Town of Purcellville
Business, Professional, and Occupational License Instructions and Checklist
Who must file:
Any individual, partnership or corporation engaged in any business or profession or occupation in the Town of
Purcellville. Exemption from tax/fee does not preclude requirement to file an application each year.
When to file:
New businesses Must have a business license before beginning any business activity in the Town of Purcellville.
Complete entire application & sign. Every new business is required to estimate gross receipts on their initial
Business License application. The Town of Purcellville may prepare an adjustment calculation during the second
year license renewal process.
Renewal of existing businesses All renewal applications are due on or before March 2nd, 2020
Renewal applications for licensed business mail in February. Please review data on renewal form, fill in any blank
fields, report actual gross receipts for 2019.
Exception: contractors with a principal office outside of Purcellville should estimate 2020 gross receipts.
If you did not receive a renewal form please request one or complete the blank business application entirely and
check the renewal box at top right corner.
Submit renewal with tax due before March 1
each year (or next business day if March 1
falls on a weekend).
Late applications add 10% penalty to tax payment.
Gross Receipts: “Gross receipts” are defined as whole, entire, total receipts without deductions.
Tax Due: Calculate tax due on page 2 of application. Minimum license tax is $20.00.
Make checks payable to the Town of Purcellville.
Penalty: A 10% late penalty will be assessed on 1) any application that is paid more than thirty (30) days from
the start date of the business or 2) renewing businesses filed and/or paid after March due date
Zoning Requirements: Check with the Town of Purcellville Planning & Zoning Department for proper forms and
approval prior to doing business in the town. No license will be issued without zoning approval. They can be
reached at (540) 338-2304
Businesses located in Loudoun County or any jurisdiction within Loudoun County:
Businesses must complete the Loudoun County Business Tangible Personal Property Registration form. The
Town will forward the form to the County.
Purcellville meals tax rate is currently 5%. You are required to complete a monthly Meals Tax Return Form, due
by 20th of each month for prior month sales. There is a 5% discount of the tax collected if return filed and paid on
time. Late filings are subject to a 10% penalty. You should request the forms from the Finance Department.
Home Based Business: You do need a business license including if you are being paid as a consultant and/or
the business records are stored at the home.
Rental by Owner/Landlords: A rental worksheet must be completed each year for all commercial building
rentals and for owners of 3 or more rental units.
Wholesale Business: Contact the Finance Department for business activity review requirements.
Applicant Certification: The applicant’s signature is required to certify the information and acknowledge the
Town’s ordinance for penalties and revocation of the license for fraudulent statements.
Unsigned applications will not be processed.
The following are required to accompany the application and renewal each year:
Workers Comp form (VWC 61A)
Subcontractors listing
Provide copy of current VA State Contractors License
Contractors must report the total gross sales of the job at time of application*.
Principal Office in Town of Purcellville: Taxes are calculated on 2019 gross receipts for work done in
Purcellville and other jurisdictions where a license fee is not charged. You must provide breakdown of all
gross receipts by jurisdiction with application.
Principal Office outside of Purcellville: There is no fee for annual gross receipts less than $25,000, if
paid to your home jurisdiction, but you are still required to register with the Town. If receipts exceed
$25,000, taxes are calculated on 2020 gross receipts and
/or any unreported 2019 gross receipts for work
done in Pur
*Multi-Year Projects: For license purposes, Contractors should provide estimated gross receipts for each
year of the project. The Town of Purcellville may prepare an adjustment calculation during the last year of
the project.
Have you Enclosed ALL the Forms Required?
