6. Taxpayer shall document in detail the results of the managed audit and provide that
documentation to the Department in a format specified by the Department. The Department may,
in its sole discretion, examine records and perform reviews that the Department determines are
necessary, in order to verify the results of the audit or comply with other applicable law, before the
managed audit is finalized.
7. Unless the managed audit or information reviewed by the Department discloses fraud or willful
evasion of the tax, the Department may not assess penalties and may waive all or part of the
interest that would otherwise accrue on any amount identified to be due based on the results of the
managed audit. This subsection does not apply to any amount collected by Taxpayer that was a
tax or represented to be a tax but that was not remitted to the Department. In addition, the
Department agrees to waive its right to reaudit Taxpayer for any period and for any reporting
categories within this Agreement after the managed audit or the deficiency determination resulting
from the managed audit becomes final, except as follows: The Department may reaudit if the
Department reasonably believes Taxpayer may have committed fraud or taken action to evade
taxes, and if appropriate, assess tax, including penalty and interest, within the applicable
limitations period.
8. Except as provided by the Arizona Revised Statutes (§42-2303), Taxpayer is entitled to a refund
of any tax overpayment disclosed by completion of the managed audit. Taxpayer's failure to
identify and claim a refund of an overpayment of tax for any period within this Agreement before
the managed audit or the deficiency determination resulting from the managed audit becomes final
is a waiver of any demand against the Department for an alleged overpayment of tax, except as
follows: Taxpayer may file a refund claim for tax, subject to the applicable limitations period, if a
court invalidates a statutory provision, rule or agency policy or if the Department invalidates or
modifies a rule or agency policy.
9. Taxpayer represents and warrants that it has not given, offered to give, and does not intend to
give at any time hereafter, any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity,
special discount, trip, favor or service to any public servant or state employee in connection with
this Agreement.
10. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement between the Department and
Taxpayer, but in no case shall this Agreement be amended or construed so that it conflicts with the
laws of the State of Arizona or rules adopted by the Department under those laws.
11. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
Arizona. The venue of any suit brought for any breach of this Agreement is fixed in any court of
competent jurisdiction.