2625 E. Matoian Way SH124, Fresno, CA 93740 • Ph: 559.278.ALUM • Fax: 559.278.6790 1
Arthur Safstrom Service Award
The Fresno State Alumni Association presents the Arthur Safstrom Service Award to an alumna/s, faculty, staff or friend of
California State University, Fresno, who has given outstanding service to the Fresno State Alumni Association and/or the
For 29 years, the late Arthur Safstrom served as the University’s director of educational related activities and was
instrumental in the building of the University Student Union in 1968. A conference room in the student union is named in
his honor. He was the student body president of Fresno State College in 1931-1932, a member of the Fresno State Alumni
Association Board of Directors, and the 1960 Distinguished Alumnus of the Year.
* Current Fresno State employees must be nominated for reasons outside of their actual job description.
1. Each school/college, the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Graduate Studies, Library, and
Athletics, will receive copies of all alumni nominated from their area, as well as nominations for the Distinguished
Alumna/us and Arthur Safstrom Service Award. The school/college or area will review and submit the names of its top
three candidates (in unranked order) for each award to the Fresno State Alumni Association by the end of March.
2. The Top Dog Selection Committee will meet and review all nominations. The Committee shall have the discretion to
accept or reject any of the candidates in each area.
3. The Executive Director of the Fresno State Alumni Association will notify the winner of the award.
4. The Arthur Safstrom Service Award recipient will be honored at the Top Dog Alumni Awards Gala, hosted by the Fresno
State Alumni Association. The recipient will also be hosted in the President’s skybox during a home football game, and
will be invited to return to campus to share their expertise with students, faculty, staff and administrators.
Nominees for the Arthur
Safstrom Service Award shall be
alumni, faculty, staff* or friends
of California State University,
Service to the Fresno State
Alumni Association and/or the
University will be the prime
factor of award eligibility.
The Arthur Safstrom Service
Award recipient must be able to
attend the awards ceremony.
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2625 E. Matoian Way SH124, Fresno, CA 93740 • Ph: 559.278.ALUM • Fax: 559.278.6790 2
Arthur Safstrom Service Award
Submit the information below with the nomination form:
1. Complete all questions on the following pages.
2. Biography or professional resume and any letters of reference for the nominee to this form (must be no less than one
page, and no more than three pages in length).
3. Attachments may not be used in lieu of answering nomination questions.
Submission deadline:
1. All nominations will be reviewed to ensure they are complete. Incomplete nominations will be sent back to the
nominator for resubmission.
2. Please submit your nomination by Monday, March 5, 2018 at 4:00 P.M.
3. For additional information, please call 559.278.ALUM.
Submit your nomination to the Fresno State Alumni Association
By Email: mschulz@csufresno.edu
By Mail: 2625 E Matoian Way SH124, Fresno, CA 93740
By Fax: 559.278.6790
2625 E. Matoian Way SH124, Fresno, CA 93740 • Ph: 559.278.ALUM • Fax: 559.278.6790 3
Arthur Safstrom Service Award
Please Print
I am pleased to nominate:
This nominee has the following relationship to Fresno State:
Alumna/sThe nominee is not an alumna/s Faculty/Staff Friend
First Name Middle Maiden Last Name
If the nominee is an alumna/s, please complete the following:
Phone Number: Email:
This nominee attended California State University, Fresno and graduated in
From the following list, please select the colleges the nominee has received a degree from.
The nominee can be contacted at:
with a degree in
College of Arts and Humanities
College of Health and Human Services
College of Science and Mathematics
College of Social Sciences
Craig School of Business
Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Kremen School of Education and Human Development
Lyles College of Engineering
Year of graduation
Give full name of degree earned
Mobile / Home Work
City State Zip
2625 E. Matoian Way SH124, Fresno, CA 93740 • Ph: 559.278.ALUM • Fax: 559.278.6790 4
Arthur Safstrom Service Award
Your Name: Relation to the nominee:
Your Signature: Date:
Street City State Zip
What is your relationship to Fresno State?
Community Member
Fresno State faculty
Fresno State administration or staff
Fresno State student
Phone Number: Email:
Mobile / Home Work
2625 E. Matoian Way SH124, Fresno, CA 93740 • Ph: 559.278.ALUM • Fax: 559.278.6790 5
Arthur Safstrom Service Award
Submit the information below with the nomination form:
(REQUIRED) In no less than 2-3 paragraphs, please describe how the nominee has distinguished themselves in service to
the Fresno State Alumni Association and/or Fresno State. Such service is a prime consideration for this award. Provide
specic examples of service including but not limited to board, committee, volunteer, scholarship, mentorship, and student
2625 E. Matoian Way SH124, Fresno, CA 93740 • Ph: 559.278.ALUM • Fax: 559.278.6790 6
Arthur Safstrom Service Award
Submit the information below with the nomination form:
(OPTIONAL) In no less than 2-3 paragraphs, please describe how the nominee has distinguished themselves in service
to the community. Provide specic examples of service including but not limited to committee participation, volunteer
participation, and any other relevant information.