Page 1 of 2 Rev. 12/2017
To participate in the Kansas Immunization Registry [KSWebIZ]
is an Internet-based immunization registry operated by the Immunization Program of the
Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Enrolled health care providers can obtain
immunization information for patients, including tracking and recall. Patient information is confidential
and is only available to the authorized users of the system.
Pursuant to K.S.A. 65-101, the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment shall
exercise general health supervision of the health of the people of the State of Kansas; take action to
prevent the introduction and spread of infectious disease within the state; and provide public health
outreach services to the people of the state, including educational and other activities designed to
increase the individual’s awareness of public and other preventive services. A goal of KDHE is to
ensure that all citizens of the State of Kansas are properly and appropriately immunized against
preventable communicable diseases. Consistent with the authority of the Secretary to prevent the
introduction and spread of communicable diseases among the people of Kansas, the KSWebIZ program
has been established to enable KDHE to share selected immunization information and encourage
individuals to obtain appropriate and timely immunization.
er participation in KSWebIZ is voluntary.
Type of Organization: Public □ Private □
Local Health Department, Private Practice, Public School, Health Plan, etc.:
Name of Health Care Provider/Organization:
Number of Clinic Sites in Organization: _______
Provider/Organization’s Representative:
Title of Organization’s Representative:
Street Address: _____________________________________________
City: _________________Zip:_________ County:_____________ State: ____
Phone: ( ) _______________ Fax: ( ) ________________
Email: ____________________________________________________
VFC PIN #/SCHOOL DOE# ________________________