Thèse de doctorat
Présentée et soutenue publiquement à
Université Lille I Sciences et Technologies
pour obtenir le grade de
Spécialité : Molécules et matières condensées
Jeremy CIRET
Thèse dirigée par
Prof. Serge BOURBIGOT et Prof. Sophie DUQUESNE
Soutenue le 16 février 2010 devant la Commission d’Examen composée de :
Prof. Jean-Bernard Vogt, Président du jury
Dr. Jannick Duchet-Rumeau, Rapporteur
Prof. Laurent Autrique, Rapporteur
Dr. Rachel Butler, Examinateur
Prof. Serge Bourbigot, Directeur de thèse
Prof. Sophie Duquesne, Co-directeur de thèse
Investigation of Intumescent
Coatings for Fire Protection -
Application to Jet-Fire
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Thèse de doctorat
Présentée et soutenue publiquement à
Université Lille I Sciences et Technologies
pour obtenir le grade de
Spécialité : Molécules et matières condensées
Jeremy CIRET
Thèse dirigée par
Prof. Serge BOURBIGOT et Prof. Sophie DUQUESNE
Soutenue le 16 février 2010 devant la Commission d’Examen composée de :
Prof. Jean-Bernard Vogt, Président du jury
Dr. Jannick Duchet-Rumeau, Rapporteur
Prof. Laurent Autrique, Rapporteur
Dr. Rachel Butler, Examinateur
Prof. Serge Bourbigot, Directeur de thèse
Prof. Sophie Duquesne, Co-directeur de thèse
Investigation of Intumescent
Coatings for Fire Protection -
Application to Jet-Fire
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Ph-D Report J. Ciret Page 5
My first thank goes to Dr. J.M. Lefebvre and to Prof. R. Delobel for having welcomed me in
the LSPES Laboratory (UMR CNRS 8008) and in the PERF group, giving me the opportunity to
work on this interesting project and to benefit of all the knowledge and skills provided either
by the laboratory and CREPIM.
My sincere thanks go to my supervisors in the PERF group, Prof. Serge Bourbigot and Prof.
Sophie Duquesne, who provided me with the best scientific and moral support I could ever
have desired. I am especially grateful to them for their trust and guidance experienced for
the whole period of the PhD, which, combined with their continuous and stimulating
participation, kept me highly motivated and enthusiastic.
During the entire PhD, I was able to take advantage of a strong partnership with my
industrial sponsor. I particularly would like to acknowledge Dr. Paul Jackson for his generous
scientific and technical contribution and his strong impulse in the project. I also would like to
thank Dr Rachel Butler with whom I created a very enjoyable and efficient collaboration. I
finally thank the many other people of the company with whom I collaborate to bring this
project to a successful conclusion.
I also sincerely thank all of the current and former members of the PERF Laboratory for their
help and friendship over the last three years: Gaëlle, Michou, Brigitte, Nadine. To my
labmates Maude, Fabienne, Aurore, Virginie, Mathilde (x2), Oriane, Séverine, Caroline,
Fatima, Yohann, Thomas, Loulou, Damien, Nicolas, Antoine, Jeremie,... thanks for the fun
and support for these three years! I also would like to acknowledge the technicians Pierre,
and Mickaël for their help.
Particular thanks are addressed to Bertrand Revel for his expertise in NMR, to Christophe
Penvern and Maxence Vandewalle for the numerous XRD analyses.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents, my sisters and of course, my girlfriend Dr. Christelle
Réti (met thanks to this thesis) for their never-ending support, patience and affection.
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Ph-D Report J. Ciret Page 7
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 5
CONTENT ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................. 11
TABLE CAPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 15
RESUME FRANÇAIS ......................................................................................................................................... 17
GENERAL INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER I: STATE OF THE ART .................................................................................... 31
I. OFFSHORE FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................... 36
I. 1. Specific fire scenario on offshore platforms ........................................................................36
I. 2. An overview of the nature of hydrocarbon jet-fire...........................................................38
I. 2. a) Jet-fire length ............................................................................................................. 39
I. 2. b) Radiative and convective heat contribution .............................................................. 42
II. KEY REQUIREMENTS FOR OFFSHORE PROTECTION ............................................................................ 46
II. 1. Passive fire protection ..................................................................................................................46
II. 2. Epoxy based intumescent coatings .........................................................................................48
II. 3. Fire tests specified for offshore fire protection ..................................................................56
II. 3. a) Fire tests based on furnace conditions ...................................................................... 56
II. 3. b) Jet-fire resistance test ................................................................................................ 58
III. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................... 62
COATINGS FACING TO JET-FIRE ..................................................................................... 63
I. MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES.................................................................................. 66
I. 1. Materials ............................................................................................................................................66
I. 2. Jet-fire resistance test ...................................................................................................................68
II. LARGE-SCALE JET-FIRE TEST EVALUATION......................................................................................... 70
II. 1. Intumescent formulation 1 .........................................................................................................70
II. 2. Intumescent formulation 2 .........................................................................................................75
II. 3. Intumescent formulation 3 .........................................................................................................78
II. 4. Intumescent formulation 4 .........................................................................................................85
III. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION ABOUT THE JET-FIRE BEHAVIOURS ........................................... 88
I. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS ................................................................................................................ 94
I. 1. Materials ............................................................................................................................................94
I. 2. Complex viscosity and expansion measurements .............................................................94
I. 3. Mechanical resistance of the char ...........................................................................................96
I. 4. Swelling abilities .............................................................................................................................96
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I. 5. Thermal stability ............................................................................................................................98
II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... 99
II. 1. Visco-elastic measurements .......................................................................................................99
II. 1. a) Precaution to use rheological tool to characterize intumescent coatings ................ 99
II. 1. b) Results of IF-1 and role of the intumescent additives .............................................. 100
II. 1. c) Visco-elastic measurements and swelling abilities of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 ................ 103
II. 2. Mechanical resistance of the formulations ...................................................................... 106
II. 3. Swelling abilities of the coatings .......................................................................................... 108
III. CONCLUSIONS ABOUT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ..............................................................................114
I. MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS .......................................................................................121
I. 1. Material ........................................................................................................................................... 121
I. 2. Thermal stability ......................................................................................................................... 122
I. 3. Heat treatment ............................................................................................................................. 122
I. 4. X-Ray diffraction .......................................................................................................................... 123
I. 5. Solid state NMR ............................................................................................................................ 123
II. 1. Thermal stability ......................................................................................................................... 125
II. 1. a) Basic mixtures based on APP and different carbon sources .................................... 125
II. 1. b) Basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon sources and TiO
........................... 128
II. 2. X-Ray diffraction analyses of the residue .......................................................................... 130
II. 2. a) Basic mixtures based on APP and different carbon sources .................................... 131
II. 2. b) Basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon sources and TiO
........................... 131
II. 3.
C NMR spectra of the residue .............................................................................................. 133
II. 3. a) Basic mixtures based on APP and different carbon sources .................................... 133
II. 3. b) Basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon sources and TiO
........................... 134
II. 4.
P NMR spectra of the residue .............................................................................................. 135
II. 4. a) Basic mixtures based on APP and different carbon sources .................................... 135
II. 4. b) Basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon sources and TiO
........................... 136
II. 5. Discussion and conclusion ....................................................................................................... 137
III. 1. Thermal stability of the intumescent formulations ...................................................... 139
III. 2. Mechanism of degradation of intumescent formulation 2 ........................................ 142
III. 2. a) Investigation of the structure of the intumescent system by X-Ray diffraction .. 142
III. 2. b) Investigation of the evolution of the carbon structure in the intumescent system
C solid-state NMR ............................................................................................................. 144
III. 2. c) Investigation of the evolution of the phosphorus components in the intumescent
system by
P solid-state NMR ................................................................................................. 146
III. 3. Mechanism of degradation of intumescent formulation 3 ........................................ 147
III. 3. a) Investigation of the structure of the intumescent system by X-Ray diffraction .. 147
III. 3. b) Investigation of the evolution of the carbon structure in the intumescent system
C solid-state NMR ............................................................................................................. 149
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Ph-D Report J. Ciret Page 9
III. 3. c) Investigation of the evolution of the phosphorus components in the intumescent
system by
P solid-state NMR ................................................................................................. 150
III. 4. Mechanism of degradation of intumescent formulation 4 ........................................ 151
III. 4. a) Investigation of the structure of the intumescent system by X-Ray diffraction .. 152
III. 4. b) Investigation of the evolution of the carbon structure in the intumescent system
C solid-state NMR ............................................................................................................. 153
III. 4. c) Investigation of the evolution of the phosphorus components in the intumescent
system by
P solid-state NMR ................................................................................................. 155
III. 5. Discussion and conclusion ....................................................................................................... 156
III. 5. a) Influence of the carbon source on the chemical pathway and the formation of
III. 5. b) Chemical investigation of residues from jet-fire resistance test - Correlation with
proposed chemical pathways .................................................................................................. 159
MIMICKING LARGE SCALE JET-FIRE TEST ............................................................. 163
I. PRELIMINARY FIRE TEST IN FURNACE CONDITIONS .........................................................................167
I. 1. Experimental apparatus and materials ............................................................................ 167
I. 2. Temperature profiles and results ......................................................................................... 168
II. DEVELOPMENT OF A FIRE TEST MIMICKING JET-FIRE ......................................................................172
II. 1. Experimental settings and optimisation ........................................................................... 172
II. 1. a) Experimental apparatus .......................................................................................... 172
II. 1. b) Determination of the optimal parameters .............................................................. 173
II. 2. Tests on squared panels coated by intumescent formulations ................................ 177
II. 3. Tests on squared panels coated by intumescent formulations reinforced with
mesh 181
II. 4. Tests on flanged panels coated by intumescent formulations ................................. 183
II. 5. Conclusions and discussion about the benefit of a new experimental tool ......... 188
GENERAL CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................ 191
CONFIGURATION .......................................197
configuration without mesh .......................................................................................................... 197
configuration with mesh ................................................................................................................. 198
BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................................................201
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
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Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
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List of figures
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 11
List of figures
Figure 1 : Développement de la couche protectrice intumescente ................................................................................. 19
Figure 2 : Mise en évidence des zones de point faible pour IF-1, IF-2 et IF-3............................................................. 20
Figure 3 : Evolution de la viscosité en fonction de la température pour IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 et IF-4 ........................ 21
Figure 4 : Diffractogrammes des residus des trois formulations intumescentes après un traitement
thermique à 600°C................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 5 : Profils de température relevées au dos de plaque d'acier revêtue de peintures intumescentes IF-
2, IF-3 et IF-4 dans des conditions specifieés par la norme ISO 834- Feu d’hydrocarbures ................................ 23
Figure 6 : Pictures from Piper Alpha disaster (a) and Mumbai accident (b) .............................................................. 27
Figure 7 : China apparent steel consumption [1] .................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 8 : Reduction factors for steel strength and stiffness at elevated temperatures [5] ................................. 34
Figure 9 : Flame geometry for an expanding, rising fireball [6] ....................................................................................... 37
Figure 10 : Jet-fire lengths versus heat released for different hydrocarbons [27] ................................................... 40
Figure 11: Flame and lift-off diagrams ......................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 12 : Variation of total heat flux over the surface of a pipe according to distance from the flame
source: (a) pipe at 21m; (b) pipe at 15m; (c) pipe at 9m [27] ........................................................................................... 43
Figure 13 : Temperatures versus time at different locations of a pipe engulfed by jet-fire [13] ....................... 43
Figure 14 : Fraction of radiative power versus total power observed for jet-fire with different
hydrocarbons [27] ................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 15 : Radiative heat flux as a fraction of total heat flux versus hydrocarbon content for an engulfed
object for a jet-fire [27] ....................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 16 : Reaction and formula of DGEBA [62] .................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 17 : Reduction of the primary amine and opening of the epoxy ring............................................................... 50
Figure 18 : Formation of a 3D-network ....................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 19 : Schematic representation of the reticulated network between epoxy resin and hardener ......... 51
Figure 20 :Formation of intumescent char ................................................................................................................................. 51
Figure 21 : Hydrolysis of ammonium polyphosphate ........................................................................................................... 53
Figure 22 : Ring closing esterification of the phosphor ester and subsequent reduction to a carbon
network ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 23 : Development of intumescence (α= conversion degree) ............................................................................... 54
Figure 24 : Standard fire test curves used for materials applied on offshore platforms ....................................... 57
Figure 25 : Jet-fire resistance test in progress on an intumescent coating .................................................................. 59
Figure 26 : Jet nozzle used for jet-fire resistance test [103] ............................................................................................... 59
Figure 27 : Layout of test facility with steelwork test specimen used for evaluating protective fire
materials [103] ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 28 : Construction of structural steelwork test specimen with a central flange [103] .............................. 60
Figure 29 : Thermocouple positions for structural steelwork test specimen [103] ................................................ 61
Figure 30 : Formula of APP, n>1000 ............................................................................................................................................. 66
Figure 31 : Formula of THEIC ........................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 32 : Formula of pentaerythritol (a) and dipentaerythritol (b) ........................................................................... 67
Figure 33 : Structure of mesh with carbon and glass fibre ................................................................................................. 68
Figure 34 : Thermocouple positions for structural steelwork test specimen ............................................................ 69
Figure 35 : Pictures taken after jet-fire test of IF-1 ................................................................................................................ 71
Figure 36 : Thickness of non-reacted coating remaining at various locations after jet-fire test on IF-1 ....... 72
Figure 37 : Thickness of char at various locations after jet-fire test on IF-1............................................................... 72
Figure 38 : Temperature measured versus time on the right side of the box (in red on panel schema) for
jet-fire test on IF-1 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Figure 39 : Temperature measured versus time on the left side of the box (in red on panel schema) for jet-
fire test on IF-1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 74
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Page 12 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 40 : Temperature measured versus time on the central flange (in red on panel schema) for jet-fire
test on IF-1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 74
Figure 41 : Pictures taken after jet-fire test of IF-2 ................................................................................................................ 76
Figure 42 : Schematic diagram showing fire damage to the flange after jet-fire test on IF-2.............................. 76
Figure 43 : Temperature measured versus time on the central flange (in red on panel schema) for jet-fire
test on IF-2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 77
Figure 44 : Schematic diagram showing fire damage to the flange after jet-fire test on IF-3.............................. 79
Figure 45 : Pictures taken after jet-fire test of IF-3 ................................................................................................................ 80
Figure 46 : Pictures exhibiting the density and the hardness of IF-3 after jet-fire test .......................................... 81
Figure 47 : Temperature measured versus time on the central flange (in red on panel schema) for jet-fire
test on IF-3 not reinforced by mesh .............................................................................................................................................. 81
Figure 48 : Aspect of the flange reinforced by mesh after jet-fire test on IF-3 .......................................................... 82
Figure 49 : Temperature measured versus time on the central flange (in red on panel schema) for jet-fire
test on IF-2 reinforced by mesh ...................................................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 50 : Temperature measured versus time on back face of the box (in red on panel schema) for jet-
fire test on IF-2 reinforced by mesh .............................................................................................................................................. 84
Figure 51 : Pictures taken after second jet-fire test on IF-3 reinforced with mesh ................................................. 84
Figure 52 : Investigation of chars produced by the intumescent formulations (IF-1, IF-2 and IF-3) after jet-
fire resistance test ................................................................................................................................................................................. 85
Figure 53 : Pictures taken after jet-fire test of IF-4 ................................................................................................................ 86
Figure 54 : Char from IF-4 after jet-fire test exhibiting large voids close to metallic substrate ......................... 86
Figure 55 : Temperature measured versus time on the back face (in red on panel schema) for jet-fire test
on IF-4 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 56 : Zones of failure on jet-fire test according to the intumescent formulations ....................................... 89
Figure 57 : Dynamic visco-elastic measurements in a parallel-plate rheometer ...................................................... 95
Figure 58 : Measurement of the char strength in a parallel-plate rheometer ............................................................ 96
Figure 59 : Experimental set-up for measuring the swelling during a mass loss experiment using infrared
camera ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97
Figure 60 : IR images of an intumescent coating on steel plate upon heating at t=0s (a) and at the
maximum of expansion (b) ................................................................................................................................................................ 97
Figure 61 : Typical relative expansion as a function of time of an intumescent formulations during a mass
loss calorimeter experiment (external heat flux = 35 kW/m²) ......................................................................................... 98
Figure 62: Correlation between viscosity changes (F=100N) and thermal degradation of the system ......... 99
Figure 63 : TGA Curves of the four systems ............................................................................................................................ 101
Figure 64 : Viscosity measuremant versus temperature for epoxy resin alone with boric acid, with APP and
with both (F=200N) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 65 : Swelling abilities versus temperature for epoxy resin alone with boric acid, with APP and with
both ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 102
Figure 66 : Viscosity versus temperature for IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 (F=100N) .................................................. 104
Figure 67 : TGA curves of the intumescent formulations in air at 10°C/min .......................................................... 104
Figure 68 : Swelling versus temperature for IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 measured in the rheometer .............. 105