All Businesses
Completed & signed 2020 application
Businesses located in Purcellville/Loudoun County
Loudoun County Business Tangible Personal Property Registration form
Contractors- Additional items due:
VA State Contractors license- copy of current license
VA Workers Comp form (VWC 61A)
Contractor and Subcontractor listing (Town of Purcellville form)
Purcellville based contractors also must provide
Breakdown of all gross receipts by jurisdiction
Property Rental/Landlords- Additional items due:
Rental Property Worksheet
Questions: Should you need assistance in calculating the fees or have questions, please contact the
Finance Department at (540) 338-7093 or
221 S. Nursery Ave., Purcellville VA 20132
Phone (540)-338-7093Fax (540)338-6205
Renewal application & tax due on or before: March 2, 2020
Late filings subject to 10% penalty
Business Information
Legal Business Name _______________________________________________________________________________
Trade/DBA Name __________________________________________________________________________________
Physical in town location of business OR for Contractor provide job site location in Purcellville
Business/Mailing Address (
if different from Purcellville location) ____________________________________________________
Bus Phone____________________ Fax ___________________ E-mail _______________________________________
Detailed Description of All
Business Activity ______________________________________________________________
Type of Ownership Sole Proprietor Partnership LLC Corporation Other ______________________
Federal ID Number ____________________________Owner Social Security Number __________________________
VA Contractor License (if applicable) Circle one: Class A, B, C VA License #________________________________
Business Start Date in Purcellville _______________________ # of Employees at Purcellville location ______________
Business Hours of Operation__________________________________________________________________________
Business Owner Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________________
Home Address of Owner(s) ___________________________________________________________________________
Owner Cell #_________________ Owner Home #_________________Owner Email ______________________________
*After Hours Emergency Contact: Name ___________________________________ Phone # ______________________
*Police Dept. use in case of emergency after normal business hours.
Is this a home based business in Purcellville? Yes No
Do you Lease the Purcellville Business location? Yes (If yes, furnish landlord information below) No
Landlord Name__________________________________ Annual Rent Paid: $ _______________
Mailing Address_________________________________ City_________________ State_____ Zip __________
Ceased Business: ONLY complete below if business stopped operation in Purcellville
Date business closed operation _______________________________
Actual gross receipts from January 1, 2019 through business close date: $ _______________________________
Mail Forwarding Address _________________________________________________________________________
Business Contact Name _______________________________ Business Contact Phone ______________________
Page 1 of 2
Business License Application
New Business (1
Renewal Application
Ceased Operation in Purcellville
(Only fill in Name & pg. 1 last section)
1. Enter 2019 gross receipts in box. If
a new business (business started after January 1, 2020), enter an estimate of 2020 receipts.
2. Divi
de gross receipts by 100 and multiple by applicable rate.
3. Enter calculated tax in box, or $20 whichever is greater.
4. Tax payable to TOWN OF PURCELLVILLE. Renewals due: MARCH 2,
2020. New Business: Due prior to commencing business.
Type of Business
(1) 2019 Gross
Receipts or
2020 Estimate for
w business
(2) Divide
s by
Rate Per $100
of gross
or Flat Fee
(3) Calculate Tax or remit
minimum tax of $20,
whichever is greater
Retail Merchants
Financial Service
Itinerant Vendor
Non-Profit or Exempt ^
Personal and Business Service
Professional Service
Public Utilities
½ of 1%
Real Estate
Rental by Owner/Landlords #
Repair Service
Wholesale + (Authorized Only)
All Contractors must provide the following: (1) Workers Comp form VWC-61A (2) copy of valid VA contractor’s
license and (3) Purcellville subcontractor’s list form
Contractor Receipts should be reported as follows:
Principal Office in Town of Purcellville: Taxes are calculated on 2019 gross receipts for work done in Purcellville and all other
jurisdictions where a license fee is not charged. You must provide breakdown of all gross receipts by jurisdiction with renewal
Principal Office Outside of Purcellville: There is no fee for annual gross receipts less than $25,000 but are still required to register
with the Town. If gross receipts exceed $25,000, taxes are calculated on gross receipts for all work done in Purcellville.
*Multi-Year Projects: For license purposes, contractors should provide estimated gross receipts for each year of the project.
An adjustment calculation will be made during the last year of the project.
^Non-Profit/Exempt: Requires current copy of the IRS tax exempt status proof or proof of state/town code exemption each renewal year.
# Rental by Owner/Landlord: Requires Rental Property Worksheet with renewal form.
+ Wholesale: Requires previous determination and authorization from Director of Finance.
