Traffic Scoping Report Information
The traffic scoping report provides a preliminary review of the potential changes to the transportation system resulting
from the proposed development. The traffic scoping report allows Bernalillo County Public Works to identify reasonable
modifications that can be made to site plans that support the function of the transportation system and ensure safe and
efficient access to and from the site to the adjacent roadway. The traffic scoping report helps determine if the site’s
impact will meet thresholds requiring a Traffic Impact Assessment.
Applicant, Site and Roadway Information
Please provide the following information on the Traffic Scoping Report Form or as a letter:
Name and contact information: This will be used if there are questions
Permit or case number: These are typically building permits, special use permits or zoning
administrator applications
Site Address
Build Out/Implementation year: Estimated completion or opening. If existing, please put “Existing”
Specific Land Use(s) or Business Type: How the site will be used is more specific than zoning, indicate
if the use is new, changed or stays the same with increased or decreased intensity
Building size in square feet: Provide existing, new, additions, remodel
Business Hours and Days: Hours and days of operation
Number of daily visitors/ employees/ customers/ or other visitors. Please attach any additional
information about trips to the site if available.
Expected Vehicle mix: Percent passenger vehicles (including pick-ups), single unit heavy vehicles (ex.
dump truck), multi-unit heavy vehicles (ex. semi-truck), buses, other vehicles
Roadways where driveways are located with posted speed, if any are NMDOT roadways then
NMDOT driveway permit may be required
Site Plan Checklist
Site plan drawn to scale, building size in square feet (show new, existing, remodel) 11” x 17”
Access – location and width of driveways, include any improvement to site access
Access point(s) sight distance evaluation
Distance from access point(s) to nearest adjacent driveway or intersection
Parking layout, location of bike racks, internal traffic circulation, delivery points
Sidewalks (generally required on all collectors and arterials)
Nearby transit stops, bike lanes, multi-use trails (if applicable)
Contact for Questions and Submitting Completed Traffic Scoping Report:
Julie Luna, 505-848-1508, jaluna@bernco.gov, Public Works Division, 2400 Broadway Blvd SE
Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) Criteria:
The TIA threshold is 250 daily trips or 25 trips during the PM peak hour. The TIA threshold in the Bridge Corridor Plan
area is 1,000 daily trips or 100 PM peak hour trips. A TIA can also be required if there are specific safety concerns
related to traffic generated by the site. A stand-alone traffic safety study might also be requested.
A copy of Traffic Impact Analysis procedures can be found on-line at: http://www.bernco.gov/TIA/