Figure 69 : Mechanical resistance measured at 500°C for char issued from IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 .......... 107
Figure 70 : Comparative aspects of the four chars after 5 minutes of free development in rheometer
furnace at 500°C .................................................................................................................................................................................. 108
Figure 71 : Influence of the normal force applied by rheometer plates on swelling abilities of coatings
(here results of IF-2 are exposed) ............................................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 72 : Expansion measurements of IF-2 exposed to conical heater at two different heat fluxes ......... 110
Figure 73 : Expansion measurements of IF-3 exposed to conical heater at two different heat fluxes ......... 111
Figure 74 : Expansion measurements of IF-4 exposed to conical heater at two different heat fluxes ......... 112
Figure 75 : Experimental setup and temperature profile of the heat treatment in tubular furnace ............. 123
Figure 76 : TGA curves of the pure components in air at 10°C/min ............................................................................ 126
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Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 13
Figure 77 : TGA and derivative TGA curves of the mixtures based on APP and carbon sources in air at
10°C/min ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 127
Figure 78 : TGA and difference weight loss curves of APP/Epoxy resin/TiO
in air at 10°C/min .................. 129
Figure 79 : TGA and difference weight loss curve of APP/PER/TiO
in air at 10°C/min ................................... 129
Figure 80 : TGA and difference weight loss curve of APP/dPER/TiO
in air at 10°C/min ................................. 130
Figure 81 : X-Ray diffractograms of basic mixtures APP/Carbon source after heat treatment at T=450°C
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Figure 82 : X-Ray diffractograms of the ternary systems APP/Carbon source/TiO
after heat treatment at
T=450°C .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 132
Figure 83 : X-Ray diffractograms of TiO
(red) and TiP
(blue) ................................................................................ 132
Figure 84 :
C NMR spectra of the binary systems APP/Carbon source after heat treatment at T=450°C 134
Figure 85 :
C NMR spectra of the ternary systems APP/Carbon source/TiO
after heat treatment at
T=450°C .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 135
Figure 86 :
P NMR spectra of the binary systems APP/Carbon source after heat treatment at T=450°C 136
Figure 87 :
P NMR spectra of the ternary systems APP/Carbon source/TiO
after heat treatment at
T=450°C .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 137
Figure 88 : TGA curves of the intumescent formulations in air at 10°C/min .......................................................... 139
Figure 89 : Derivative TGA curves of the intumescent formulations in air at 10°C/min.................................... 140
Figure 90 : Determination of the five characteristic temperatures .............................................................................. 142
Figure 91 : X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-2 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures. 143
Figure 92 : X-Ray diffractograms of APP and of TiO
.......................................................................................................... 144
Figure 93 :
C NMR spectra of IF-2 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures .................... 144
Figure 94 :
C NMR spectrum of the thermoset cured resin .......................................................................................... 145
Figure 95 :
P NMR spectrum of IF-2 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures ................ 146
Figure 96 : X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-3 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures. 148
Figure 97 :
C NMR spectra of IF-3 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures .................... 149
Figure 98 : Assignment of bands on
C NMR spectrum of PER ..................................................................................... 149
Figure 99 :
P NMR spectra of IF-3 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures .................... 150
Figure 100 : X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-4 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Figure 101 :
C NMR spectra of IF-4 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures .................. 154
Figure 102 : Assignment of bands on
C NMR spectrum of dipentaerythritol ...................................................... 154
Figure 103 :
P NMR spectra of IF-4 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures .................. 155
Figure 104 : Comparative
P NMR spectra of residues of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 at 300°C ..................................... 157
Figure 105 : Comparative
P NMR spectra of residues of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 at 450°C ..................................... 158
Figure 106 : Highlights of TiP
formation at different temperature according to the coating .................... 158
Figure 107 : Piece of IF-2 char from large scale jet-fire test ............................................................................................ 160
Figure 108 : X-Ray diffractograms of IF-2 residues from jet-fire resistance test ................................................... 160
Figure 109 : Piece of IF-4 char from large scale jet-fire test ............................................................................................ 161
Figure 110 : X-Ray diffractograms of IF-4 residues from jet-fire resistance test ................................................... 161
Figure 111 : Industrial furnaces used for UL 1709 standards ........................................................................................ 166
Figure 112 : Jet-fire box test and zones of high temperature and/or high pressure ............................................ 166
Figure 113 : Pictures of the small scale furnace test ........................................................................................................... 168
Figure 114 : Comparison of the time/temperature curves obtained for IF-2, IF-3, IF-4 and for epoxy resin
using the small scale furnace test ................................................................................................................................................ 169
Figure 115 : X-Ray diffractograms of residues of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 after small furnace tests ....................... 170
Figure 116 : Experimental setup of the labscale jet-fire test ........................................................................................... 172
Figure 117 : Temperature profiles on the backside of panels coated by IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 in labscale
jet-fire test at two heat fluxes, 50kW/m² (full curves) and 35kW/m² (dotted curves)...................................... 174
Figure 118 : Char aspect after labscale jet-fire test at 35kW/m² (on the left) and at 50kW/m² (on the right)
Example of IF-2 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 174
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Figure 119 : Temperature profiles on the backside of panels coated by IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 in labscale
jet-fire test according to air jet contribution, with air jet (plain curves) and without air jet (dotted curves)
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 175
Figure 120 : Temperature profiles on the backside of panels coated by IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 according
to time when air jet is switching on: air jet is switched on at the beginning of the test (plain curves) or air
jet is switched on 150 seconds after the beginning of the test (dotted curves) ..................................................... 176
Figure 121 : Char aspect after labscale jet-fire test without time delaying (on the left) and with time
delaying (on the right) Example of IF-2 ................................................................................................................................ 176
Figure 122 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 (heat flux of
50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ....................................................................................... 178
Figure 123 : Picture of IF-1 char after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire test (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ......................................................................... 178
Figure 124 : Picture of IF-2 char after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire test (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ......................................................................... 179
Figure 125 : Picture of IF-3 char after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire test (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ......................................................................... 180
Figure 126 : Picture of IF-4 char after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire test (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ......................................................................... 180
Figure 127 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 reinforced by
mesh (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ................................................ 181
Figure 128 : Pictures of the char obtained with intumescent coatings reinforced by mesh after labscale jet-
fire test (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ............................................ 182
Figure 129 : Experimental setup to use flanged panels in labscale jet-fire test ..................................................... 183
Figure 130 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-1 coated on flanged panel (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ......................................................................... 184
Figure 131 : Char obtained from IF-1 after labscale jet-fire test on flanged panel (heat flux of 50kW/m², air
speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ..................................................................................................................... 184
Figure 132 : Pictures of chars obtained from IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 after labscale jet-fire test on flanged panel
(heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ............................................................. 185
Figure 133 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-2 coated on flanged panel (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ......................................................................... 186
Figure 134 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-3 coated on flanged panel (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ......................................................................... 187
Figure 135 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-4 coated on flanged panel (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds) ......................................................................... 187
Figure 136 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 (heat flux of
50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 150 seconds) ....................................................................................... 197
Figure 137 : Picture of chars after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire test (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 150 seconds) ......................................................................... 198
Figure 138 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 reinforced by
mesh (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 150 seconds) ................................................ 199
Figure 139 : Pictures of the char obtained with intumescent coatings reinforced by mesh after labscale jet-
fire test (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 150 seconds) ............................................ 199
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Table captions
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Table captions
Tableau 1 : Tableau récapitulatif de la composition des formulations intumescentes .......................................... 18
Table 2 : Examples of components playing a role in intumescent coatings [79, 80] ............................................... 53
Table 3 : Ratio between the two parts used to prepare the intumescent coatings .................................................. 66
Table 4 : Comparison between the active ingredients of 4 formulations ..................................................................... 67
Table 5 : Comparative sum-up of the different beahviours exhibited by the four intumescent formulations
for large-scale jet-fire resistance test ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Table 6 : Experimental protocols used to reach visco-elastic properties ..................................................................... 95
Table 7 : Swelling temperature range ....................................................................................................................................... 105
Table 8 : Swelling abilities obtained with and without normal force and ratio between the two
measurements to quantify sensitivity to the normal force .............................................................................................. 112
Table 9 : Comparison between the active ingredients of 3 formulations .................................................................. 121
Table 10 : APP/Carbon source/TiO
ratio of the basic mixtures .................................................................................. 121
Table 11 : Screening of the different setting parameters used in the labscale jet-fire test ............................... 173
Table 12 : Optimized configurations used to evaluate the four coatings with the labscale jet-fire test ...... 177
Table 13 : Evaluation and correlation of the behaviours of coatings .......................................................................... 189
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Résumé français
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Résumé français
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux comportements de quatre peintures intumescentes (appelées
dans la suite du mémoire IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 et IF-4) élaborées à base d’une résine époxyde et
destinées à protéger contre le feu les structures métalliques de plateformes offshores
(Tableau 1). L’utilisation de telles peintures protectrices dans un environnement si hostile
que les plateformes pétrolières ou les sites pétrochimiques requiert évidemment des
performances supérieures aux protections thermiques classiques. Nous décrivons dans le
premier chapitre les principaux risques d’incendie possibles sur un site d’hydrocarbures.
Nous avons détaillé les particularités du « jet-fire », l’un des feux les plus puissants et les
plus dangereux pour les hommes et la structure métallique de la plateforme, alimenté par
une fuite continue et directionnelle d’hydrocarbures. Nous nous sommes intéressés
également aux moyens mis en œuvre pour le combattre, non pas en l’évitant (un feu est
toujours lié à un accident et donc évitable mais imprévisible) mais en comprenant son action
et en limitant son effet sur la structure. Pour cela l’utilisation de revêtements protecteurs,
en particulier les peintures intumescentes à base de résine époxyde (intumescence signifie la
formation d'un bouclier protecteur carboné expansé faisant office de barrière thermique et
limitant les transferts de gaz de dégradation combustibles pouvant alimenter la flamme), et
les tests développés pour évaluer leur performance ont été détaillés. Dans le second
chapitre, nous avons étudié le comportement des formulations intumescentes lors dun test
de résistance au jet-fire. Puis nous avons tenté dans les troisième et quatrième chapitres de
comprendre et d’expliquer ces comportements grâce à des outils expérimentaux permettant
d’étudier les propriétés physiques de nos revêtements intumescents et l’évolution chimique
de ses formulations. Enfin, le dernier chapitre de ce manuscrit s'est attaché au
développement d’un test à l’échelle laboratoire permettant de reproduire les phénomènes
caractéristiques du jet-fire. Cet outil expérimental permet de mimer les comportements des
formulations intumescentes à petite échelle de manière rapide et fiable.
D’un point de vue de la gestion des risques, les plateformes pétrolières sont connues pour
leur haut degré de risque à cause de leur situation insulaire, de leur aménagement
congestionné et bien sur à cause de l’inflammabilité des produits extraits, les hydrocarbures.
Malheureusement il a fallu attendre des drames pour prendre en compte ces circonstances
et l’accident de Piper Alpha en 1988 a permis l’élaboration de plusieurs rapports étudiant les
feux spécifiques aux plateformes offshores. Ces rapports ont permis de mettre en évidence
la particulière dangerosité du « jet-fire ». Le jet-fire est une flamme turbulente résultant de
la combustion d'hydrocarbures libérés en continu dans une direction particulière avec une
importante quantité de mouvement. Ainsi les deux paramètres importants d’un tel
phénomène sont clairement exprimés dans sa définition : une direction et une vitesse
significative dangereuses pour les hommes et les structures qui pourraient être « frappées »
par la flamme. Pour limiter les dommages structurels et les températures élevées,
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Page 18 Ph-D report J. Ciret
l’utilisation de matériaux isolants est donc étudiée. Cependant la force de la flamme et
l’environnement agressif (corrosion, climat) imposent l’utilisation de résines intumescentes
à base époxydes (les résines à base époxy sont les plus résistantes aux conditions
Une peinture intumescente utilisée pour la protection des structures métalliques est
généralement constituée de trois composants principaux (Tableau 1):
- La source acide susceptible de libérer un acide inorganique (par exemple l’acide
phosphorique) lorsqu’il est soumis à une élévation de température. Le polyphosphate
d’ammonium (APP) ou des phosphates de mélamine sont généralement utilisés; dans notre
cas les quatre formulations comportent de l’APP. Dans IF-1, de l’acide borique est également
ajouté comme source acide additionnelle.
- La source de carbone contenant des groupes hydroxyle (-OH) susceptibles de réagir
avec la source acide. Dans le cas des résines époxyde, la source carbonée peut être
constituée par le polymère lui-même, c’est le cas pour IF-2, ou bien un composé spécifique
est ajouté, souvent des polyols, du pentaérythritol (PER) pour IF-3 ou bien du
dipentaérythritol (dPER) pour IF-4 ; l’enrobant de l’APP utilisé dans IF-1.
- L’agent d’expansion libérant sous l’action de la chaleur une quantité importante de
gaz ininflammables provoquant l’expansion de la structure phospho-carbonée, comme par
exemple la mélamine, ou dans notre cas le polyphosphate d’ammonium (APP) qui joue un
double rôle (dégagement d'ammoniac).
En plus de ses composés actifs dans le processus de l’intumescence, les formulations sont
complexes et contiennent des additifs et des charges couramment utilisé dans les peintures.
La formulation exacte n’est pas connu néanmoins la présence de TiO
est avérée.
Tableau 1 : Tableau récapitulatif de la composition des formulations intumescentes
Matrice polymère
Source acide
Prépolymère de
type DGEBA +
APP enrobé +
Acide borique
Prépolymère de
type DGEBA +
Prépolymère de
type DGEBA +
Prépolymère de
type DGEBA +
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Résumé français
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Le processus de développement de l’intumescence est généralement décrit de la manière
suivante. L’acide libéré lors de la dégradation de la source acide réagit avec l’agent source de
carbone pour produire une structure phospho-carbonée. L’agent gonflant se décompose
ensuite et entraîne un dégagement important de produits gazeux, ce qui provoque le
gonflement du bouclier et la création de la structure intumescente, une couche protectrice
isolante (Figure 1).
Figure 1 : Développement de la couche protectrice intumescente
Le bouclier se forme dans une phase semi-liquide qui coïncide avec la formation des gaz et
l’expansion de la surface, puis il se solidifie ensuite en une couche multicellulaire rigide.
L’efficacité d’un système intumescent dépend de sa capacité à gonfler et à développer une
structure multicellulaire. Le gonflement est à la diffusion lente des gaz de dégradation du
système dans une matrice charbonnée partiellement dégradée. Lors de ce phénomène
d’intumescence, l’étude de la viscosité est donc essentielle: si la matrice dégradée est trop
liquide, les gaz ne sont pas piégés et diffusent facilement pour alimenter la flamme. Si au
contraire la matrice dégradée est trop visqueuse, l’augmentation de pression entraînée par
le dégagement de produits gazeux peut conduire à l’apparition de fissures permettant la
diffusion d’oxygène ainsi qu’un échange de chaleur et de matière entre la flamme et le
polymère. Il est également important de caractériser la résistance mécanique de la structure
développée car celle-ci doit conserver ses propriétés protectrices même sous l’action de
contraintes externes telle que l’impact d’une flamme issue du jet-fire. Enfin, il faut bien sûr
caractériser les systèmes intumescents selon leur capacité de résistance au feu. Pour cela
des tests normés ont été développés avec des courbes temps/température spécifiques aux
feux dhydrocarbures. Cependant aucun de ces tests ne prenait en compte l’aspect
dynamique du jet-fire avec l’impact de la flamme sur la structure. Ainsi un nouveau test a
récemment été développé par des industriels et normé en 2007 pour déterminer la
résistance aux feux propulsés des matériaux de protection passive contre l'incendie.
Ce test à grande échelle réalisé sur nos quatre formulations intumescentes a permis de
déterminer quatre comportements spécifiques face à l’impact d’une flamme et aux
conditions extrêmes de température (Figure 2). Sous les contraintes thermiques et
mécaniques du jet-fire IF-1 réagit et développe un bouclier très dur et résistant à l’impact.
Cependant ce bouclier est peu expansé et n’apporte pas une isolation suffisante du substrat
au point le plus chaud, localisé sur le haut de la partie centrale.
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Par contre la seconde formulation intumescente (IF-2) gonfle suffisamment sur toute la
surface de la plaque d’essai. Mais le bouclier expansé présente une très faible résistance
mécanique et est détruit sous l’impact du jet-fire et de la pression inhérente. L’utilisation
d’un grillage pour renforcer la structure expansée et pour maintenir en place la protection
apporte une amélioration significative et permet de meilleures performances face au jet-fire.
Ensuite la formulation intumescente IF-3 est présentée comme un compromis entre les deux
premières formulations. Elle doit permettre une bonne expansion pour isoler suffisamment
et une résistance mécanique face au jet-fire, néanmoins l’utilisation du grillage renforçant
est toujours nécessaire. La structure protectrice résiste donc à la pression et isole la plaque
métallique des températures extrêmes, mais lors du test on observe un écoulement de la
peinture sur les faces latérales de la plaque laissant non protégées de larges zones. Ainsi le
point faible d’IF-3 est observé à un endroit où ni IF-1 ni IF-2 ne se sont révélées sensibles.
Figure 2 : Mise en évidence des zones de point faible pour IF-1, IF-2 et IF-3
Enfin IF-4 échoue au test de résistance aux feux propulsés par manque d’adhésion, la
structure expansée ayant révélé de grandes alvéoles creuses à l’interface métal/revêtement.
Ces alvéoles permettent ainsi le passage des flammes et de la chaleur.
Dans ce travail, nous avons donc tenté d’expliquer ces quatre comportements très différents
en s’intéressant aux propriétés physiques et aux évolutions chimiques de ces revêtements
intumescents. Les propriétés du 1
revêtement (IF-1) ont été particulièrement étudiées par
Maude Jimenez dans ses travaux de thèse qui a pu mettre en évidence l’effet de l’acide
borique sur les propriétés viscoélastiques et le mécanisme de dégradation d’IF-1. De
manière similaire nous nous sommes donc intéressés aux trois autres formulations, sachant
que la source de carbone est respectivement la résine époxyde seule dans IF-2, la résine
époxyde et le pentaérythritol dans IF-3, la résine époxyde et le dipentaérythritol dans IF-4.
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Tout d’abord l’étude des propriétés mécaniques (mesure de la résistance du char en
compression lorsqu'il subit une contrainte normale) à l’aide d’un rhéomètre plan-plan utilisé
de manière originale selon une technique développée au laboratoire ont permis de
confirmer la différence existant entre IF-1 développant un bouclier peu expansé mais
résistant et les trois autres formulations, qui gonflent beaucoup mais qui présentent une
faible résistance à la contrainte. Une raison avancée pour expliquer cette différence est la
présence de fibres silicates et d’acide borique dans IF-1 (Maude Jimenez a clairement
montré l’effet de ces ingrédients sur les propriétés mécaniques du bouclier intumescent).
Ensuite un effet de la source de carbone a été démontré sur l’évolution de la viscosité
apparente des systèmes en fonction de la température (ici nous mesurons une viscosité
apparente pour nous permettre de quantifier dans des conditions expérimentales données
les propriétés d'écoulement de nos matériaux). En effet, le pentaérythritol provoque un
déplacement vers les basses températures du pic de viscosité observé lors du phénomène
d’intumescence. Ainsi le minimum de viscosité est observé respectivement vers 270°C pour
IF-3 et vers 360°C pour les 3 autres formulations (Figure 3).
Figure 3 : Evolution de la viscosité en fonction de la température pour IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 et IF-4
Ce comportement viscoélastique particulier de IF-3 est clairement attribué au PER comme le
montre le comportement de IF-4 le PER a été remplacé par du dipentaérythritol. Ce large
éventail de température la viscosité du système est faible est avancé comme explication
à l’échec d’IF-3 au test de résistance de jet-fire et l’utilisation d’IF-4 plutôt qu’IF-3 permet de
résoudre partiellement ce problème.
De plus l’effet de la source de carbone a également été étudié par une approche chimique.
