3. Reporter's Phone
Complainant (Victim/Survivor) Contact Information
5. Is the Complainant the same as the Reporter?
Title IX Accessible Report
A time sensitive incident may warrant an immediate response. If you need immediate
response, please call 911 to receive medical support. If you prefer not to use the online
reporting form or encounter accessibility problems with the form, please call the Title IX office
for assistance at 314-889-1416.
Anonymous Reporting
An individual may report an incident without disclosing his/ her name, identifying the
respondent or requesting any action. Please note that choosing to make an anonymous report
can significantly limit the ability of the university to respond. (Reports that are made
anonymously or by third parties may not initiate the formal complaint system.)
Responsible Employees
Responsible employees must immediately report allegations or disclosures of sexual
misconduct involving students to the Title IX office. Because the definition of responsible
employee is so broad, you should consider yourself a responsible employee unless you qualify
as a confidential resource. (Confidential resources include the Counseling and Wellness
Reporter Contact Information
1. Reporter’s Name
While reporters can submit reports anonymously, we encourage them to provide contact
information in case more details are needed. (Reports that are made anonymously or by
third parties may not initiate the formal complaint system.)
2. Reporter's Email
4. Reporter's Affiliation