Name, Address, Telephone & Email of Applicant and/or Applicant’s agent:
Is the Applicant the Property Owner? If no, list Name, Address, Telephone & Email
of the property owner(s):__________________________________________________
If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant shall provide the
Planning Board with a notarized statement from the owner authorizing the applicant to
act for the owner as agent for the owner and to make the application for the sign permit.
The statement shall be submitted on a form supplied by the Planning Board.
Has the Zoning Board of Appeals taken action on this project? ________
Zoning District(s) the property lies within: _____________________________________
Current Use of Site: __________________________________________________
The signature of the Owner or Agent of the Owner below shall certify that the applicant
is familiar with and will comply with the requirements of the Pine Plains Zoning Law
with regards to this sign permit application.
Additionally, said signature will serve as written permission for the Planning Board,
ZEO, Building Inspector, or any of the Town’s contracted consultants or agents to
conduct site visits as may be required during the review and subsequent construction.
Signature: _______________________________________________________________
Print or Type Name: ______________________________________________________
Date: __________