En effet, des analyses chimiques par diffraction des rayons X et RMN à l’état solide des
C et
P ont été réalisées à différentes températures caractéristiques de la
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Page 22 Ph-D report J. Ciret
dégradation des formulations intumescentes afin de comprendre leur processus
d’intumescence. Des mécanismes de dégradation ont été proposés pour les 3 formulations
IF-2, IF-3 et IF-4 en fonction de leurs particularités. Quelque soit la source de carbone, nous
avons démontré que l’APP réagissait dans un premier temps avec la source de carbone pour
former une structure charbonnée et des composés phosphorés issus de sa dégradation. Ces
produits de dégradation et de réaction de l’APP présentent une réactivité importante avec
de nombreux composés thermiquement stable et présents dans les formulations
intumescentes. Lors de la dégradation thermique de nos formulations, nous observons ainsi
une réaction entre ces composés à base de phosphore et le dioxyde de titane TiO
donner une structure cristalline de pyrophosphate de titane TiP
. D’après la littérature,
cette structure apporte des améliorations en termes de résistance mécanique et de
performance au feu du bouclier développé. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence que la
source de carbone intervient sur la température à laquelle les réactions se déroulent. En
effet nous avons montré que l’évolution chimique du revêtement à base de
dipentaérythritol était accélérée, la réactivité entre l’APP et le dipentaérythritol est
supérieure à celle entre l’APP et le PER ou entre l’APP et le réseau époxyde. Cela se traduit
par la formation de la structure protectrice et du TiP
à plus basses températures comme
on peut le voir sur les diffractogrammes à 600°C des trois formulations intumescentes
(Figure 4).
Figure 4 : Diffractogrammes des residus des trois formulations intumescentes après un traitement
thermique à 600°C
Ainsi l’influence de la source de carbone est démontrée. Même si le mécanisme de
dégradation est similaire quelque soit la source de carbone utilisée (résine époxyde,
pentaérythritol et dipentaérythritol) les étapes « clés » de formation de la structure
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Résumé français
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 23
protectrice et du TiP
se déroulent à des températures moins élevées en présence de
dipentaérythritol. Ce mécanisme a également été mis en évidence lors des tests de
résistance au feu et la formation précoce de la structure cristalline à base de titane pourrait
expliquer les meilleures performances observées lors d’un test dans des conditions de feu
d’hydrocarbures (norme ISO 834) (Figure 5).
Figure 5 : Profils de température relevées au dos de plaque d'acier revêtue de peintures
intumescentes IF-2, IF-3 et IF-4 dans des conditions specifieés par la norme ISO 834- Feu
Enfin et puisque la réalisation de test à grande échelle est financièrement coûteuse et ne
permet pas l’évaluation de nombreuses formulations, nous avons dans un dernier chapitre
développé un test imitant les conditions d’un jet-fire à l’échelle laboratoire. En associant un
cône irradiant pour apporter la contribution radiative présente lors d’un jet-fire et un jet
d’air pour l’aspect dynamique et la quantité de mouvement, nous avons construit un
dispositif expérimental pour tester nos formulations intumescentes dans des conditions de
températures et de pression permettant des corrélations satisfaisantes entre le test de
résistance à grande échelle et à l’échelle laboratoire. En effet après une phase
d’optimisation des paramètres, nous avons réussi à obtenir des comportements de nos
peintures facilement identifiables. Quelque soit les conditions de test, IF-1 présente le même
comportement, développant un bouclier peu expansé mais résistant. Nous retrouvons ainsi
les conclusions du test à grande échelle d’IF-1. Concernant IF-2 et IF-3, la résistance
mécanique de la structure est également mise en cause à l’échelle réduite puisque le
revêtement est « soufflé » par le jet d’air dès le premier impact. De la me façon que lors
du test normé, l’utilisation de grillage renforçant a permis de maintenir une protection et de
retarder l’augmentation de température. Enfin la substitution de PER par le
dipentaérythritol a été étudiée en comparant le comportement d’IF-3 et d’IF-4 : le test
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Page 24 Ph-D report J. Ciret
réalisé sur IF-4 a montré des différences significatives avec celui d’IF-3, une couche
résiduelle résistante est formée en présence de dipentaérythritol permettant une protection
substantielle du substrat.
Ainsi durant cette thèse, trois approches ont été suivies pour étudier et expliquer le
comportement des peintures intumescentes destinées à la protection de plateformes
offshores et susceptibles de subir un jet-fire. Une approche physique tout d’abord qui nous a
permis de mettre en avant l’importance de la résistance mécanique et du comportement
viscoélastique des peintures intumescentes. L’influence du PER sur la viscosité a été évalué
et son effet négatif a obligé la substitution du PER par du dipentaérythritol dans la
formulation. Une approche chimique a ensuite permis de mettre en avant un mécanisme de
dégradation pour chaque formulation avec la formation d’une structure protectrice et d’un
composé cristallin (TiP
) bénéfique pour les performances feu des revêtements. Le
dipentaérythritol joue également un rôle important sur l’aspect chimique des formulations
puisqu’il présente une meilleure réactivité avec l’APP que le PER ou la résine époxyde,
permettant aux étapes « clés » du mécanisme de se réaliser à plus faible température. Enfin
une approche expérimentale nous a amené à développer un test à l’échelle laboratoire pour
simuler les conditions d’un « jet-fire » et étudier les comportements des formulations
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General Introduction
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 25
General Introduction
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General Introduction
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 27
In 1988, Occidental's Piper Alpha platform (United Kingdom) was destroyed by explosion and
fire and 167 workers were killed in the blaze. 17 years later, on Mumbai High North platform
(India), a support vessel collided with the structural framework, ruptured a riser causing a
major fire which destroyed the platform and killed 11 persons. In spite of advancement and
progress in fire protection, these dramatic events, picked on a too long list, have widely
opened the mind about fire hazards possible on offshore platforms. Moreover several key
lessons have been learnt following each accident. All major disasters lead to a tightening of
regulations and to the development of new technology. The protection of steel framework
against fire has notably become an important issue in the construction industry. Protection
of residential or commercial building has been regulated since several years but it is only
after 1988 and Piper Alpha disaster that characteristics of the offshore platforms have been
taken into account to propose new fire tests and new materials.
Usual cellulosic fire tests have been substituted by more severe hydrocarbon tests. Use of
active and passive fire proofing have been required and thanks to their properties,
intumescent coatings (intumescence means the formation of an expanded carbonaceous
char upon heating) have become one of the easiest and one of the most efficient ways to
protect steel structure against fire. The coating has the ability to expand by a factor of 40 or
more upon heat exposure that effectively leads to the protection of the substrate against
rapid increase of temperature, thereby maintaining the structural integrity of the building.
Figure 6 : Pictures from Piper Alpha disaster (a) and Mumbai accident (b)
In this context, this dissertation, divided in five parts, is based on the study of an epoxy
based intumescent coating, applied on offshore platforms. These coatings have to ensure
protection of steel in case of jet-fires”, which means that it has to resist to very severe
conditions combining extremely high heating (fire) and high momentum (velocity of the
The first chapter of this Ph-D work proposes a state of the art focused on the specific fire
hazards that can occur on offshore platforms and on the new solutions developed to
struggle against them and avoid human and materials losses. Different hydrocarbon fire
situations will be detailed, as pool fires or fireballs but it is jet-fires that will catch particularly
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Page 28 Ph-D report J. Ciret
our attention because of its severity and consequence on steel structure. Jet-fires represent
an important fire risk in offshore installations and potential jet-fires may vary with respect to
flame length, heat flux and velocities. We propose thus to study jet-fire taken into account
these parameters. Then in a second section of this state of the art, we will deal with the
means developed to limit jet-fire effect and obviously the intumescent coatings. They are
designed to perform under severe conditions and to maintain the steel integrity for up to
three hours when the temperature of the surroundings is in excess of 1100°C. Their
performances are tested using fire test, classically based on time temperature curves. We
will comment typical fire scenario. Furthermore, we will treat of a specific fire test,
developed to simulate jet-fire and to determine the resistance of passive fire protection
materials facing to high load resulting from a gas line rupture on an offshore oil rig.
The second chapter is also dedicated to jet-fires and particularly to the standard developed
by the Health and Safety Executive to determine the efficiency of the passive fire protection
coating facing to jet-fire conditions: OTI 95654 Jet-fire resistance - Test of passive fire
protection materials. After a description of the experimental settings and the parameters
used for severe conditions, we will detail the results exhibited by the four intumescent
formulations that have been investigated in this work. Their weaknesses will be highlighted
by a thermal behaviour and illustrated by an investigation of the specimen after test.
Physical and chemical properties of the intumescent coatings will be then respectively
investigated on a third and fourth chapter. Indeed, the efficiency of the char is closely
related to the physical behaviours, namely its ability to expand and the visco-elastic
properties of the melted degraded matrix during the intumescent process. The swelling of
intumescent coating is due to the slow diffusion of the evolved degradation gases released
into the degraded matrix. The importance of the visco-elastic properties of this layer is then
crucial since it would affect the porosity and the expansion of the resulting char. The
toughness of the char will also be determined thanks to an original test based on a
rheological approach.
In the fourth chapter, we will report the complete investigation of the selected intumescent
formulations using a chemical approach investigating their degradation pathway. Preliminary
analyses on mixtures of the additives contained in the coating have first been carried out. At
the end of this chapter, we will expect to propose a mechanism of degradation for our
formulations, highlighting the main particularities and the role played by the ingredients and
their interactions. Knowing the chemical and physical properties of the coating (Chapters III
and IV), our goal will be to explain their behaviour facing the jet-fire exposed on the second
Finally, the evaluation of coatings in hydrocarbon and jet-fire test regimes is both expensive
and time consuming and the companies involved in the research and development of fire
protection coatings are looking to reducing these costs by developing high throughput
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General Introduction
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 29
screening using small scale fire tests. Another objective of this PhD work is to examine
whether the performance in large scale industrial fire tests can be correlated with
parameters of the intumescent coating measured using labscale tools. Therefore the last
chapter of this report (Chapter V) will talk about the development of a novel labscale tests
permitting to predict the behaviour of intumescent formulations for the jet-fire test.
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Chapter I: State of the art
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Chapter I: State of the
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A century ago, steel was a comparatively unusual building material, mass production of steel
did not begin until 1855 and then it took several decades before it became popular as a
building material [1]. However, steel is today a much appreciated building material all over
the world and is used in a vast array of different types of buildings; from huge sport arenas
to offshore platforms. World steel demand has increased steadily since 1999, but this
increase has been accelerating since 2002 and represents around 50 million tonnes more per
year. This strong surge in steel consumption is the result of the dramatic acceleration of
domestic steel demand in China (Figure 7).
Figure 7 : China apparent steel consumption [1]
The selection of structural steel as a building’s framing system brings numerous benefits to a
project. All other materials are measured against the standard of structural steel and
structural steel is still the material of first choice [2]. These benefits include economic
approach with speed of construction, lower project costs or readily availability but also more
technical ones. Structural steel is a non-combustible material (M-0 rating). It exhibits a large
standard strength in both compression and tension. Moreover structural steel, long
considered the premier green construction material, is continuing to improve its
environmentally friendly position by reducing greenhouse carbons emissions (-37.7%
between 1990 and 2003) [2]. At the same time, the industry remains the world leader in the
use of recycled material, with recycled content now accounting for 95% of the structural
steel produced.
However, structural steel has some disadvantages. Most steel are susceptible to corrosion
when freely exposed to air and water, and therefore must be covered periodically with anti-
corroding paints. The use of weathering steels, however, in suitable applications tends to
eliminate this cost. Furthermore, steel is sensitive to heat and fire since it is an excellent
heat conductor. Although structural parts are incombustible, their strength is detrimentally
reduced at elevated temperatures reaching in fires. The major focus has been on the tensile
and strength properties of the steels at high temperature [3]. Steel begins to lose most of its
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structural properties from 550°C that is defined as critical temperature. The critical
temperature of steel is defined as the temperature at which the materials loses up to 50% of
its strength and can no longer support the design load, that being the maximum load
permitted by the structural provisions of the building codes [4]. Yield strength is the stress at
which material strain changes from elastic deformation to plastic deformation, causing it to
deform permanently. In Figure 8, the ratio between yield strength at temperature θ and the
yield strength at ambient is plotted versus temperature θ, we remark that ratio decreases
from 400°C and reaches 0.5 at 550°C.
Figure 8 : Reduction factors for steel strength and stiffness at elevated temperatures [5]
This point must be taken into consideration by architects and solutions must be developed in
accordance with the structural steel and the locations of the structure. Indeed, regulations
and requirements are not the same for a residential, a commercial building or an offshore
platform where risks are maximum.
Our study is based on materials used for offshore platforms.
The first part of this chapter describes the different risk on offshore platform sites. Offshore
quantitative risk assessments have historically been complex and costly, but here we try to
introduce the main fire risks that could occur in offshore and we focus on jet-fire that
appears as the most severe fire scenario. Its properties and its parameters are investigated
to understand the different modes of heat transfer occurring during the test and to propose
potential safety solutions.
Then the second part deals with the several ways existing for the protection of steel and the
particular requirements for offshore platforms. These systems are called “passive
fireproofing materials”, which means insulating systems designed to decrease the heat
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transfer from a fire to the structure being protected. Currently, the intumescent coating
based on epoxy resin appears as the best mean to protect steel framework which requires
high protection against fuel fires and to resist the strong conditions as fuel fires or jet-fires
occurring in offshore platforms, we will detail thus their action and their characteristics in
this part.
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I. Offshore fire risk assessment
Offshore oil and gas platforms are well known for their compact geometry, high degree of
congestion, limited ventilation and difficult escape routes. A study carried by the UK Health
and Safety Executive showed that process and structural failure incidents account for almost
80% of the risk to personnel offshore. Potential risks offshore include: blowouts, riser and
process leaks, fires, explosions, vessel collisions, helicopter accidents, dropped objects,
structural failures, and capsizing. An examination of incidents such as Piper Alpha in the
North Sea and the P-36 production semi-submersible off Brazil reveals that most offshore
incidents are in fact process-related and a small mishap under such conditions can quickly
escalate into a catastrophe. However, among all the accidental process-related events
occurring offshore, fire is the most frequently reported [6-8].
I. 1. Specific fire scenario on offshore platforms
This section considers the physical fires types that, in the light of the identified fire event,
need to be appraised in terms of harm. Fire events on offshore result always from a
hydrocarbon escape. This loss of hydrocarbon containment can arise from mechanical
failure, damage or procedural failures. The leakage rates and their duration greatly influence
the nature and extent of a fire. Consequently, offshore hydrocarbon fires can have varied
characteristics and encompass a very extensive range of size, fires might also be preceded by
an explosion causing damage to structures, process plant or fire protection systems and
thereby affect the extent of fire development. The fire events and their ranges had arrived
by considering what could be released, where and under what conditions and the possible
event following the release. To do this, the following information is desirable:
- The range of flammable hydrocarbons on offshore facilities
- How they arrive, are stored and leave
- Where they are processed/stored/used
- Typical transfer/process/storage conditions, pressure and temperatures
- Typical releases for each category of material, release rates and the inventory at risk
- Possible events following release
Based on these considerations above, three main classes of fire events can be defined and
A pool fire is a turbulent diffusion fire burning above a pool of vaporizing hydrocarbon fuel
where the fuel vapor has negligible initial momentum. The probability of occurrence of pool
fires on offshore platforms is high due to continuous handling of heavy hydrocarbons
onboard. Liquid fuel released accidentally during overfilling of storage tanks, rupture of
pipes and tanks etc., forms a pool on the surface, vaporizes, and upon ignition, results in a
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pool fire. Consequence models for pool fires in open spaces have been well-documented
over the past few years [9-11]. A key feature of these fires is that there is a degree of
feedback between the fire and the fuel in that, to a greater or lesser extent, heat transfer
back from the fire to the pool influences or even controls the rate of evaporation and hence
the fire size and other characteristics. The prime variable other than fuel type that influences
the fire characteristics is the pool size. Wind effects are also significant in deciding certain
parameters such as flame drag, flame tilt and flame length [6].The condition of the substrate
may also be influential via heat transfer into the pool liquid. The hazard consequence of pool
fires are pool spread, flame extent and geometry and external thermal radiation from
combustion products. These parameters determine the potential harm of this kind of fires.
A jet-fire is a turbulent diffusion flame resulting from the combustion of a fuel continuously
released with some significant momentum in a particular direction. Jet-fires represent a
significant element of risk associated with major incidents on offshore installations, with the
fuels ranging from light flammable gases to two-phase crude oil releases. Consequently to
their particularities and to its severity, jet-fire will be fully developed in a specific section.
A fireball (Figure 9) is a rapid turbulent combustion of fuel, usually in the form of a rising and
expanding radiant ball of flame. When a fire such as a pool or jet fire impinges on a vessel
containing pressure-liquefied gas, the pressure in the vessel rises and the vessel wall
weakens. This can eventually lead to catastrophic failure of the vessel with the release of the
entire inventory. This phenomenon is known as a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion
(BLEVE). In such releases, the liquefied gas released to the atmosphere flashes due to the
sudden pressure drop. If the released material is flammable, it will ignite; in addition to
missile and blast hazards, there is thus a thermal radiation hazard from the fireball
Figure 9 : Flame geometry for an expanding, rising fireball [6]
It is this thermal radiation, which dominates in the near field. Although the duration of the
heat pulse from a fireball is typically of the order of 1020 seconds, the damage potential is
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high due to the fireball's massive surface emissive power. Large-scale experiments carried
out by Roberts et al. [12] with propane as the fuel, measured a maximum average surface
emissive power ranging from 270 to 333kW/m
. The engulfment of structures in a fireball is
generally immediately catastrophic to life. The hazard consequences of fireballs that
determine their potential for harm are size, rise duration and radiation of the phenomena.
To conclude about fire types that can happen on offshore site, obviously these classes
overlap and offshore fire events might be a combination of these fire types. Consequently
risks and harms are again increased. In addition with the close proximity of personnel and
the difficulties of escape, hazard and unfortunately dramatic issues with human losses
cannot be eliminated to these industrial facilities.
I. 2. An overview of the nature of hydrocarbon jet-fire
Jet-fire has its own specific properties:
“A Jet-fire is a turbulent diffusion flame resulting from the combustion of a fuel
continuously released with some significant momentum in a particular range of
This is one of the most used definitions of jet-fire and it is focused on the continuity of the
gas flow, the important momentum and the direction of the impingement without
mentioning intensity, severity torching, high velocities or localised impact, in spite of the
strong association done with jet-fire in some publications [14].
Jet-fires represent a significant element of risk associated with major incidents on offshore
installations, with the fuels ranging from light flammable gases to two-phase crude oil
releases. This can lead to structural, storage vessel, and pipe-work failures, and can cause
further escalation of the event (i.e. domino effect). A recent study by Gómez-Mares et al.
