Revised February 2018
For additional information or questions, please contact:
Alex Berry, Title IX Coordinator
N105 (Student Success Center)
aberry@richland.edu | 217.875.7211 ext. 6314
Location of the alleged incident: Kn ampus Kff ampus
Specific Location (Room/Address)͗ ___________________________________________________________
Please list any witnesses who may have information regarding the alleged incident, along with email address and/or
phone number if known:
yW>Ed/KEK&/E/Ed(Please provide as much information as possible including but not limited to: nature of the
misconduct, gender of the parties, relationship between the parties, frequency of the misconduct, whether one or more
of the parties were under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the alleged misconduct, impact the conduct
had on the complainant’s well-being. Attach additional pages and relevant documents.)
I certify that the information I have provided on this Complaint Form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Submitted by (print name) Phone or email address
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Current Date