Town of Bar Harbor
Application for Special Amusement Permit
Special Amusement Permits are valid only for the license year of the applicant's existing liquor license.
Date: _____________________ Application Type: New ______ Renewal _______ Permit Number: _________________
(assigned by Town)
Applicant Name: _______________________________ Business Name: _______________________________________________
Business Address: ____________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________
Physical Address in Bar Harbor If different
Type of Business: _________________________ Location to be used: _________________________________________________
Restaurant, Bar, Nightclub, etc. Where on the premises will the amusement take place?
Use back of page if necessary.
Has a liquor license or special amusement permit for this business ever been denied or revoked? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, describe the circumstances in the space below:
Has the applicant, any partners or corporate officers of the business ever been convicted of a felony? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, describe the circumstances in the space below:
The Town Council requests all applicants or their representatives attend the public hearing to answer any questions.
Please be advised that the absence of your representative may delay the Council's decision.
Application is hereby made for a Special Amusement Permit for one of the following:
Without Mechanical Amplification With Mechanical Amplification
Class 1 Single musician Class 1a Single musician
Class 2 Two musicians Class 2a Two musicians
Class 3 Three or more musicians Class 3a Three or more musicians
With Mechanical Amplification and Dancing* Other Entertainment or Amusement
Class 1ad Single musician Class 4 any other type of entertainment,
Class 2ad Two musicians as provided by 28A MRSA 1054.1.C
Class 3ad Three or more musicians
*Dancing also requires a state permit & Fire Marshall inspection
I certify that this application is true and correct, that I have received a copy of the Special Amusement Ordinance and that I will read
said ordinance prior to offering any special amusement.
Applicant’s Signature
The Municipal Officers of Bar Harbor hereby approve deny this application on ___________________________________
Sharon M Linscott, Town Clerk Revised 07/08/2019
Permit Fee