[15] reports that approximately 50% of the recorded cases of jet-fires are followed by
additional severe events. This is an extremely important factor because it means that the
scale of an accident may increase considerably when a jet-fire occurs. For example, the riser
failure which occurred during the Piper Alpha Incident in 1988 [16], contributed to the
collapse of the platform and a major loss of life.
Prior to the Piper Alpha incident, there was little public domain information concerning the
quantification of fire hazards possible on offshore platforms and the incident led to the
project of a technical report coordinated by the Steel Construction Institute and by UK
Health and Safety Executive [13]. This report contains an appraisal of the knowledge and
ability to predict the hazards consequence of a jet-fire. It permits also to determine the
physical characteristics and the key feature of such phenomenon.
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I. 2. a) Jet-fire length
There is a considerable body of literature on the geometry of jet flames [17-24]. The
geometry of a jet-fire is important in predicting radiation from the flame and the possibility
of flame impingement on nearby facilities. The most important geometric parameter is the
flame length. The flame length is the distance from the release point to the defined end of
the flame. Whatever the scale is, the definition is not modified and its determination is easily
available. An internet site [25] allows even to calculate it based on several parameters and
using a sophisticated formula commented below.
But its precision is linked with the circumstances taken into account the release conditions
and jet-fire size can be primarily related to the heat released. For gaseous releases, this is
related to the size of the leak (hole diameter) and the pressure (which may vary as a function
of time). For non-gaseous fuels, the liquid content results in relatively higher release rates
for a given aperture and pressure compared to gaseous releases and, when the release is
two-phase (such as may arise from a relatively long pipe connected to a storage vessel
containing a liquid above its boiling point), estimates the release rate is non-trivial.
Where L is the flame length, in m and Q is the net heat released by combustion, in MW. A and b are
A first correlation (Eq. 1) can be used to present reasonable predictions in spite of its
simplicity. Several studies [18, 19, 26] have optimized it and adapted it, by changing A and b
values, to represent sonic and subsonic release for a range of gaseous fuels and a large range
of stack diameters between 500 and 800mm. For example Figure 10 shows jet-fire lengths
for a range of fuels plotted against the net heat released by combustion. It exhibits good fit
with empirical values of A and b.
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Figure 10 : Jet-fire lengths versus heat released for different hydrocarbons [27]
Other correlations more sophisticated and asking more information not easily available have
been also developed. The well known model of Hawthorne et al. [22] (Eq.1) is for instance
used to predict the distance, L, from the orifice to the visible flame tip on the internet
website mentioned above. Hawthorne et al. [22] take the turbulent mixing and buoyancy
processes at the end of the flame into account but in the other hand neglect the jet exit
conditions contrary to previous formula. So the ratio of moles of reactants to products and
the stoichiometry of the gas mixing seem to play a role on the length of the flame and the
latter is thus measured as a distance where mixing has reduced the fuel concentration to
Where B is the flame lift-off distance, m
D is the source hole diameter,
is the molar concentration of fuel in the stoichiometric mixture
and T
are respectively the temperature of the flame and this of the vapour leaving the hole, in K
is the ratio of moles of reactants to products
is the ratio of the molecular weight of the surroundings atmosphere to that of the gas issuing
from the nozzle.
A new notion of flame distance is also introduced here; it is the lift-off distance. Indeed jet
flames are generally lifted i.e. the base of the flame is not attached to the release point
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(Figure 11). This occurs because of the high velocities, strain rates and the richness of the
fuel near the source make it difficult to maintain a flame. The actual lift off position is
defined either as the point at which a blue gaseous flame appears or the point further
downstream at which yellow sooty flame first appears.
Figure 11: Flame and lift-off diagrams
These correlations give us information about the length of a perfect flame issued of the
ignition of a gas release. However, some limitations must be underlined. Indeed ignition of
discharges of fluids in open surroundings does not necessarily produce stable jet flames. The
discharge conditions can be such that flames cannot burn back to form a steady flame.
Whether or not a stable jet-fire will arise following the releases of a pressurized hydrocarbon
will depend principally upon the nature of the fuel, the size of the hole from which the
release occurs and the geometry of the surroundings. In practice [27] this means that most
small leaks will be inherently unstable and will not support a flame without some form of
flame stabilization, such as the presence of another fire in the vicinity or any impact onto a
pipe-work, vessels or the surrounding structure. However, in the highly congested
environment offshore, impact within a short distance is very likely, and hence small leaks are
most likely to stabilize on the nearest point of impact. Apart from providing flame
stabilization, impact onto an obstacle may modify the shape of the jet-fire. Objects which
are smaller than the flame half-width at the point of impact are unlikely to modify the shape
or length of the flame to any great extent. However, impact onto a large vessel may
significantly shorten the jet-fire, and impact onto a wall or roof could transform the jet into a
radial wall jet where the location and direction of the fire is determined by the surface onto
which it impacts and its distance from the release point.
Other limitations of the flame length determination are the influence of wind for external
jet-fire. Indeed, in a crosswind, the flame lengths shorten highly due to an additional mixing
and buoyancy. These effects are not as well identified and characterized as in still air, but
empirically flames from subsonic gaseous releases are quite wind and buoyancy affected
beyond the early momentum dominated region of the flame. Air entrainment in low velocity
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jet-fire is not particularly efficient; they are therefore comparatively long, sooty and radiant.
Some studies include these effects by adding a factor inside the expressions [28] (Eq.3):
Where L is the wind-affected flame length measured in m in a straight line from the release point to
the flame tip
is the still air flame length, in m
V is the wind speed in m.s
Therefore introducing as the most important parameter of the jet-fire, the flame length
appears as a characteristics widely influenced obviously by the size of fuel leakages and also
by the surroundings. If the first effect is directly link with the accident degree (a wider source
hole cause a high release of fuel and thus a large powerful flame), the other parameters
highlight once again the high risks occurring on offshore platforms, due to the highly
congested environment offshore that reinforce the flame and the random wind effect.
I. 2. b) Radiative and convective heat contribution
The thermal load to an engulfed object in a jet-fire will be a combination of radiative load
and convective load.
The radiative behaviour of jet flames is very varied and complex [13]. Radiation from a jet
flame arises from hot soot particles and gases. In most of the offshore jet flames, radiation
from soot dominates. However, in many sonic natural gas flames the soot radiation will be
quite small compared to the molecular emission from CO
and H
O vapour. The
directionality of jet-fires provides the possibility of direct flame impingement onto
surroundings structures or targets. So this is a supplementary source of serious hazard to
offshore facilities. In literature, we find several studies about nature and extent of
impingements and the resulting heat fluxes. But as for radiation, a problem appears with the
soot radiation, the molecular radiation and their ratio. Clearly, the total heat flux which is
imparted to an engulfed object will vary over the surface of the object. In addition, the
relative proportions of convective and radiative heat flux will vary over the surface, with the
highest convective component likely to be experienced close to the point of impact of a
flame where the highest velocities occur, whereas the highest radiative heat load will be
experienced where the more radiative part of the flame (usually towards the end of the
flame) is viewed by the object.
Figure 12 shows total heat fluxes experienced by a horizontal cylinder (pipe) impacted by a
horizontal high pressure gas jet-fire [29]. The cylindrical surface is presented flat by cutting
along the rear. Several configurations can be observed:
- (a) When the pipe was located at 21m (towards the end of the flame) the maximum
heat fluxes were experienced at the point of impact on the front of the pipe.
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- (b) At 15m the heat loads were relatively uniform around the pipe.
- (c) But at 9m, the heat loads were greatest to the rear of the pipe due to radiation
from the tail of the flame.
Figure 12 : Variation of total heat flux over the surface of a pipe according to distance from the
flame source: (a) pipe at 21m; (b) pipe at 15m; (c) pipe at 9m [27]
As the more radiative part of the flame is closer to the tail, this can result in the highest
overall heat fluxes being experienced on the rear surface of an engulfed object which may
seem counter-intuitive. Other tests with subsonic methane jet flames [30] and subsonic [30]
and sonic [31] gaseous propane flames at different flow rates and exit velocities have
presented similar results and allow to conclude to the non-local impingement of the jet-fire,
that increase again the harm of this phenomena. Indeed, temperature measurements [32]
along a pipeline positioned close to the source show that the rear of the tubular target
received the greater incident flux as evidenced by the greater temperatures, shown in the
Figure 13.
Figure 13 : Temperatures versus time at different locations of a pipe engulfed by jet-fire [13]
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As noted above, the combustion process within a natural gas jet-fire is relatively efficient
and produces little soot (carbon). Consequently, these flames are not as luminous as higher
hydrocarbon flames. The net result is that the radiative heat transfer to the surroundings is
lower than for comparable higher hydrocarbon jet-fires. This is reflected in the fraction of
heat radiated, F, for such fires as can be seen in Figure 14 (F is defined as ratio between
energy released as radiation from the flame surface and net energy of combustion). As can
be seen, F increases with carbon number (from natural gas to crude oil), reflecting the
increased radiative emissions from soot within the higher hydrocarbon jet-fires.
Figure 14 : Fraction of radiative power versus total power observed for jet-fire with different
hydrocarbons [27]
Due to the radiant soot emissions, the radiative heat transfer from higher hydrocarbon jet-
fires is generally greater than that from natural gas flames and the generally lower velocities
arising from flashing liquid releases (such as propane or butane) result in a lower convective
flux to engulfed objects. For the rear surface of an engulfed object, Figure 15 shows that the
fraction of the heat flux which is radiative increases from about 0.5 for natural gas to about
0.8 for fuels containing a large proportion of higher hydrocarbons [33-36].
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Figure 15 : Radiative heat flux as a fraction of total heat flux versus hydrocarbon content for an
engulfed object for a jet-fire [27]
Different authors report also several correlations between F factor and the jet exit velocity
[19, 28, 37]. In the case of a pressurized gasliquid mixture (such as ‘live’ crude oil), the high
gas velocities may still occur and result in a high convective contribution, whilst the higher
hydrocarbon content maintains a high radiative contribution; making these type of jet-fires a
‘worst case’ in terms of total heat flux to engulfed obstacles [27].
Finally, the next section describes the high fire risk assessment on offshore platforms.
Increased by the locations, fire risk on offshore is mainly caused by an accident and lead
always to materials collapse and always to human losses. The dramatic Piper Alpha accident
has a strong influence on this assessment and great efforts have been made to draw up this
hazard identification. Hydrocarbon leaks and subsequent fire and/or explosions are the main
threats to offshore explorations and production of hydrocarbon oil and gas, with fire kinds as
pool fires, fireballs, or cloud fires. But the jet-fire represents the worst fire risk in offshore
installations. In a jet-fire assessment, the two important parameters are the flame
dimensions, the thermal radiation heat flux and velocities field around the flame. The
convective heat transfer rate can be very high increasing by velocities and impingement and
leading to rapid failure of objects engulfed by the flame envelope. Thermal radiation outside
the flame envelope can also lead to equipment failure caused by rapid increase of heat flux.
Therefore, due to these severe conditions occurring on offshore platforms, solutions must
be provided not to avoid unavoidable accident but to reduce consequences of fire event and
safe structure and obviously people.
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II. Key requirements for offshore
Several ways exist for the fire protection of steel. There are two categories of prevention and
control of fires; passive protection and active control and protection. Active 'protection'
consists of several systems that may require human intervention to initiate. These include
water deluge, foam systems, sprinklers, monitors, inert systems, fire extinguishers. Passive
fire protection (PFP) is defined as a coating, cladding or free-standing system which, in the
event of a fire, will provide thermal protection to restrict the rate at which heat is
transmitted to the object or area being protected” [38].
In most cases passive fire protection materials exhibit successful results when they are used
in conjunction with “active” systems. Passive fire protection is the primary measure
integrated within the constructional fabric of a structural steel to raise the fire resistance of
the structure and to maintain the fundamental requirements of structural stability. However
their use on offshore platforms requires additional severe properties that must be kept in
Therefore, after a global description of the different passive systems in a first part of this
section, we will detail in a second one the key parameters required by intumescent coatings
based on epoxy resin to comply with the jet-fire resistance since this kind of PFP is widely
used on offshore platforms. Then in a third part we will introduce the different methods
existing to evaluate their performance and their efficiency for maintaining steel integrity and
for reducing damage on offshore installations.
II. 1. Passive fire protection
The main property of passive fire protection systems used for steel is the ability to maintain
the steel structure at temperature below 550°C, which is considered as the critical
temperature for structural steel, above which, it is in jeopardy of losing its strength, leading
to collapse.
Different methods can be used to improve fire protection of steel and the main classes of
passive fireproofing materials used are cementitious products, fibrous materials, composites
and intumescent materials. Early in the previous century [39], encasements in concrete,
brick, clay tiles, lath and plaster, and similar materials were commonly used for this purpose.
Now, less expensive forms of protection have been developed, such as cementitious
coatings and sprayed of mineral fibres, which can be applied directly on the steel members
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[40]. Furthermore intumescent paints are available in Europe for over 25 years, although
these materials have been known for centuries [41].
Cementitious products include concrete, gunite, lightweight vermiculite based mixes,
gypsum, calcium silicate and magnesium oxychloride. All cementitious fireproofing materials
protect the steel in two ways. Firstly, they contain trapped moisture which is released upon
heating and keep the steel temperature around 100°C until all the water is evolved.
Secondly, the product acts as a thermal insulator [42]. Moreover, these materials are
essentially inorganic and therefore do not burn. No additional smoke or toxic fumes are
produced in a fire which makes them suitable for internal use in living quarters and work
areas [43].
Advantages of these materials are that they have an attractive appearance, are usually hard
and durable, relatively cheap, and easy to install or repair. The cementitious materials can be
sprayed (Gunite, vermiculite-cement, magnesium oxychloride, etc.) or supplied as panels
(Gypsum, plaster, calcium silicate, etc.), which are fixed to the structure with either steel
wire or nailed to a timber cradle [44].
However, although they offer reasonable protection, the traditional cementitious based
materials have been found in a number of instances not to give satisfactory performance in
the highly corrosive offshore environment and, consequently, because of this and also
because of its weight, have been largely replaced by epoxy intumescent systems suitable for
hydrocarbon jet-fires [45].
Fibrous materials include boards and blankets of mineral wool and ceramic fibres. They are
particularly used as passive fireproofing systems when thermal insulation is an additional
requirement. Inorganic binders that do not burn out during the initial stages of the fire are
recommended [46]. Mineral wool is commercialized to resist to 850°C and ceramic fibre to
1150°C [47]. As ceramic fibre is more expensive than mineral wool they are often used in
combination. Mineral wool fibres can be sprayed with an adhesive to provide protection to
structural steelwork. Mineral Wool insulation and fire protection products can be used in all
types of buildings. It is also used in critical applications in offshore oilrigs and petrochemical
refineries as it protects against hydrocarbon fires [48]. The main disadvantage is that fibrous
materials absorb water easily, they are therefore recommended for internal use only except
where they can be effectively clad with metal sheeting. Some of these materials have also
recently been shown to be having human health and safety implications, so their use is
increasingly restricted.
Composite fire protection panels are produced with various types of materials from
different fire resistant classes. Panels may consist of a metallic cladding, often stainless steel,
a cementitious board (typically plaster or gypsum) and mineral or ceramic fibres in between.
These panels may resist cellulosic or hydrocarbon fires as required. They are generally fixed
to structural members with steel binding wire or bolted to a supported frame or cradle.
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These three first technologies are currently used to protect structural steel from fire and
heat. However, in this dissertation the building that should be protected is offshore
platforms, sensitive to very aggressive conditions, namely corrosion, chemical attacks and
potential powerful fires. Therefore, although traditional cementitious fireproofing materials
are known for their low cost and ease of installation, they do not resist to corrosion and
aggressive weathering conditions. They do neither resist to jet-fires, which is an essential
requirement in the petrochemical industry and cannot be used for protecting offshore
platforms [45]. Then similar disadvantages can be drawn about the fibrous materials, in
addition with the sensitivity to water and their use on offshore platforms is not extended.
On the other hand, intumescent materials are widely used in passive fire protection
systems, where potential pathways for the spread of flames and fumes, such as conduits,
wall openings and ventilation grilles can be protected with fire retardant products. An
intumescent material is one that undergoes a chemical change when exposed to heat or
flames, becoming viscous then forming expanding bubbles that harden into a dense, heat
insulating and multi-cellular char. Consequently, as shown by an increasing market supplied
by several companies, intumescent systems are the current better technology for the
protection of offshore platforms. Intumescent coatings are generally epoxy based and are
delivered to the site in drums to be sprayed or hand applied [42]. Intumescent epoxy
materials have been recognised as the best means of saving lives and limiting damage when
hydrocarbon fires hit offshore platforms [49]. Therefore the rest of this state of art deals
with the study of different commercial thick intumescent coatings in terms of thermal,
chemical or physical properties.
II. 2. Epoxy based intumescent coatings
The increasing acceptance of the benefits of epoxy intumescent fireproofing materials has
resulted in much increased uses, particularly offshore, of this type of product in recent years
Epoxies are thermosetting materials and consist in a two-component mixture composed of a
prepolymer and a hardener. Thermosets are, due to the irreversible curing reaction, rigid
three dimensional cross-linked plastics [51]. Due to their two components implementation
and the properties of the cross-linked structure [52], epoxy-based thermosets are choice
elements for varying the characteristics of the end products following a quasi-infinite variety
of recipes [53]. Globally, after curing, epoxies have satisfactory intrinsic mechanical
properties such as suitable weather, chemical and thermal resistance [54]. In addition,
different methods have been studied to modify their network structure and to improve
these properties. One of the most important parameters controlling the network structure is
the crosslink density and could be determined by differential scanning calorimetry and
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modified by changing the prepolymer chain length [52]. Furthermore, thanks to an
appropriate selection of formulation chemistry (i.e. not only epoxy prepolymer and hardener
but also catalysts, additives, impact modifiers, etc.), a wide range of properties and
behaviours, required for numerous applications, can be provided to epoxy resins [55]. So,
the many applications of epoxy resins have focused attention on these materials since the
beginning of their commercial use by the end of the 1930’s [56]. Epoxies are applied for
moulding compounds, surface coating and painting materials, composites, microelectronic
encapsulated materials, printed circuit boards, adhesives, etc [53, 54]. Epoxy resins are used
in many industrial applications in which stiff, high glass transition temperature, low creep
and high heat resistant materials are required [57]. All these technical advantages justify
their higher cost in comparison with other thermosetting materials [58].
The versatility of these resins is due to the instability of the epoxy group. Thanks to its great
nucleophilicity, this ring can be opened by reacting with different compounds like
polysulfides, polyamides, aromatic and aliphatic amines and anhydrides [56, 59]. Groβ et al.
