To get a better understanding of how you learn, take this learning styles
inventory. Answer each question as honestly as you can, then add up your
points to find out your preferred learning style. Work with the TLC on how you
can make your preferred style work for you in the classroom and while studying.
1. I can remember more about a subject through lectures with information,
explanation, and discussion.
2. I prefer information to be written on the whiteboard, with the use of visual aids, and
assigned readings.
3. I like to write things down or take notes for visual review.
4. I prefer to use visuals and models or practice some activities in class.
I require explanations of diagrams, graphs, or visual directions.
6. I enjoy working with my hands or making things.
7. I am skillful with and enjoy developing and making graphs and charts.
8. I can tell if sounds match when presented with pairs of sounds.
9. I remember best by writing things down several times.
10. I can understand and follow directions on maps.
11. I do better at academic subjects by listening to lectures and recordings.
12. I play with coins or keys in my pockets.
13. I learn to spell by repeating the works aloud rather than by writing them on paper.
14. I can better understand a news article by reading about it rather than listening to it.
15. I chew gum or eat a snack while studying.
16. I feel the best way to remember something is to picture it in my head.
17. I learn spelling by “finger spelling” (drawing the letters with a finger).
I would rather listen to a good lecture or speech than read about it.
I am good at working and solving puzzles.
20. I grip objects in my hands during learning periods.
21. I prefer listening to podcasts or presentations rather than reading about the material.
22. I obtain information on an interesting subject by reading relevant materials.
23. I feel very comfortable touching other, hugging, shaking hands, etc.
24. I follow spoken directions better than written ones.
Place the on the line next to the corresponding item, then add up your points.
The highest number of points determines your greatest learning style.
Often = 5, Sometimes = 3, Seldom = 1
Visual learners
You’re the most common type of learner, making up about 65
percent of the population. Visual learners relate most effectively to
written information, notes, diagrams and pictures. You might not
even absorb information if someone just tells you. It’s almost as if
it didn’t exist unless you see it written down.
Study tips: Take notes even when you’ve been given
handouts or printed course notes. Look atdon’t just listen
toall study materials and directions. Use or make your own
charts, maps, notes and flashcards and practice visualizing or
picturing words and concepts in your head. Write everything
down for frequent and quick visual reference.
Contact the TLC for more information on visual learning strategies.
Auditory learners
You are the second most common type of learner, accounting
for an estimated 30 percent of the population. As an auditory
learner, you relate most effectively to the spoken word. You tend
to listen to a lecture, then take notes afterward or rely on
printed notes. Written information will have little meaning until it
has been heard. It may help auditory learners to read written
information aloud.
Study tips: Read your assignments and study materials
aloudeven if you feel a little silly at firstor use tapes.
Taped lectures may help fill in the gaps in your own notes.
Sit at the front of the classroom where you can hear well.
Contact the TLC for more information on auditory learning strategies.
Tactile learners
You’re a rare breedone of only about 5 percent of the population.
Tactile learners prefer a hands-on approach, learning through touch
and movement. You learn skills by imitation and practice.
Study tips: You may take a little longer to learn some
skills since most information isn’t presented in a way that
suits your learning style, but you can make schoolwork easier
by typing your notes, using real objects or acting out reading
assignments. Role-playing helps, too. When studying cell
structure in biology, for example, you and maybe another tactile
learner could pretend to be different parts of the cell. Sound
crazy? It couldn’t hurt to try.
Contact the TLC for more information on tactile learning strategies.