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Transcript Request Form
Please write clearly. This form will be used to mail your transcripts.
Send transcript(s) to:
City State Zip
Check appropriate boxes below:
Official (number of copies _______) @ $5.00 per copy (up to 10 business days to process)
(number of copies _______) @ $10.00 per copy for expedited (up to 2 business days to process)
Unofficial (number of copies _______) No charge:
(or provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope)
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Hold for pick-up
Send after current quarter grades are posted
Send after degree is posted
Send after grade change is recorded
I graduated from/attended Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NIAOM)
I graduated from/attended Seattle Midwifery School
Transcripts requested by:
City State Zip
Telephone number (_____) ______________________
Email address _____________________________
SSN (last 4 digits)
Student ID # _____________________________
Other names used _____________________________
*I understand that my official transcript cannot be issued until all holds have been removed and all outstanding bills have been paid to Bastyr University:
__________________________________ ____________
Student Signature Date
Please send transcript requests to:
Office of the Registrar, Transcript Services ♦ Bastyr University ♦ 14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Kenmore, WA 98028-4966
For inquires or assistance: Phone (425)602-3089 F
ax (425)602-3300 Email Registrar@bastyr.edu
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