[60] have shown that the nucleophilicity of the functional groups is the determining
parameter in curing of epoxy resins in order to provide different mechanical, chemical and
physical properties. The presence of polar groups on the polymer backbone allows good
adhesion to metal substrates and the cured epoxy resin shows high resistance to abrasion,
moisture, thermal shock and vibration damage. High tensile and compressive strengths can
be obtained and weather resistance is excellent, even if they show a poor resistance to UV
There are two main categories of epoxy resins, namely the glycidyl epoxy, and non-glycidyl
epoxy resins. The glycidyl epoxies are further classified as glycidyl-ether, glycidyl-ester and
glycidyl-amine. They are prepared by polycondensation between a dihydroxy compound, a
dibasic acid or a diamine and epichlorhydrin. Glycidyl-ether epoxies such as diglycidyl ether
of Bisphenol A (DGEBA) are the most commonly used epoxies [51]. The non-glycidyl epoxies
are either aliphatic or cycloaliphatic epoxy resins, and are formed by peroxidation.
The most studied coatings use a diglycidylether of Bisphenol A (DGEBA). It is synthesized by
reaction between bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin (Figure 16). DGEBA provides several
properties to the epoxy coating according to the polymerization degree [51], namely
adhesive properties, corrosion of hydrolysis sites [61].
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Figure 16 : Reaction and formula of DGEBA [62]
In order to convert epoxy resins from DGEBA to a hard and rigid network, a hardener or
curing agent is necessary. Amines are the most commonly used curing agents for epoxy cure
[63]. Primary and secondary amines are highly reactive with epoxies. Tertiary amines are
generally used as catalysts, commonly known as accelerators for the cure reaction.
Otherwise polyaminoamide can also been used as hardener.
The curing process is a chemical reaction in which the epoxy groups react with a secondary
amine to form a hydroxyl group and to reduce the amine to a primary one (Figure 17).
Figure 17 : Reduction of the primary amine and opening of the epoxy ring
Then in a second step the reaction continues with the reaction of the amine with another
epoxy group. So a three dimensional network is formed, containing ternary amine and
framework issued of DGEBA (Figure 18, Figure 19).
Figure 18 : Formation of a 3D-network
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Figure 19 : Schematic representation of the reticulated network between epoxy resin and hardener
However, this hard material does not exhibit fire retardant properties and need additives
and/or chemical modifications in order to develop an acceptable reaction to fire [54]. Indeed
epoxy resins are used in many industrial applications, but flammability of this resin type is a
major limitation in areas requiring high flame retardance. The approach chosen to improve
the flame retardance of composites has been to add flame retardants and smoke
suppressants to the resin [64-66]. However, the addition of some flame retardants could
significantly decrease the mechanical properties of polymers [67-69] and must consequently
be used with care in order to maintain with respectable ratio intrinsic properties of epoxy
Intumescent coating acts as a thermal barrier for construction materials during fire hazards.
The coating has the ability to expand by a factor of 40 or more during heat exposure that
effectively leads to the protection of the substrate against rapid increase of temperature,
thereby maintaining the structural integrity of the building. Most of the published
information on intumescent coatings is in the patent literature while little is reported on the
chemical-physical mechanism of intumescence [70-74]. The first intumescent coating has
been patented in 1938 [75].
The primary focus of research on intumescent coatings is to identify the combination of
ingredients that results in a coating that develops a controlled volume of cohesive and
insulative char when the system is exposed to a fire (Figure 20) and a system that also
provides all the protection and other properties required of a high quality coating.
Figure 20 :Formation of intumescent char
In 1970, Vandersall [76] published a detailed paper describing the usual and efficient
elements of intumescent coatings. He stated “A quality intumescent paint cannot be visually
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differentiated from a conventional paint. It provides the protective, serviceable and
aesthetic properties of the non fire-retardant system. However, when heated above its
critical temperature, the film begins to melt, to bubble and to swell, forming a thick, non-
flammable, multi-cellular insulative barrier which affords protection for the substrate.” So
the goal of intumescent additives is to provide fire protection without altering other
Vandersall [76] classified the chemical compounds of intumescent systems in three
- A carbonisation agent, this means a carbon-rich polyhydric compound: starch and
polyhydric alcohols are mostly used. The number of carbons will influence the
amount of char formed whereas the number of hydroxyls will determine the rate of
char formation. In the studied intumescent epoxy coating, the polymer itself acts as
the carbonific agent.
- An acid source: an inorganic acid, either free or formed in situ from a precursor
during heating.
- A foaming agent: usually halogenated or nitrogenated compounds, which also evolve
copious quantities of non-flammable gases.
Similarly, Jones et al. [77] defined as carbonific the compounds in intumescent formulations
that act as a carbon source for char formation and spumific those which evolve gaseous
products and induce foaming.
Numerous papers have tried to describe the possible mechanism leading to intumescence
[74, 76, 78, 79]. It is generally accepted that first, the acid source breaks down to yield a
mineral acid. This takes part in the dehydration of the carbonisation agent to yield the
carbon char and finally, the blowing agent decomposes to yield gaseous products. The latter
causes the char to swell and hence provides an insulating multi-cellular protective layer. This
shield limits the heat transfer from the substrate to the heat source, resulting in a
conservation of the underlying material. The presence of a compound in each of the above
three classes does not by itself ensure intumescent behaviour of the mixture. In fact, a series
of chemical and physical processes must occur in an appropriate sequence, while the
temperature increases, to produce the intumescence phenomenon.
Examples of the components from the different categories are shown in Table 2.
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Table 2 : Examples of components playing a role in intumescent coatings [79, 80]
Inorganic acid source
Carbonisation compounds
- Acids (phosphoric, boric, sulphuric)
- Ammonium salts
(Phosphate, polyphosphates, sulphates,
halides, etc.)
- Amine/amide phosphates
(Urea, Guanylurea, Melamine phosphate,
- Organophosphorus compounds
(Tricresyl phosphate, alkyl phosphate,
haloalkyl phosphate).
Phenol-formaldehyde resins
Methylol melamine
Foaming compounds
Chlorinated paraffins
Tetrachlorophtalic resins
Urea-formaldehyde resins
Classical and efficient intumescent formulations use ammonium polyphosphate as acid
source and foaming agent and pentaerythritol as carbon source [81-83]. Used on epoxy resin
based coating at different ratios, this fire retardant mixture alters degradation
characteristics of the materials by increasing the residual mass and the char yield [84, 85].
The incorporation of the APP/PER system in the resin provides also the convenient
mechanical and thermal properties to the protective shield: high flexibility and heat diffusion
abilities [86]. Its mechanism of degradation is widely studied and now well known. At 200°C,
APP reacts with PER to yield ortho- and pyro- phosphate species, via a hydrolysis reaction
(Figure 21). At this step, the first P-O-C bonds have been formed; the key of the efficiency of
the coating will be to keep these bonds, providing beneficial properties to the insulative
Figure 21 : Hydrolysis of ammonium polyphosphate
Then the phosphor ester formed can undergo a ring closing esterification, in which water
and ammonia is released [87]. A succession of these and similar reactions results in a char
consisting of mainly carbon (Figure 22), but also small amounts of oxygen, phosphorus, and
nitrogen atoms [70]. Besides, the binder takes part in the control of the char expansion and
ensures a uniform foamed structure [88].
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Figure 22 : Ring closing esterification of the phosphor ester and subsequent reduction to a carbon
The formation of the effective char occurs via a semi-liquid phase, which coincides with gas
formation and expansion of the surface [89]. Gases released from the degradation of the
intumescent material, and in particular of the blowing agent, have to be trapped and to
diffuse slowly in the highly viscous melt degraded material in order to create a layer with
appropriate morphological properties as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 : Development of intumescence (α= conversion degree)
The viscosity of the degraded matrix in the blowing phase is, as a consequence, a critical
factor [90, 91] and the different components of the intumescent formulation can modify this
visco-elastic behaviour. If the degraded matrix has a too low viscosity, easy diffusion of gases
takes place and the gases will not be trapped but rather escape to feed the flame. If the
viscosity is too high, there can be formation of some cracks which allow the oxygen to
diffuse into the char and which could increase the heat transfer from surface to substrate.
Hence the efficiency of the protective layer may decrease. Moreover, several previous
studies have shown good correlation between the different steps of the intumescent
process and the dynamic properties (expansion and apparent complex viscosity) of the
formed char using thermal scanning rheometer measurements on different intumescent
materials [90, 92-94]. Applied on intumescent coatings based on epoxy resin, Jimenez [95,
96] showed that viscosity and swelling are linked as the expansion takes place because of
the decrease in the viscosity of the degrading material combined with the release of volatile
degradation products. In this study, Jimenez showed also the modification and the
synergistic effect provided by the different intumescent additives on the visco-elastic
properties and the swelling abilities of the materials. The degradation of the thermoset resin
at about 350°C creates an important decrease of viscosity detrimental to development of an
efficient intumescent shield. Boric acid and APP seems to be the key additives to reduce this
fall of viscosity and to allow a high expansion and a char with a good mechanical resistance.
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Furthermore, another important parameter that also has to be taken into account is the
mechanical strength of the intumescent char. This factor is significant because in the
conditions of fire, char destruction can proceed not only by means of ablation and
heterogeneous surface burning but also by means of an external influence such as wind,
mechanical action of the fire or convective air flows. This aspect appears as a key parameter
especially after describing the jet-fire phenomenon in the previous section and knowing the
location where our intumescent formulations are applied. A consideration of the mechanical
stability of intumescent char appeared first in the technical literature in discussions about
the nature of bonds which provide char stability [70].
A simple criterion [97, 98] was subsequently proposed for the mechanical stability of the
intumescent char: mechanical properties of foams depend both on the structure, porosity
and mechanical properties of the foam material; it is assumed that chemical structure is one
of the main factors affecting mechanical stability. Moreover, physical structure data (such as
thickness of the walls inside the char cap, micro-density of the char, density of the char
material) should also been taken into consideration. Finally, mechanical stability probably
depends on the direction of external perturbation and its type (direct, rotation, vibration).
The question for intumescent chars is why and how this perturbation is distributed through
the char cap, from the surface layer and up to “frozen” pyrolysis zone. This distribution
depends on the char porosity and, to a less extent, on the chemical structure.
Reshetnikov et al. used a “Structurometer ST-1”, developed at the Moscow State Food
Academy, to measure the force required to destroy the char [98]. The samples were first
pyrolysed and then a destructive force was applied to the sample. It was concluded that one
of the main factors influencing the mechanical stability is the char porosity: the smaller the
pore size the better the char strength. A similar method was developed in our laboratory at
Lille University [93] in recent years, using the Thermal Scanning Rheometer. The main
interest of our approach is that the measurement of the destruction force is made directly
after swelling of the sample, at high temperature, working as an “in situ” experiment. This is
particularly important in the case of jet fires, as the char has to resist very aggressive
conditions, such as explosions, violent wind.
As a summary based on a careful review of the literature, we may establish parameters
required by the intumescent structure to provide an efficient protection:
- The flame retardancy of modified polymeric materials does not only depend on the
thermal stability of the constituent elements, but also on their rate of degradation,
rate of char formation and the amount of residual char [99].
- The performance is determined by the kinetics of the charring process and the exact
timing of the expansion of the char. If it takes place too early after dehydration, the
char is ineffective and non-insulative. If the expansion occurs too late, the char
hardens before swelling [93].
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- The efficiency of intumescent systems depends on the thermo-physical properties of
foamed char [100].
- The efficiency of the char is closely related to its ability to expand and form a multi-
cellular structure and consequently to its physical properties during the intumescent
process. One of the main aspects of intumescent char physical structure is its
uniformity and its porosity [88].
- A high mechanical stability promoting by a highly cross-linked structure is also
required for the foamed char to resist to fire conditions [97]. This last property is
even considered as the most important because of the aggressive conditions
occurring for a jet-fire event.
To conclude, this section has described the main fire retardants used in epoxy resin focusing
on the intumescent systems which are the most appropriate to provide fire protection in
offshore platform applications. The selection of intumescent flame retardant for a material is
then governed by the chemical and physical properties of the whole material and its
degradation characteristics. We have introduced APP and PER as convenient intumescent
additives for epoxy resin and drawn up the main properties required to such system. These
materials introduced above are materials designed to protect offshore platforms and their
properties are thus developed in agreement with focus on the mechanical resistance and the
thermal insulation. Indeed, fire events possible on offshore platforms can be described as
powerful fire and jet-fire resistance requires high stability and resistance facing to
impingement. Consequently, the physical properties introduced for intumescent coatings
must be considered above all as fundamental for fire protection of offshore platforms and
will be developed in a following chapter.
II. 3. Fire tests specified for offshore fire protection
II. 3. a) Fire tests based on furnace conditions
There are no internationally accepted rules for fire safety of offshore constructions. Instead
there are many national and corporation standards. Required levels of protection are
normally specified in terms of time and temperature on the basis of one or more criteria,
which may include statutory requirements, design considerations and insurance cost
implications. The duration is established by a time rating which is determined by testing in
accordance with an approved standard specifying a time / temperature curve (Figure 24).
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Figure 24 : Standard fire test curves used for materials applied on offshore platforms
The hydrocarbon test curve (UL 1709) [101] is meant to duplicate or to be indicative of the
rapid temperature rise seen when a hydrocarbon fuel such as oil or natural gas burns: the
temperature rises rapidly to 900°C within 4 minutes and significantly higher overall
temperatures are reached (between 1100°C and 1200°C). This hydrocarbon fire test curve,
developed by the Mobil Oil Company in the early 1970’s and adopted by a number of
organisations and in particular Underwriters laboratories, UK Dept. Of Energy, BSI, ISO and
the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate is now a common test method for high risk
environments such as petrochemical complexes and offshore platforms.
Derived from the above-mentioned hydrocarbon curve, the French regulators asked for a
modified version, the so called hydrocarbon modified curve (HCM). The maximum
temperature of the HCM curve is 1300°C instead of the 1100°C for standard hydrocarbon
curve. However, the temperature gradient in the first few minutes of the HCM fire is as
severe as all hydrocarbon based fires. This test has been developed to consider jet-fire
scenarios in which leaking high pressure hydrocarbon gases ignite to produce intense,
erosive jet flames that can reach speeds of 150 metres per second.
The RWS (Rijkst Water Staat) curve [102] was developed by the Ministry of Transport in the
Netherlands. This curve is based on the assumption that in a worst case scenario, a fuel, oil
or petrol tanker fire with a fire load of 300MW could occur, lasting up to 120 minutes. The
RWS curve was based on the results of testing carried out by TNO Centre for Fire Research in
the Netherlands in 1979. The difference between the RWS and the hydrocarbon curve is that
the latter is based on the temperatures that are expected from a fire occurring within a
relatively open space, where some dissipation of the heat occurs, whereas the RWS curve is
based on temperature you find when a fire occurs in an enclosed area, such as a tunnel,
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where there is little or no chance of heat dissipating into the surrounding atmosphere. The
RWS curve simulates the initial rapid growth of a fire using a petroleum tanker as the source,
and the gradual drop in temperatures to be expected as the fuel load is burnt off.
The standards listed above are the most commonly used standards. However, it is generally
recognized that the conditions in the standard and hydrocarbon furnace tests do not
represent the characteristics such as heat flux and erosion found in full scale high velocities
jet-fires. After the explosion and fire on Piper Alpha, Lord Cullen [16] highlighted it is clearly
desirable that any fire test used must be realistic. Any information provided by the test must
be useful to the chemists/industrial about the probable behaviour of the fire barrier in real
hydrocarbon fire conditions. With increasing reliance being placed on passive fire protection
materials offshore and the realisation that in many areas jet-fires pose the most onerous
threat, the need for a jet-fire test is now widely accepted.
II. 3. b) Jet-fire resistance test
An initial project, denominated OTI 95634 [103] has been developed jointly by the UK Health
and Safety Executive and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate for using predominantly on
offshore installations. This jet-fire test (Figure 25) was designed to determine how various
objects and passive fire protection materials perform when exposed to this fire scenario. The
test impinges a high-speed stream of ignited propane fuel onto a substrate. The propane is
delivered at a rate of 0.3kg/s and can consume 1 tonne of fuel per test. Since 2007, this
project is become an international standard [104] that determines the resistance to jet-fires
of passive fire protection materials.
The method provides an indication of how passive fire protection materials perform in a jet-
fire that may occur for example, in petrochemical installations. It aims to simulate the
thermal and mechanical loads imparted to passive fire protection material by large scale jet-
fires resulting from high-pressure releases of flammable gas, pressure liquefied gas or
flashing liquid fuels. Jet-fires give rise to high convective and radiative heat fluxes as well as
high erosive forces.
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Figure 25 : Jet-fire resistance test in progress on an intumescent coating
To generate both types of heat flux in sufficient quantity, a 0.3 kg/second sonic release of
gas is aimed into a hollow chamber, producing a fire ball with an extended tail. The flame
thickness is thereby increased and hence so is the heat radiated to the test specimen.
Propane is used as the fuel since it has a greater propensity to form soot than natural gas
and can therefore produce a flame of higher luminosity. High erosive forces are generated
by release of the sonic velocity gas jet 1 meter from specimen (bulkhead) surface. The
propane vapour issues from a tapered, converging nozzle of length 200mm, inlet diameter
52mm and outlet diameter 17.8mm (Figure 26).
Figure 26 : Jet nozzle used for jet-fire resistance test [103]
The nozzle is aimed horizontally and normal to the rear wall of the test specimen. The tip of
the nozzle is located 1.00m from the front surface of the test specimen and with its centre
on quarter of the height of the test specimen above the inner surface of the test specimen’s
base (Figure 27). The average heat flux is approximately 240kW/m² and the maximum heat
flux 300 kW/m². The heat fluxes are highest in the upper part of the chamber and lowest in
the corners and at the jet impact zone, as already mentioned in the previous section.
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Figure 27 : Layout of test facility with steelwork test specimen used for evaluating protective fire
materials [103]
Four different versions (panel, planar steelwork, structural steelwork and tubular section
tests) of the test procedure can be used according to the materials under consideration. The
structural steelwork test specimen is constituted of an open fronted bow, with the addition
of a central flange (also named web, and note it is this name which appears on the different
figures), with passive fire protection as described on Figure 28. The structural steelwork test
should be used to represent the application of passive fire protection material to steelwork
with corners or edge features, for example “I” beams.
Figure 28 : Construction of structural steelwork test specimen with a central flange [103]
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The test duration can be defined in either a specified period of exposure to the jet-fire or the
period required to reach a specified maximum temperature. The test specimen is fixed to
the rear box and the assembly is mounted on lightweight concrete blocks approximately 1.0
m from the ground. The test specimens are instrumented with type K thermocouples (Figure
29). They are fastened to the back of the rear wall by drilling and peeing or other equivalent
methods while sheathed ones are inserted into the central flange.
