IV. How the Information is Used
The SSN will be used to payroll allotment, allowances and bonuses. In carrying out its responsibilities under WIOA
to administer the Job Corps Program, the Department of Labor must sometimes disclose data from its records
about you to another agency or individual without your specific written consent. Such disclosures are made for
the following reasons:
▪ In connection with federal litigation, for law enforcement purposes
▪ To the parent locator service of the Department of HHS or to other authorized persons defined by Public Law
▪ To an information source in connection with personnel, procurement, or benefit-related matters, to a
contractor or their employees, consultants, grantees or their employees, or volunteers with have been
engaged to assist Job Corps in the performance of a contract
▪ For Federal debt collection purposes
▪ If a person about whom records are maintained submits a written request to a Member of Congress or their
staff and that request is forwarded to the U.S. Department of Labor, we may release the information to the
Member of Congress or Congressional staff in response to the inquiry made on behalf of the subject of the
▪ To provide information to the news media or members of the general public for the purpose of promoting the
merits of the program
▪ To provide information to placement and welfare agencies, prospective employers, school or training
institutions to assist in student employment
▪ To provide information to State, Federal, and local law enforcement agencies (including appropriate agencies
which have law enforcement jurisdiction over students on which the center is located) and other government
investigators to assist them in locating a student and/or his or her family
▪ To provide information to parents/guardians regarding students under the age of 18 for performance of
parental rights and responsibilities
▪ To provide information to Job Corps health consultants; Job Corps center Review Board members (in
appropriate disciplinary cases); Stats, county, and local health services personnel; family planning agencies;
and physicians (public or private) to whom a student is referred for diagnosis or to receive treatment to assure
continuance of proper health care, or notification and contact for communicable disease control.
▪ To provide State and local health departments information about all cases of infection or disease that are
required to be reported to them; and infected persons who are unwilling to notify their contacts on center for
the purpose of assisting in the counseling of contact for their protection and care
▪ To provide information to contractors and agencies to enable them to properly administer the program,
including the payment of student allowances and maintenance and disposal of student pay records
▪ To provide information to Federal, State, and local agencies and community-based organizations to facilitate
statistical research, audit and evaluation activities necessary to insure the success, integrity, and improvement
of the Job Corps program and other employment and training programs
▪ To provide the Selective Service System with information which will allow them to register you automatically
for Selective Service when you become 18, if you are male and not already registered
▪ For research purposes
▪ Privacy Act information collected from the student shall not be used in any study or research project unless it
has been approved by the Department, for freely given by the student with his or her consent.
Job Corps has given you a copy of this statement, in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, which
explains the uses that will be made of information that you or others might supply in Job Corps about yourself.
A single copy of this form must be given to the student for personal reference upon enrollment.
click to sign
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