduate Coordinator’s Printed Name:
Graduate Coordinator’s Signature:
Associate Dean of Faculty Name:
Associate Dean of Faculty Signature:
Associate Dean of FGSR Signature:
click to sign
click to edit