Figure 29 : Thermocouple positions for structural steelwork test specimen [103]
Little information is currently available about this standard because of the date of
publication. However some new passive fire protection materials has proven to be capable
of resisting to jet-fire for 90 (rating J-90) or 120 minutes (rating J-120) according to this
standard. For instance Chartek 7 is an epoxy intumescent fire protection system featuring
excellent jet-fire resistance for up to two hours [105], Benarx is also a patented jet and
hydrocarbon fire-rated epoxy fire protection material that is tested and certified up to two
hours [106].
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III. Conclusions
This current state of the art is based on the hazards onboard offshore platforms. Indeed, the
slightest incident on such locations can quickly become the worst accident. The nature of
their operation (extraction of volatile substances sometimes under extreme pressure in a
hostile environment) means risk, accidents, and tragedies occasionally occur following by
pool fires or fireball. But the worst scenario that can occur on offshore platforms is most
probably the jet-fire. A jet-fire is a turbulent diffusion flame resulting from the combustion
of a fuel continuously released with high momentum in a particular direction. The convective
heat transfer rate can be very high increasing by velocities and impingement and leading to
rapid failure of objects engulfed by the flame envelope. Thermal radiation outside the flame
envelope can also lead to equipment failure caused by rapid increase of heat flux. Such
events are cause of worst accident.
Therefore, new technology has been developed to be specially adapted to fire protection of
offshore platforms. If the oldest insulative methods such as cementitious products or fibrous
materials do not prove great efficiency in the aggressive offshore conditions, intumescent
epoxy coatings have proven to be efficient protection against hydrocarbon fires of offshore
oilrigs and petrochemical refineries. Thanks to fire retardant additives, we have so detailed
the intumescent process and the key parameters required to promote an efficient
protection. Ammonium polyphosphate combined with pentaerythritol appears as the most
used and the most efficient intumescent mixture that exhibits the satisfying properties with
a sufficient swelling rate, an ability to dissipate heat and a great mechanical stability facing
to severe conditions.
The efficiency of epoxy coating is then evaluated by different fire test. Firstly hydrocarbon
fire test are carried out in a furnace environment under time/temperature conditions
specified by relevant curves then evaluated by the jet-fire resistance test. Recently
standardized, this test focuses on the thermal and mechanical loads and provides an
indication of how passive fire protection materials perform in a jet-fire. It leads to ‘J’ ratings
for given length of time. However, a rapid survey of the open literature have shown that the
most of the papers reports comprehensive studies about the jet fire test itself but no work
report as far as we know, detailed studies about jet fire test on steel protected with
intumescent coating. Nevertheless, both these tests are essential since they give a good
simulation of a real fire, all our work in this study will so be based on the behaviours of the
intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire.
That‘s why in the next chapter, we will comment the results obtained by four different
intumescent coatings evaluated at the jet-fire resistance test based on the parameter
discussed above.
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
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Chapter II: Evaluation of
the efficiency of the
intumescent coatings
facing to jet-fire
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
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The previous chapter has reviewed the different methods to protect steel framework and
notably offshore platforms. We have also focused on the standardized tests able to measure
the efficiency of an intumescent coating undergoing fire corresponding to different
scenarios, from hydrocarbon fires to most hazardous jet-fires. The purpose of this work is
intumescent coating protecting offshore platforms and the associated fire scenario is the jet-
fire. Usually thick intumescent coatings are firstly evaluated in large furnace test in
agreement with standard UL 1709 [101]. If they pass it, they are then evaluated by the jet-
fire resistance test of passive fire protection materials OTI 95634 [103] or ISO 22899 [104].
Furthermore, several properties of the char have been mentioned in the literature. The
previous state of art shows desirable properties from the point of view of flame retardant
performance: mechanical strength and integrity, adherence of the coating on the steel
plates, porosity and of course abilities to limit heat and mass transfer in order to protect the
substrate. The efficiency of an intumescent coating depends thus mainly on the quality of
the char produced during burning and degradation.
This chapter examines the fire behaviour of four intumescent coatings according to the OTI
95634 report [103]. In a first part, the characteristics of the four intumescent coatings will be
presented, highlighting the main active components responsible for the intumescent process
and whose action has detailed in the first chapter. Then details and settings of the jet-fire
resistance test will be commented according to the requirements and setup specified by the
standard. Finally, the results exhibited by the intumescent formulations will be fully
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
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I. Materials and experimental
I. 1. Materials
This entire dissertation is based on the study of four different epoxy-based intumescent
coatings. The whole formulations are divided into two parts:
- The part A containing the prepolymer and others components
- The part B containing the curing agent (an amide) and others components.
Both parts are stored separately, mixed just before the application of the coating on the
substrate at different ratio (Table 3) and cured at ambient temperature over a 48h period.
Table 3 : Ratio between the two parts used to prepare the intumescent coatings
Intumescent coating
Ratio Part A/Part B
Among these four formulations, some ingredients are common. For the four grades of
intumescent coatings, the prepolymer is the same: a DGEBA type liquid prepolymer DER 311
from Dow Chemicals while the curing agent is a polyaminoamide. In addition, fire retardant
additives play an important role; different grades of ammonium polyphosphate have been
used according to the formulations. The coated ammonium polyphosphate used in the IF-1
formulation is a blended mixture of ammonium polyphosphate (APP) (Figure 30), and tris-(2-
hydroxyethyl)isocyanurate (THEIC) (Figure 31) commercialized as IFR 36 from Clariant [105].
APP is an acid source yielding to phosphoric acid upon heating, reacting with THEIC and
epoxy and leading to the formation of an intumescent structure.
Figure 30 : Formula of APP, n>1000
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Figure 31 : Formula of THEIC
On the three other formulations an uncoated ammonium polyphosphate (Figure 30), Exolit
AP422 from Clariant, is added as both acid source and blowing agent (because of the release
of ammonia) [76]. In addition, the carbon source is played respectively by the epoxy resin on
IF-2, by pentaerythritol (PER) added to epoxy resin on IF-3 and by dipentaerythritol (dPER)
added on epoxy resin on IF-4 (Figure 32). Note that epoxy resin can also play a role of char
former in IF-3 and IF-4 formulations.
Figure 32 : Formula of pentaerythritol (a) and dipentaerythritol (b)
Furthermore, classical additives used on paint formulations have been added: pigments,
surfactant, and mineral fillers but the exact formulations of the four coatings are not known.
However TiO
is used on IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 and could play a role for the chemical pathway.
The main active ingredients of the intumescent formulations are reported in Table 4,
highlighting the main differences between the coatings.
Table 4 : Comparison between the active ingredients of 4 formulations
Polymeric matrix
Acid source
Carbon source
DGEBA prepolymer
+ polyaminoamide
Coated APP +
Boric acid
Epoxy resin + THEIC
from coated APP
DGEBA prepolymer
+ polyaminoamide
Epoxy resin
DGEBA prepolymer
+ polyaminoamide
Epoxy resin + PER
DGEBA prepolymer
+ polyaminoamide
Epoxy resin + dPER
In addition, the use of mesh in intumescent coating provides an additional reinforcement of
the barrier formed when burning. This is crucial when the coating is exposed to high
pressure during the test as in the case of the jet-fire resistance test. The efficiency of this
reinforcement has been demonstrated in the case of the most fragile coatings as IF-2 and IF-
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
Page 68 Ph-D report J. Ciret
3 whereas its effect is not significant for a robust coating as IF-1 (see discussion in the next
sections). Mesh (Figure 33) comprises alternating strands of carbon and glass fibre, woven
together with polyester thread running in one direction. Each component is used with an
accurate objective:
- The polyester melts at 140°C leaving the strands of carbon and glass fibre free to
move as the intumescent shield expands.
- The glass fibres melt at about 400°C, it is used to make it easier to handle.
- Finally, the carbon fibres exhibit a high thermal stability and should be preserved
through a standard hydrocarbon fire test but, it cannot resist prolonged exposure to
the pressures involved in a jet-fire test.
Figure 33 : Structure of mesh with carbon and glass fibre
I. 2. Jet-fire resistance test
The different formulations labelled IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 have been evaluated in the
conditions of a jet-fire according to the recommendations established by the Health and
Safety Executive [103] and already described in the first chapter. This test permits to
determine properties of passive fire protection materials. It is designed to give an indication
of how well passive fire protection materials will perform in a jet-fire. In spite of smaller
dimensions than typical offshore or plant structures, the thermal and mechanical stresses
imparted to the passive fire protection materials by large-scale jet-fires resulting from high-
pressure releases of natural gas have been shown to be similar as those from the jet-fire
defined in this procedure.
The structural steelwork test specimen is constituted of an open fronted box divided into
two back faces with the addition of a central flange. To describe test panel, we will refer thus
to back faces (right and left hand sides) and to central flange. For testing passive fire
protection materials applied as coating, the structural steelwork specimens shall have
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 69
passive fire protection material applied directly to all inside surfaces according to the
standard specifications. However, in the case of IF-2 and IF-3, some tests have been carried
out on panel where only the central flange is coated by intumescent formulations. This
adaptation of the experimental setup has been motivated by the properties of the coatings
and the low mechanical resistance exhibited by these two formulations. Thanks to these
settings, we have focused our investigation in the zones where the pressure is maximal and
where the coatings should not resist and cause the test failure.
In the jet-fire test, the fuel is commercial propane, delivered as vapour without a liquid
fraction at a steady state rate of 0.30±0.05kg/s. The tip of the nozzle is located 1.00m from
the front surface of the test specimen and with its centre on quarter of the height of the test
specimen above the inner surface of the test specimen’s base.
Temperature measurements are carried out on specified positions thanks to type K
thermocouples. The thickness of the passive fire protection material shall be also measured
at each thermocouples position. To locate event on the test specimen, we refer thus to
thermocouple positions.
Figure 34 : Thermocouple positions for structural steelwork test specimen
Finally, the test duration is defined as the period required to reach the specified maximum
temperature chosen for metallic substrate (i.e. 400°C). The test is over when two
thermocouples have reached this temperature.
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
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II. Large-scale jet-fire test
In accordance with all these recommendations and instructions described in the previous
section, the different coatings have been tested according to the OTI jet-fire test. Results
must provide a reliable representation of the behaviour of different coatings facing to jet-
fire and give a certification for the coatings, useful for knowing its good application on
offshore platforms and for marketing commercializing the formulation as a jet-fire rated
intumescent paint.
Results exhibited by the four intumescent formulations described above appear as our
starting point to explain and to understand the behaviour of the formulations. It is expect to
get important information to detect their weaknesses in order to enhance their properties
and consequently their fire performance. As mentioned in the state of the art, we will focus
on determining governing parameters required for developing efficient coatings.
II. 1. Intumescent formulation 1
This part describes a jet-fire resistance test lasting 62 minutes on a structural steelwork test
specimen protected with the passive fire protection materials IF-1 with an average thickness
of 9.7mm.
During test, the flame engulfed the specimen making it difficult to see the coated surfaces
very clearly through the flame. Nevertheless, some remarks can be stated during the test:
- After 5 minutes from the start of the test, pieces of coating were seen to detach from
the surface of the specimen, particularly on the central flange in line with the release
- After 10 minutes from the start of the test, cracks appeared in the coating on
different locations and pieces of coating became detached from the bottom surface
of the box.
- After 30 minutes from the start of the test, pieces of the coating were displaced from
the top left hand side of the back face.
- After 40 minutes from the start of the test, flames could be seen getting behind the
top surface coating on the right hand side of the box.
After cooling the test specimen, a first description of the char can be made (Figure 35). In
spite of high temperature, coating is not completely reacted all along the panel. Indeed, we
can distinguish two kinds of zones:
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- A first one where the coating is completely reacted and where a protective char is
formed. This zone corresponds to hottest zone (one single thickness measurement is
available and reported in Figure 37 ; 0mm is reported in Figure 36 about non-reacted
coating thickness).
- A second zone where a deep layer remains non-expanded because of insulation and
low temperature (two thickness measurements are thus available, on the surface
corresponding to formed char and in deep corresponding to non-reacted coating).
In addition, there is a circular region of dark, sooty coating on the left hand side of the
flange, extending on to the flange. This circular region is centred approximately 400mm
above the bottom of the back box and has a radius of around 200mm. This zone is clearly
viewable in Figure 35 and corresponds to the region where the propane jet impinges on the
Figure 35 : Pictures taken after jet-fire test of IF-1
To highlight the reaction of the coating and the char formation, we must detail the progress
of the development of the coating. Figure 36 reports the thickness of partially reacted
coating (here we mean the formation of an expanded char), where no char formation has
occurred, knowing that the initial thickness was around 10mm. The coating on the front and
sides of the top two thirds of the flange have completely reacted (0mm non-reacted coating
remaining); on the remaining third the coating has partially reacted with no char formation
(4mm). On the back face of the specimen, the coating has partially reacted, with between
20% and 80% of the original thickness remaining, apart from a small area on the bottom
right hand side which has fully reacted. The reaction of the coating can be directly link with
the surface temperature and we suggest that the flange is the hottest location while on the
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Page 72 Ph-D report J. Ciret
back face convective effect and flame circulation on the box may cold down the coating and
prevent its complete reaction.
Figure 36 : Thickness of non-reacted coating remaining at various locations after jet-fire test on IF-1
In correlation with the reaction of the coating, the char thicknesses are reported on Figure
37. It is noteworthy that char thickness is well uniform all along the back plate and on the
sides of the flange in spite of partially reaction: mean thickness is around 40mm. However,
these different measurements allow to observe the destruction of the protective
intumescent layer on the front of the central flange. Indeed a low thickness is detected on
the middle of the central flange front (6mm) that can be caused by the flame erosion and
the fragility of the char issued of the complete reaction.
Figure 37 : Thickness of char at various locations after jet-fire test on IF-1
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Consequently, regarding the behaviour of the coating facing to temperature and flames, end
of the test occurs when two thermocouples have reached 400°C, two times must thus be
- At 48 minutes, when the first thermocouple reaches 400°C: thermocouple at position
14 on the top of the central flange (Figure 29).
- At the end of the test (62 minutes) when a second thermocouple reaches 400°C and
the propane flow ends: thermocouple at position 15 on the centre of the central
flange (Figure 29).
On the right side of the back face of the box (Figure 38), the temperatures are measured by
six thermocouples and begin to increase linearly from 100 seconds after the ignition to the
end of the test. The temperature rise is then approximately linear at all positions to reach a
maximum temperature of 206°C after 48 minutes (when the thermocouple 14 reaches
400°C) and a temperature of 228°C at the termination of the test.
Figure 38 : Temperature measured versus time on the right side of the box (in red on panel
schema) for jet-fire test on IF-1
Similarly, on the left side of the back face of the box (Figure 39), the temperatures are
measured by six thermocouples and begin to increase linearly from 120 seconds after the
ignition to the end of the test. The temperature rise is then approximately linear at all
positions to reach a maximum temperature of 200°C after 48.5 minutes.
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Figure 39 : Temperature measured versus time on the left side of the box (in red on panel schema)
for jet-fire test on IF-1
Therefore, temperatures on back face are controlled thanks to the protection of a partially
reacted hard coating. Then temperatures on the central flange have also been investigated
thanks to five thermocouples. The inspection of the coating has already shown that the
reaction is complete yielding to char formation and the thermal protection is consequently
less efficient than on the rest of the panel due to the destruction of a part of the char on the
central flange front. Indeed the temperature evolutions are presented Figure 40 and the
maximum temperature measured on the specimen during the test is 484°C at thermocouple
position 14 located on the flange where the coating is thinner.
Figure 40 : Temperature measured versus time on the central flange (in red on panel schema) for
jet-fire test on IF-1
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So, the structural steelwork test specimen, coated with a single layer of IF-1 was subjected
to a propane jet-fire with an average mass flow rate of 0.30kg.s
for a period of
approximately 62 minutes. The thermocouples at position 14 displayed significantly higher
temperatures throughout the test than the other 17 thermocouples. The test was not
terminated until a second thermocouple (at position 15 on the central flange) reached a
temperature of 400°C but the cause of failure appears as clearly the hot conditions on the
flange and the bad efficiency of the protection on this location where heat flux is maximal. A
reason advanced to explain this failure is the low expansion of the coating associated to not
appropriate thermo-physical properties (e.g. heat conductivity) and thus its failure at the
hottest point where low expanded protection is not sufficient to insulate metallic substrate.
II. 2. Intumescent formulation 2
Similar experiments in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive document OTI
95634 have been carried out with intumescent formulation 2 used with mesh located at a
nominal depth of 7mm. The test is undertaken on panel box with central flange but only the
flange is coated in the passive fire protective material because we suspect this flange to be
subjected to higher temperature and higher pressure. The PFP material thickness has been
made at the positions specified in standards on the flange and the global average coating
thickness is 10.8. The flange is instrumented with 6 thermocouples to monitor the specimen
temperature positioned on the flange (position 13 to 18 specified by OTI 95634 standard in
accordance with Figure 29).
During the test, the flame engulfed the specimen making it difficult to see the coated
surfaces very clearly through the flame (same behaviour as for IF-1). The test is over when
successively the temperature at position 15 and then at position 17 reached a value of 400°C
approximately after 35 minutes.
Following the completion of the test, the specimen was allowed to cool down. After this
time a detailed inspection was carried out (Figure 41). The coating on the specimen had fully
reacted, no coating remain without being expanded. There was a section of the flange in the
region where the propane jet impacted on the specimen that had no coating present. The
coating on the rest of flange has fully reacted and remained intact on the top.
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Figure 41 : Pictures taken after jet-fire test of IF-2
The description of the flange is shown schematically in Figure 42. The coating on the upper
portion of the flange has reacted but remained intact. There are areas where the top layer of
the coating has been removed but the mesh and the coating beneath the mesh is in place
and continues to insulate steel to flames. The mesh has lifted 130mm from the flange on the
left hand side of the flange (as viewed facing the front of the box). A 170mm width band
where the propane jet impacts on the specimen has no coating present and constitutes a
non protected zone for steel.
Figure 42 : Schematic diagram showing fire damage to the flange after jet-fire test on IF-2
Temperature profiles can be gathered for 6 thermocouples at equivalent position all along
the flange (position 13 to 18 from the top to the bottom). On the flange, plots of
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Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 77
temperature variation with time are presented in Figure 43. Several behaviours can be
determined in accordance with aspect of the coating after test.
- Firstly, at all positions, the temperature rise increases steadily throughout the test up
to approximately 1500 seconds.
