8. Liability for Support Information
Please provide following details:
Your father _____________________________________ Address ____________________________________________
Your mother ____________________________________ Address ____________________________________________
Co-applicant father _______________________________ Address ____________________________________________
Co-applicant mother ______________________________ Address ____________________________________________
Your or co-applicant’s adult children _____________________________________________________________________
9. Certifications and Signatures
I understand that if I receive assistance from the municipality I may be required to participate in the welfare work (“workfare”) program.
(RSA 165:31)
I understand that I may be required to repay any assistance provided, after deduction of the value of workfare hours I have completed, if I
am returned to an income status which enables me to reimburse without financial hardship. (RSA 165:20-b).
I understand that if I am assisted the municipality may place a lien against any real property which I own. (RSA 165:28)
I hereby certify that if I have a lawsuit, worker’s compensation claim, or aid from any other social service agency now pending, I have
listed these in this application. I further agree to notify the Welfare Official immediately upon receipt of any money from or upon the
settlement of such claim. I understand that if I am assisted, the municipality may place a lien against any property settlement or civil
judgment for personal injuries which I receive within six years of receiving municipal assistance. (RSA 165-28a)
I hereby certify that the information I have provided on this application is complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and provides a
true summary of my income, assets and needs. I understand I may be required to provide documents and/or other forms of verification to
prove the information requested on this application. I hereby certify that all information I will provide in response to questions asked by
the welfare official is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if I knowingly give false information or
withhold information related to my receipt of assistance, now or in the future, I may be prosecuted for the crime of Unsworn Falsification
(RSA 641:3)
I understand that if I obtain a job after I am assisted by the municipality, and I later quit the job without good cause, I may be ineligible for
local assistance from the municipality and any other New Hampshire municipality for a period of up to ninety days. (RSA 165:1-d)
I understand that if I am a recipient of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash benefits and I fail to comply with TANF
regulations, leading to a sanction and loss of income, the municipality may, under certain circumstances, disregard this decrease in my
income. (RSA 165:1-e)
_____________________________________________ ________________________
Applicant Signature Date
_____________________________________________ ________________________
Spouse or Co-applicant Signature Date
_____________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of person completing form Date
(if not applicant)