Be sure to check with the Planning & Zoning Department for proper forms and approval prior to doing business in
the town. No business license will be issued until zoning applications are approved by the towns planning/zoning
department. They can be reached at (540) 338-2304.
APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: Unsigned applications will not be processed.
I (we) do hereby certify that the information given and amount(s) reported as gross receipts from this business or profession as
reported herein is true and correct, and that I am familiar with the town ordinance for penalties and revocation of my (our)
license for making fraudulent statements in the application.
Print Name ______________________________________ Title _________________________________________
Signature _________________________________________________ Date _____________________________
Office Use Only
Tax $ ________________ + Penalty $________________ = TOTAL TAX PD______________________
Ck # __________________ Rcvd Date ________________Rcvd By_______________
Comm. Dev Approval__________________________ Date _______________ Occupancy / Use Permit #______________
Page 2 of 2
Owner Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
Phone/Business # ________________________________ Phone/Cell # _____________________________
Rental Property Information:
1) Property Address __________________________________________________________________
Lessee Name______________________________________________________________________
Annual Rent:
2) Property Address __________________________________________________________________
Lessee Name______________________________________________________________________
Annual Rent:
3) Property Address __________________________________________________________________
Lessee Name______________________________________________________________________
Annual Rent:
4) Property Address __________________________________________________________________
Lessee Name______________________________________________________________________
Annual Rent:
5) Property Address __________________________________________________________________
Lessee Name______________________________________________________________________
Annual Rent:
6) Property Address __________________________________________________________________
Lessee Name______________________________________________________________________
Annual Rent:
7) Property Address __________________________________________________________________
Lessee Name______________________________________________________________________
Annual Rent:
8) Property Address __________________________________________________________________
Lessee Name______________________________________________________________________
Annual Rent:
Total Gross Rental Receipts:
Town of Purcellville
Property owners, the following information in regard to your rental property located within the Town of Purcellville
is required
for the issuance of your business license. Please provide information as accurately as possible. If
necessary, the back of this form may be utilized for additional properties.
FLR, PO BOX 8000, LEESBURG, VA 20177-9804
(703) 777-0260 WWW.LOUDOUN.GOV/COR FAX (703) 777-0263
Virginia Code §58.1-3519 authorizes the Commissioner of the Revenue to assess property based on the best information available in any case where
a taxpayer neglects or refuses to file a complete return. All filings are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue at any time 1/19
Business Telephone:
For Businesses located within the incorporated limits of the Town of
Please complete this form to ensure that return information will be sent to the correct Business owner and mailing
address. This Registration form may be completed online at in lieu of mailing or faxing this form.
Trade Name:
Business Web Site:
Sole Proprietorship Single Member LLC Social Security Number ____________________________________
Individual’s Name Single Member LLC Name __________________________________
Home Address
Home Telephone _Cell Phone #_________________________________________
Corporation LLC Partnership Other _______________________________________
Name Federal Tax ID Number
Main Office Address
Main Office Telephone _Cell Phone #_________________________________________
General Partner President Managing Member Name_____________________________________________
Social Security Number Home Address __________________________________________________
Address # Street/Road Name Suite/Apt/PO Box # City State Zip Code
PHYSICAL BUSINESS LOCATION (No PO Boxes, route numbers or Postal Mail Delivery Locations)
Address # Street/Road Name Suite/Apt City State Zip Code
All businesses are required to annually file a Business Tangible Personal Property tax return by March 1, declaring all property such
as furniture, fixtures, equipment, machinery, tools and heavy equipment located in Loudoun County on January 1
of each year.
Property located in any of the incorporated towns may be subject to town business tangible property tax in addition to the county levy.
An asset list containing date of purchase, property description and original cost must be included with the return. Leased equipment
must be declared indicating name and address of the lessor and terms of the lease.
I have read the above and understand my responsibilities under Title 58.1-3518 of the Code of Virginia.
Signature Date
Print Name Contact Phone Number
Contact Email Address
click to sign
click to edit