- After approximately 1500 seconds, the temperatures measured at thermocouple
positions 13, 14 and 15 continue to rise approximately linearly; these measurements
correspond to the top of the flange where coating is still intact after test. At others
positions, temperatures continue to increase but the rate of temperature reduces
until approximately 2800 seconds, 2000 seconds and 3000 seconds respectively for
position 16, 17 and 18.
- Furthermore, after these respective times, thermocouple measurements exhibit an
chaotic evolution. These rapidly changing rates of temperature rise measured at
thermocouples 16 to 18 can most likely be attributed to the breakdown of the
passive fire protection coating due to erosion from the propane jet.
The test has been terminated when the temperature measured at thermocouple position 17
exceeds 400°C.
Figure 43 : Temperature measured versus time on the central flange (in red on panel schema) for
jet-fire test on IF-2
The flange coated with a layer of IF-2, with an initial thickness of 10.8mm and with a steel
mesh at a nominal depth of 7mm, was subjected to a propane jet-fire for a period of
approximately 35 minutes. Temperatures on the test specimen increased throughout the
test and the maximum temperature rise measured at the termination of the test was 410°C
at thermocouple position 17, located directly where jet impacts. After test the coating is
intact on the top half of the specimen and is significantly eroded on the bottom half of the
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Page 78 Ph-D report J. Ciret
specimen with no coating present in the area of impact of the propane jet, highlighting
clearly the low mechanical resistance of the developed coating facing to jet pressure and
II. 3. Intumescent formulation 3
About the intumescent formulation 3, jet-fire tests have been carried out in two steps.
Indeed, because the formulation of IF-2 and IF-3 are very close, a first test has been carried
out only with the flange coated by the passive fire protective material including a mesh,
similarly to the previous one introduced for IF-2 (in agreement with OTI specifications except
that only central flange is coated by intumescent paint). This first test should permit an
observation of the char after test and determine the mechanical resistance of the coating
directly facing to the jet impact. Then a second test describes a jet-fire resistance test on a
completely coated panel box with IF-3 reinforced by mesh composed of a hybrid carbon and
glass fibre and mounted in a steel box.
Some remarks can be stated during the test:
- From the start of the test, there were flakes of material blasted from the surface of
the flange. Pieces are smaller in size than for the intumescent formulation 2.
- Approximately 10 minutes from the start of the test, flakes continues to be ejected
from the flange upon impact. There is erosion of the coating in the region of jet
impact and some erosion of the rear wall of the specimen.
- Approximately 25 minutes from the start of the test, although being not easy to
discern due to flame, horizontal cracks appear to be developing where the jet is
impacting the flange and just above where the jet is impacting the flange.
Following the completion of the test, the specimen was allowed to cool and then a detailed
inspection is carried out and is viewable schematically on Figure 44. The coating on the
specimen had fully reacted. There was a section of the flange in the region where the
propane jet impacted on the specimen that had no coating present. The coating on the
upper portion of the flange had fully reacted and remained intact on the flange. This area of
the test specimen was coloured black from the top to about 290mm from the top of the
specimen with the remainder of the test specimen coloured white/grey (Figure 45).
There were areas where the top layer of the coating had been removed but the mesh and
the coating beneath the mesh were in place. At the bottom right hand side of the test
specimen, the coating was pushed away from the metal surface.
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Figure 44 : Schematic diagram showing fire damage to the flange after jet-fire test on IF-3
Figure 45 shows the flange immediately after the jet-fire test. It was apparent at this point
that the char close to the jet impingement has been eroded away, whereas at other parts of
the flange the char looks intact. The general appearance of the breakdown of the material
and the subsequent char showed similar trends both sides of the flange. The surface of the
top part of the flange is characterised by blackened intumesced char, lower down the char is
grey / white, followed by an area of detachment where no material appears present and at
the bottom most part of the flange of the char is white in colour and has almost completely
detached. Cracking is clearly visible at the top of the flange where the char is black or grey in
surface appearance although the char integrity appears good.
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Page 80 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 45 : Pictures taken after jet-fire test of IF-3
Upon destructive inspection, it is apparent that the char on the flange sides is hard and
compact and is difficult to damage (Figure 46). Removal of char from the around cracks
showed that these were only surface deep, suggesting that material ejected from the flange
during test in the early stages is from the surface. Where the surface appearance is black,
the char is not all eroded, the char is extremely compact and hard enough to resist. Where
the surface is grey, all the char above the mesh is mostly eroded either to a point just above
the mesh or flush with the mesh. The char below the mesh is still hard and dense in nature
and resistant to damage.
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Figure 46 : Pictures exhibiting the density and the hardness of IF-3 after jet-fire test
In accordance with the setup of this test, temperatures are only reported on positions 13 to
18 (Figure 47), corresponding to thermocouples of the flange and placed where the thermal
failure occurs generally.
Figure 47 : Temperature measured versus time on the central flange (in red on panel schema) for
jet-fire test on IF-3 not reinforced by mesh
Increases in temperature are clearly seen at all positions in the period approximately 5 to 10
seconds after the start of the test. From the graph, at 25 minutes there is a rapid increase in
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Page 82 Ph-D report J. Ciret
temperature which is believed to be detachment of material around thermocouple positions
16 and 17 then at 18. Failure occurs at 30 minutes where the jet impinges the flange and
thermocouples positioned at 17 then at 16 measure temperature above 400°C.
As for a previous test with intumescent formulation 2, thermocouple 14 is lower in
temperature throughout the test which seems to be typical of the circulation properties of
the jet around the box.
Finally, the behaviour of IF-3 exhibits some similarities with the results exposed with IF-2:
the failure describing by this first test shows a lower mechanical resistance of the char where
jet impacts.
Furthermore, an additional jet-fire test on a completely coated box has been carried out
using mesh to reinforce the intumesced structure and maintain coating in place. Effects are
clearly viewable and beneficial to the resistance to coating. Indeed on the area of the
previous observed detachment, the thickness and mesh placement have given a good
improvement of resisting the jet-fire test for 60 minutes and a nonattendance of
detachment. By investigating the char aspect and notably the central flange, mesh
reinforcement permits to keep a residual layer on steel under the mesh. So the zone where
usually no coating is present disappears to be substituted by a zone where the residual
resistant layer continues to protect steel substrate as viewable on Figure 48.
Figure 48 : Aspect of the flange reinforced by mesh after jet-fire test on IF-3
Consequently to the presence of this residual layer, temperature profiles taken on flange
positions do not exhibit high temperature and do not cause failure of the test. Indeed, Figure
49 shows a smooth increase of the temperature all along the flange. The temperature rise is
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Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 83
approximately linear at all positions to reach a maximum temperature of 190°C at the end of
the test.
Figure 49 : Temperature measured versus time on the central flange (in red on panel schema) for
jet-fire test on IF-2 reinforced by mesh
The end of the test has been determined by the increase of temperature on the back face.
Indeed, intumescent formulation 3 failure occurs on the back face of the box, an area where
neither IF-1 nor IF-2 fail. The temperature increase occurs on thermocouple 9 positioned at
box back face Figure 50. Increases in temperature are perceptible at all positions in the
period approximately 5 to 10 seconds after the start of the test. The temperature rise
increased steadily throughout the test up to approximately 500 seconds from the start of the
test for all the thermocouples and for the duration of the test for thermocouples at positions
1 to 9 (all placed on the top of the back face). After approximately 500 seconds the
temperature measured at thermocouple positions 9 increased at a higher rate to a
temperature in excess of 400
C after 11 minutes. Quickly this high temperature is conducted
to thermocouples positions 10 and 11 and the test is terminated when the second
thermocouple reaches 400°C: at position 11 after 13 minutes. Thanks to these
thermocouples positions (Figure 29), a zone of failure can be delimited on the bottom of the
back face.
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Page 84 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 50 : Temperature measured versus time on back face of the box (in red on panel schema) for
jet-fire test on IF-2 reinforced by mesh
Char inspection after cooling of the box exhibits two large zones on the back bow where
flowing char has been discovered leading to bad protection of the substrate and premature
failure. The destructive flow pattern of the jet should cause a shearing force and
intumescent formulation 3 seems to be highly susceptible to damage from such an action.
Figure 51 : Pictures taken after second jet-fire test on IF-3 reinforced with mesh
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Finally, the material resists to the jet-fire test for 13 minutes prior to failure. The material at
the top of the flange gave close to 60 minutes prior to reaching 400°C nevertheless failure
occurs early on a zone where neither IF-1 nor IF-2 fail. Overall, the material exceeds
intumescent formulation 2 performance but is inferior to intumescent formulation 1.
Intumescent formulation 3 is characterised as evolving a char of dual layers. The char at the
heated surface is similar to the char produced by intumescent formulation 2, i.e. with a low
density and a porous char with large hollow cells while the char at the substrate is much
harder, denser and less flexible; approaching the structure of char produced by intumescent
formulation 1. Therefore, the intumescent formulation 3 can be thought of as a compromise
between the char properties of intumescent formulation 1 and intumescent formulation 2
(Figure 52).
Figure 52 : Investigation of chars produced by the intumescent formulations (IF-1, IF-2 and IF-3)
after jet-fire resistance test
II. 4. Intumescent formulation 4
The fourth intumescent formulation has been evaluated on a structural steelwork test
specimen with central flange. The entire panel surface has been coated by the PFP material
(back faces + central flange) according to the jet-fire resistance test.
At first sight, the char formation is significantly different to that of IF-3. Its inspection after
cooling of the box reveals sever damage on the back faces (Figure 53) and the presence of
large voids present at the steel/char interface (Figure 54). This bad contact between
substrate and coating causes a bad adhesion and that the jet had a route behind the char to
peel back.
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
Page 86 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 53 : Pictures taken after jet-fire test of IF-4
Figure 54 : Char from IF-4 after jet-fire test exhibiting large voids close to metallic substrate
Another significant difference is the appearance of large cracks all long the thickness of the
char. They should be caused by the inflexibility of the char and either by the impinging jet on
the surface layer or by the build up of spumifics and the pressure from the inner layer.
Its behaviour is so consequently modified and first conclusions can be established in
accordance with the temperature evolution (Figure 55).
- Up to 40 minutes, char stays intact.
- Then after 40 minutes, it is noticed that a section of char was going to peel off in the
bottom left hand corner of the box.
- After 41 minutes, we observe an increase in amount of smoke produced by the
coating reaction.
- After 45 minutes, an intense increase of temperature is observed in thermocouples 7
and 9 then in thermocouples 10.
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- Finally 5 minutes later at 51 minutes after the gas release, failure of the specimen
occurs when temperature exceeds 400°C in thermocouples 10 and 9.
Figure 55 : Temperature measured versus time on the back face (in red on panel schema) for jet-
fire test on IF-4
This failure can directly be linked to large voids observed with the post inspection of the char
and the flame that can be engulfed close to the metallic substrate. Causes of failure seem to
be a bad adhesion and the build-up of spumific components on the lower layer of the char
leading to vacuum zone and cracks all along the thickness.
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
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III. Conclusions and discussion
about the jet-fire behaviours
To resume, each intumescent formulations exhibit different failures (Figure 56) and
regarding those different failures, some explanations can be suggested highlighting the
different swelling abilities or the mechanical resistance (Table 5).
Table 5 : Comparative sum-up of the different beahviours exhibited by the four intumescent
formulations for large-scale jet-fire resistance test
Test conditions
Time of
Position of failure
Explanations of the
Entire panel coated
No mesh
62 minutes
Top of the central
flange (hottest
Bad insulation due
to a low expansion
Only flange coated
Mesh reinforcement
35 minutes
Bottom of the
central flange
(flame impact)
Bad resistance to
jet-fire impact
IF-3 (first try)
Only flange coated
Mesh reinforcement
30 minutes
Bottom of the
central flange
(flame impact)
Bad resistance to
jet-fire impact
IF-3 (2
Entire panel coated
Mesh reinforcement
13 minutes
Bottom of the
back faces
Bad protection
caused by flowing of
Entire panel coated
51 minutes
Back faces
Bad adhesion to
steel substrate
causing voids
Obviously, intumescent formulation 1 produces a very hard and not flexible char that does
not expand very much. As it does not expand enough, it fails at the hottest part of the box
due to lack of insulation. Experimental data given by thermocouples all along the test and in
the state of the art about fire tests have permitted to determine the heat phenomenon that
takes place for jet-fire and to localise the hottest point in the top third of the flange front.
Temperature distribution is consistent with the direct observation of the char after test and
correlates the lowest swelling of the specimen with the hottest point of the panel.
Even if no report is available in this chapter, jet-fire resistance test has been carried out on a
structural panel box completely coated by IF-2 (back faces and central flange) and has
confirmed the test conclusions and the behaviours of IF-2. Intumescent formulation 2 failure
occurs on flange edge where the flame impacts. The char made from this product seems not
to be sufficiently resistant and is destroyed by the pressure due to the flame impact.
Reinforcement provided by inclusion of mesh system before testing can permit a great
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 89
improvement of the mechanical resistance. Nevertheless, results commented above show a
resistance weakness of IF-2 directly linked with the impact and pressure of the flame: no
damage is detected and reaction of the coating is completed whatever the position on the
panel except on the bottom of the flange front, where jet impacts.
Then intumescent formulation 3 has been tested as a compromise between the two first
coatings and should solve swelling and mechanical weaknesses. Indeed char issued from IF-3
appears as strong enough to resist on edge of flange and exhibit an expanded insulative
char. However its failure occurs on the back face of the box: an area where neither
intumescent formulation 1 nor intumescent formulation 2 fail. This failure seems due to the
destructive flow pattern of the jet and the shearing force highly susceptible to damage IF-3
on the back face.
Figure 56 : Zones of failure on jet-fire test according to the intumescent formulations
Finally, intumescent formulation 4, based on a slight modification of IF-3, introduces also a
new type of failure caused by appearance of large voids at the steel/coating interface. These
large voids permit the engulfment of flame near substrate leading to an increase of
temperature and a non protection of the steel. Nevertheless, we can report an improvement
about the time of failure between IF-3 and IF-4 in accordance with their behaviour:
expansion of the large voids occurs later than the flowing of the char observed with IF-3.
Therefore, we have shown that the four intumescent coatings exhibit different behaviours
for jet-fire test. Some of these failures are self explanatory with the investigation of the char
aspect. Low swelling abilities of IF-1, low mechanical resistance of IF-2 or viscosity evolution
of IF-3 are clearly implicated, but some questions remain. Furthermore, in spite of all these
interesting results and observations, jet-fire tests and, to a least extent, hydrocarbon fire
tests are very expensive and time consuming. Pieces of information about the coating
behaviours are so limited and the possibilities of testing a large number of formulations are
reduced. New approaches to study the intumescent coatings and to determine their fire
efficiency must be developed at small scale to reduce cost and to make easier access to
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Chapter II: Evaluation of the efficiency of the intumescent coatings facing to jet-fire
Page 90 Ph-D report J. Ciret
substantial experimental data. Nevertheless, the different phenomena that take place during
these kinds of tests are not always well-known and their extrapolations from large to small
scale are risky. Therefore, the development of such experimental setup must be undertaken
with care and with accuracy and will be described in the last chapter.
Our work in the next chapters will be so to understand these behaviours at laboratory scale.
The range of small scale tests should give us a large number of results concerning different
characteristics of the intumescent coatings. But before introducing a small scale fire test, we
have focused our study on the fundamental determination of the physical and chemical
properties that may be responsible for the jet-fire performances. Currently, swelling abilities
and mechanical resistance are parameters easily available thanks to experimental tools
developed previously in our laboratory and that have already proven their efficiency to
characterize intumescent systems [95, 107]. Therefore, the physical approach developed in
the next chapter to study the key properties of the intumescent formulations should permit
to understand further the behaviours of the coating in fire conditions.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 91
Chapter III: Physical
behaviours of
intumescent coatings
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 93
This chapter deals with the study of the dynamic behaviour of four intumescent coatings
based on epoxy resin, designed for offshore platforms and described on the previous
chapter. Consequently, it means that these coatings have to provide protection on the steel
over a long time period and they also have to resist to aggressive conditions (i.e. severe
hydrocarbon fires).
The state of art about intumescent formulations introduced on the first chapter has
highlighted the crucial properties required to develop efficient coatings in terms of fire
protection: mechanical strength and integrity, cohesion and adherence, porosity. We have
also widely focused on visco-elastic properties exhibited by the partially degraded and
melted materials during the intumescent process. If the degraded matrix has a too low
viscosity upon heating, easy diffusion of gases takes place and the gases will not be trapped
but rather escape to feed the flame. If the viscosity is too high, there can be formation of
some cracks which allow the oxygen to diffuse into the char and thus decrease the efficiency
of the protective layer. As a consequence, the measurement of the apparent viscosity using
a classical rheometer should give information about the ability of complex systems will
behave upon heating (flowing of the condensed matter, expansion of the structure
measuring both the apparent viscosity and the gap between the plates of the rheometer).
Taken into account the different failures exhibited by the four coatings at large-scale jet-fire
test described in the previous chapter, we have suggested failure of IF-1 because of its low
expansion, failure of IF-2 because of its poor mechanical resistance, failure of IF-3 because of
its rheological properties (flowing of the char) and failure of IF-4 because of its poor
adhesion to substrate. That is why, after description of the experimental apparatus used to
study in details these properties, we will discuss the results and the consequence on the
quality of the char obtained during burning and on the resulting efficiency of an intumescent
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 94 Ph-D report J. Ciret
I. Experimental apparatus
I. 1. Materials
The materials used in the experiments below have been previously described on the chapter
II (Section I.1 page 68) but main components can be briefly reminded.
- IF-1 contains boric acid that plays a crucial role on the degradation mechanism and
also a carbon source blended with APP coated by THEIC [105].
- The formulations of the three other coatings (IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4) are similar. One
noticeable difference is the change of carbon source used in each formulation.
Carbon source in IF-2 is played by the thermosetting resin (no additional
incorporation of a specific char former), a DGEBA type epoxy resin while on IF-3 and
IF-4 a specific components is added on formulation respectively pentaerythritol for
IF-3 and dipentaerythritol for IF-4.
- Others additives usually used on paint formulations have been added: pigments,
surfactant and mineral fillers but their compositions are unknown.
I. 2. Complex viscosity and expansion measurements
Visco-elastic measurements were carried out in order to evaluate the rheological behaviour
of the system when the temperature increases. The rheological studies are based on the use
of Thermal Scanning rheometer TSR Rheometric Scientific ARES-20A, in a parallel plate
configuration. This apparatus allows an original approach of the study of the physical
behaviour of an intumescent coating as both the apparent viscosity and the swelling can be
simultaneously measured as a function of temperature and/or time.
