Such site plan shall include but not be limited to the following information:
1. The name of the owner, the name of the surveyor or engineer who prepared the plan; tax map
and parcel number; zoning, together with description of any variances; owner, zoning, tax map
and parcel number and present use of adjacent parcels; departing lot lines, minimum setback
lines, yard and building separation requirements; north point; scale; one datum reference for
elevation; the source of the topography; the source of the survey; sheet number and total
number of sheets; date of drawing; date and description of latest revision; vicinity map at a
scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet, and boundary dimensions.
2. Existing topography for the entire site and a minimum of 200 feet outside of the site unless
otherwise approved by the agent. Areas with up to 20 percent slope shall be shown with no
larger than five foot contours; areas with slopes over 20 percent slope shall be shown with no
larger than ten foot contours. Proposed grading (shown with no larger than five foot contours)
supplemented where necessary by spot elevations and indicating areas of the site where
existing slopes are 25 percent or greater.
3. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements including buildings
(maximum footprint and height) and other structures; walkways; fences; walls; trash
containers; outdoor lighting; parking lots and other paved areas, loading and service areas,
and signs.
4. One hundred year floodplain limits as shown on the official Flood Insurance Maps for the
Town of Bedford.
5. Location of existing and proposed streets and street right-of-ways; provision and schedule for
noise abatement in accordance with the standard of VDOT; ingress to and egress from the
site; utilities and utility easements; water, sewer and drainage facilities, and other facilities and
utilities on and adjacent to the site.
6. Provision and schedule for the adequate control of natural and stormwater, indicating the
location, size, type and grade of ditches, catchbasins, and pipes and connection to existing
drainage systems; provisions and schedule for the adequate control of erosion and
7. Any other information regarding abutting property as directly affects this application.
b. Each application for a zoning permit shall be accompanied by payment of a fee, as established by
the council, to help defray expenses of administration.
c. If the proposed excavation, filling, construction, or movement set forth in said sketch or plan are in
conformity with the provisions set forth herein, and other appropriate codes and regulations of the
town then in effect, the zoning administrator shall sign and return one copy of the site plan to the
applicant and shall issue a zoning permit. The zoning administrator shall retain the application and
one copy of the site plan for his records.
d. If the application and site plan submitted described work which does not conform to the
requirements set forth herein, the zoning administrator shall not issue a zoning permit, but shall
return one copy of the site plan to the applicant along with a signed refusal in writing. Such refusal
shall state the reasons for refusal and shall cite the portions of this ordinance with which the
submitted site plan does not comply. The zoning administrator shall retain one copy of the site plan
and one copy of the refusal.