In order to measure the viscosity and the expansion, sample pellets (Ø = 25mm, thickness =
3mm) are positioned between the two plates (Figure 57). The sample pellets were produced
by casting the coating between PTFE plates and after curing for 24 hours at ambient
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 95
Figure 57 : Dynamic visco-elastic measurements in a parallel-plate rheometer
Testing is carried out using a “Dynamic Temperature Ramp Test with a heating rate of
10°C/min in the range 25-500°C, a strain of 1% and a constant normal force of 100N (200Pa)
or 200N (400 Pa) according to the tested sample (Table 6). Indeed, the four formulations
exhibit different mechanical resistance, IF-1 appears as very strong and compact whereas IF-
2, IF-3 and IF-4 are relatively “fragile”. Hence, two experimental protocols must be used to
characterize reliably intumescent formulations. The first ones for “strong” coatings has been
developed for IF-1 and validated by a previous study [96]. This study has compared the
behaviour of intumescent formulations (notably IF-1) using different laboratory analyses
(notably rheometer) and has correlated thanks to Principal Component Analysis the
laboratory and large-scale furnace test results. Results suggest excellent correlation between
the different techniques. The second protocol is derived from the first one, except that the
normal force is reduced in order not to destruct the char.
Table 6 : Experimental protocols used to reach visco-elastic properties
Thermal program
Protocol for
fragile coatings
Protocol for
strong coatings
Initial Temperature
Ramp Rate
Final Temperature
Sampling time
Normal force
100N (200Pa)
200N (400Pa)
This test leads to the apparent complex viscosity values and allows the measurement of the
swelling corresponding to the gap between plates. The test is a measurement of the ability
of the coating to expand in spite of the load applied upon it during the intumescence. So the
degree of expansion is related to the strength of the developing char [88]. Furthermore,
knowing the behaviour of the formulations for jet-fire test and notably ones of IF-3, this test
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 96 Ph-D report J. Ciret
provide us information about the visco-elastic behaviour of formulation and could explain
the potential flow of materials observed at high temperature.
I. 3. Mechanical resistance of the char
Mechanical resistance is evaluated using TSR Rheometric Scientific ARES-20A as we did for
measuring viscosity and swelling (see above) but with a specific test protocol. Samples are
also 25mm-sized pellets but thinner than ones for viscosity measurements: h = 1mm instead
of 3mm in order to reduce the final size of the sample after free swelling and allow reliable
measurements between plates. At t = 0 s, the sample is put into the furnace heated at
500°C, without applying any strain (the upper plate is not in contact with the sample) as
shown in Figure 58. This allows the sample to intumesce without any constraint. After 5
minutes when swelling is completed, the upper plate is then brought into contact with the
intumesced material and the gap between the plates is reduced linearly (0.02mm/sec).
Figure 58 : Measurement of the char strength in a parallel-plate rheometer
The force is followed as a function of the gap between the two plates. The upper plate used
in this experiment has a diameter of 5mm in order to increase the pressure on the whole
sample and to ensure complete destruction of the char.
I. 4. Swelling abilities
To measure swelling abilities and complete the results obtained by rheological experiments,
we have followed using image analysis the development of the char and we have calculated
the relative swelling in pure radiative conditions. We have so carried out experiments on
squared panels of intumescent coatings (5x5 cm², thickness = 2mm) under mass loss conical
heater at two different external heat fluxes (35 and 50kW/m²) following the protocol shown
on Figure 59. The experimental set-up was designed to shoot a mass loss calorimeter
experiment using an infrared camera.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 97
Figure 59 : Experimental set-up for measuring the swelling during a mass loss experiment using
infrared camera
Although no information about temperature will be investigated, the use of infrared camera
provides some benefits. Indeed the infrared camera allows to get clear images with a greater
contrast to make image analysis than traditional camera. Typical infrared images at the
beginning of the experiment and at the maximum of expansion of the intumescent coating
are shown in Figure 60.
Figure 60 : IR images of an intumescent coating on steel plate upon heating at t=0s (a) and at the
maximum of expansion (b)
Using image analysis in dynamic conditions (from a movie), swelling of the intumescent can
be measured and quantified (see the arrow on Figure 60). In this approach, it is assumed
during calculation on images that the expansion is homogeneous and occurs in one
dimension. Typical curve exhibits a sigmoidal shape showing first a rapid development of
intumescence and second a pseudo-steady state at longer times (Figure 61). The benefit of
this approach is to get a quantitative phenomenological model which might be included in
further modeling.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 98 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 61 : Typical relative expansion as a function of time of an intumescent formulations during a
mass loss calorimeter experiment (external heat flux = 35 kW/m²)
I. 5. Thermal stability
Thermo-gravimetric analyses were carried out at 10°C/min under synthetic air (flow rate =
100mL/min, Air Liquide grade), using a TA SDT Q-600. The samples (approx. 10mg) in powder
form were placed in open alumina pans, using gold sheets in order to avoid reactions of the
phosphorus species of the coating with alumina.
Time (s)
0 200 400 600 800
Swelling (%)
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 99
II. Results and discussion
II. 1. Visco-elastic measurements
As introduced in the previous section and discussed in the state of art, apparent viscosity
measurements and swelling abilities are important characteristics of our intumescent
formulations and have been widely correlated with the fire behaviour [90]. Here they can be
estimated simultaneously with an only one experiment.
II. 1. a) Precaution to use rheological tool to characterize
intumescent coatings
Before investigating the apparent viscosity changes of the intumescent systems, the
behavior of the epoxy resin must be studied. Its evolution of the apparent viscosity must
firstly be correlated with thermal stability of the systems (Figure 62). Before 300°C, the
material is not degraded, the system is a solid tri-dimensional reticulated network thus the
viscosity values have not physical signification. Then the main step of degradation of the
resin, which loses 80% of its mass, occurs between 300 and 460°C while the apparent
viscosity measurements of the epoxy resin show an important decrease in the temperature
range [330-350°C] with a minimum at 350°C. At 350°C, the material has the aspect of a black
viscous paste. We can so link these two phenomena. The degradation of the resin causes the
decrease of the crosslink density and therefore a decrease of the apparent viscosity. The
material is quite totally degraded at 50C. The high viscosity can then be explained by the
carbonization of the material.
Figure 62: Correlation between viscosity changes (F=100N) and thermal degradation of the system
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 100 Ph-D report J. Ciret
So, use of rheometer and investigation of apparent viscosity change give interesting
information but must be interpreted correctly. No physical interpretation is possible before
the onset of the degradation. Once the degradation has begun, we can reach the
measurement of an apparent viscosity values. This approach may then be used to
characterize the behaviour of an intumescent coating.
II. 1. b) Results of IF-1 and role of the intumescent additives
First work has been done at our laboratory only with IF-1. It provides reliable correlations
between viscosity and swelling and highlights the effects of active components of the
formulations such as APP or boric acid [95]. The four systems are a thermoset resin based on
a DGEBA prepolymer and an amide, a thermoset resin mixed with boric acid, a thermoset
resin mixed with the APP derivative and IF-1 (intumescent formulation based on epoxy resin
and containing both boric acid and APP). Its study shows how to use a rheometer to
characterize the behaviour of intumescent formulations.
Figure 63 compares the thermal stability of the four systems while Figure 64 compares their
apparent viscosity changes.
When boric acid is added to the resin, a first degradation step is viewable between 100 and
170°C due to dehydration of H
[105]. This first step of degradation has consequence on
the viscosity changes because we can detect a quick variation of the viscosity around 150°C.
Moreover, the apparent viscosity shows also a decreasing peak but over a larger range of
temperature [300-390°C] compared with [330-360°C] in the case of the epoxy resin alone.
When APP is incorporated into the resin, the TGA curves show evidence that the main
degradation step occurs at a lower temperature than epoxy resin alone. As a consequence of
this early degradation, the apparent viscosity measurements decrease at lower temperature
(290°C) and in a larger temperature range [290-370°C] when APP is added to the thermoset
When both additives are combined into IF-1, there is a first variation of the apparent
viscosity measured around 150°C due to H
dehydration. Then a small decrease of
viscosity is viewable at 330°C and could be correlated with the slow degradation of IF-1
between 250°C and 500°C. The observations show the formation of a pasty intumescent
shield from 330°C. The intumescent additives reduce the fall of viscosity due to degradation
of the polymeric matrix forming a carbonaceous coating and permit trapping of gases inside
this coating. Jimenez [105] explains the behaviour of commercial formulation IF-1
investigating mixtures based on the main components of the formulations (epoxy resin, APP
and boric acid). She showed the role of particular additives and notably silicate fillers which
should reinforce the char and limit the viscosity decrease.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 101
Figure 63 : TGA Curves of the four systems
Figure 64 : Viscosity measuremant versus temperature for epoxy resin alone with boric acid, with
APP and with both (F=200N)
Then, the swelling abilities of the same formulations are compared on Figure 65.
Expansion of the thermoset resin is significantly increased when the APP derivative is added.
APP additive degrades to yield ammonia above 200°C [108] and the expansion is attributed
both to ammonia and to the evolution of volatile degradation products, which are trapped in
the structure. APP incorporated into the resin leads to intumescence.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 102 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Similarly, boric acid causes the intumescent formulation to swell from 140°C. It was
proposed that the formation of B
due to the dehydration of the boric acid leads to the
formation of an intumesced material [95].
The presence of both boric acid and the APP derivative in the intumescent formulation (IF-1)
leads to a higher expansion (180%) while the main decrease of viscosity is the lowest. The
residue obtained is solid and dense. It is noteworthy that the swelling (main step) starts at
300°C suggesting that the expansion takes place because of the relatively low viscosity of the
char combined with the release of volatile degradation products. As the peak of viscosity of
the intumescent formulation is the smallest, the swelling is the highest because the
decomposition gases can slowly diffuse into the matrix, providing high expansion and
avoiding escape (either from cracks in the case of too high viscosity or as bubbles in the case
of too low viscosity) to feed the flame.
Figure 65 : Swelling abilities versus temperature for epoxy resin alone with boric acid, with APP
and with both
Finally, this short study based on IF-1 and its components illustrate the role of each
intumescent ingredient on the swelling abilities and on the visco-elastic properties of the
systems. Rheological approach is also described as an efficient tool to characterize the
intumescent formulations as soon as the degradation occurs. This method is so validated
and can be used to study the three other formulations
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 103
II. 1. c) Visco-elastic measurements and swelling abilities of IF-
2, IF-3 and IF-4
Figure 66 compares the apparent complex viscosity of the three intumescent formulations
IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 measured with a normal force of 100N (instead of 200N because of the
fragility of the intumescent structure from these coatings).
By observing TG curves of these intumescent formulations (Figure 67), we detect that
degradation begins at 200°C. Therefore, all values taken before 200°C have no physical
signification. Up to this temperature, the viscosity measurements can be investigated. All
formulations exhibit profile with a quick viscosity decrease attributed to matrix degradation
and gases diffusion then with a viscosity increase characteristics of the stiffening of the
structure by carbonization process [90, 95]. In spite of these common phenomena, the
profiles versus temperature are widely different according to the intumescent coatings.
Indeed, viscosity measurements for IF-2 show a decrease at 300°C to reach an apparent
viscosity minimum of 2.5x10
Pa.s at 370°C. So, the temperature range where the viscosity is
relatively low is [300-400°C]. On the contrary, the behaviour exhibited by IF-3 is widely
different. The apparent viscosity decreases from 220°C and the values have remained very
low (around 5x10
Pa.s) for a wider temperature range [220-430°C]. Finally the profile of IF-4
is close to that of IF-2, the apparent viscosity decrease at 270°C to reach apparent viscosity
minimum of 2.9x10
Pa.s at 360°C. The temperature range where relatively viscosity is low is
between 270°C and 400°C for the three formulations.
Therefore, among the three formulations, we can observe two main different behaviours. In
one hand, IF-2 and IF-4 exhibit a small viscosity decrease and a narrow temperature range
where the apparent viscosity remains relatively low. In the other hand, the profile of IF-3 is
specific with a quick viscosity decrease at lower temperature and a wide temperature range
from 220°C to 430°C with low viscosity. To explain these visco-elastic behaviour differences,
we suspect obviously the different carbon sources. Indeed, the main difference between IF-
2, IF-3 and IF-4 is the carbon source used for intumescent process with epoxy resin on IF-2,
epoxy resin and pentaerythritol on IF-3 and epoxy resin and dipentaerythritol on IF-4. The
pentaerythritol is mainly suspected to cause the low viscosity of IF-3.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 104 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 66 : Viscosity versus temperature for IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 (F=100N)
Figure 67 : TGA curves of the intumescent formulations in air at 10°C/min
About the expansion, we have previously seen that it is attributed to the evolution of volatile
degradation products, which are trapped in the structure. Thanks to the Figure 68 and to the
Table 7, we observe that expansion measurements are correlated with viscosity changes.
Indeed, it is noteworthy that swelling starts at temperature where the decrease in viscosity
is observed, suggesting that the expansion takes place because of a concomitant gases
release and decrease in the viscosity of the material. Similarly the swelling period
corresponds to the temperature range where the viscosity is low.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 105
We can also remark a correlation between the maximal swelling and the minimum of
viscosity: the lowest the minimum viscosity, the highest the swelling. With a viscosity
minimum around 5x10
Pa.s, IF-3 exhibits a higher swelling with a rate above 150% while IF-4
swells only to 110%. This reduction in swelling observed between IF-3 and IF-4 can be
explained by the carbon donor used and especially by the ratio between of OH groups and C
groups. Indeed, the crucial parameter for a carbon source yielding high expansion is the ratio
between OH groups and C groups [83]. Therefore, the pentaerythritol is the compound most
rich in hydroxyl groups per carbon groups (4 OH per 5 C for PER and 6 OH per 10 C) and its
presence in IF-3 can explain the best swelling rate exhibited by IF-3. Moreover, due to its
viscosity decrease at lower temperature, intumescent period of IF-3 occurs at lower
temperature and for a wider temperature range [210290°C].
Figure 68 : Swelling versus temperature for IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 measured in the rheometer
Table 7 : Swelling temperature range
Intumescent Formulation
Temperature where
viscosity decreases
Swelling temperature
range (°C)
[250 - 315]
[210 - 290]
[245 - 300]
Therefore, the investigation of the intumescence with a rheological tool allows to underline
some characteristics of the formulations. The effect of the carbon source is notably
determined by comparison between IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4. Pentaerythritol causes a decrease of
the apparent viscosity at lower temperature (220°C). As a consequence, swelling and
intumescence process starts earlier for IF-3. Substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol in IF-4
allows to modify this behaviour. IF-4 behaves at high temperature similarly than IF-2 with
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 106 Ph-D report J. Ciret
viscosity values around 2.5x10
Pa.s between 300 and 400°C. The role of the carbon donor in
intumescent coatings and these effect on the visco-elastic behaviours have been also
reported by Andersson et al. [109]. Indeed, they have studied apparent viscosity profiles of
formulations containing pentaerythritol, dipentaerythritol and tripentaerythritol and they
showed that the formulation with pentaerythritol starts its intumescent process at a lower
temperature over a wider temperature range than the formulations with dipentaerythritol
and tripentaerythritol.
These observations and explanations must be directly linked with the behaviour of the
coatings observed during jet-fire resistance test. Indeed, IF-3 exhibits phenomena of char
flowing that occur on the back faces and that have firstly been explained by the rheological
issue. Indeed, we have just shown that apparent melt phase viscosity of IF-3 is minimum for
a broad temperature range [210-290°C] and that the development of an expanded structure
occurs at lower temperature. However, the char does not seem very resistant and flows
under the pressure and the temperature of the flame. The char of IF-2 is so subjected to
severe aggressions and cannot withstand for a too long time to high velocity jet. On the
contrary, in similar conditions, IF-4 exhibits better performance in agreement with the visco-
elastic change observed between IF-3 and IF-4. Use of dipentaerythritol would so be more
desirable than pentaerythritol in coatings for an application in severe conditions in order to
limit the potential flowing and cracking and the early destruction of the protective shield.
II. 2. Mechanical resistance of the formulations
When viscosity varies during the temperature range of intumescence process, the internal
structure of the charred material is also modified. It is this structure that governs the
character of the intumescent shield and the efficiency of its protection. Indeed, if the shield
becomes too hard, the creation and propagation of cracks leading to a rapid degradation of
the material occurs. If a char has a good structural, morphological and heat insulative
properties but is easily destroyed under a mechanical action, its efficiency is totally lost in
the turbulent regime of combustion. The mechanical strength of the char is considered as
particularly important in the case of jet-fires while the char has to resist very aggressive
conditions, such as explosions, violent wind, and impact of the flame.
Figure 69 presents the destruction force of the carbonaceous char plotted against the
distance between the plates for the four coatings at 500°C. At first sight, we can divide the
coatings into two categories: IF-1 appears as a more robust and more resistant char than the
three others.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 107
Figure 69 : Mechanical resistance measured at 500°C for char issued from IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4
The curves corresponding to IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 are similar: the char is not mechanically
resistant and a very low force is sufficient to destroy it. It is only when the gap between the
plates reaches 3mm that the force increases. This can be explained by the fact that the
residue has been strongly compressed.
The curve corresponding to IF-1 exhibits a complete different behaviour compared to the
three others. When gap between plates is higher than 6 mm, the measured normal force is
low while for 6mm, the force begins to vary and increases quickly which means that the char
is harder. It is because of the presence of boric acid which provides better mechanical
resistance and the presence of mineral fibres and silicates [95, 105].
Globally, the mechanical resistance curves underline the worst resistance of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-
4 by comparison with IF-1. This parameter have been commented in the state of the art as
primordial to maintain an efficient char facing to fire strain and are subjected to be cause of
IF-2 failure for jet-fire resistance test. Indeed, protective structure developed from IF-2 and
IF-3 does not resist where the jet impacts i.e. where pressure is maximal.
To confirm the difference between the mechanical resistances of the coatings, we can
visually observe the internal structure exhibited by the char after reaction and development
(Figure 70). Intumescent development takes place in rheometer at 500°C for 5 minutes
without any strain, similarly to the first phase of the experimental protocol used to evaluate
the mechanical resistance (before destruction between the two plates).
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 108 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 70 : Comparative aspects of the four chars after 5 minutes of free development in
rheometer furnace at 500°C
Useful information has been obtained thanks to the previous pictures to explain the
behaviour of the sample (mechanical resistance and swelling). Indeed IF-1 exhibits an
internal structure that is compact and that keep the initial form with few tiny cells in
agreement with the conclusions suggested by mechanical resistance curve. A high density
could explain the high resistance of the char. On the contrary, morphologies of the char
resulting from IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 exhibit large voids that could weaken the structure. An
additional difference is thus underlined thanks to the internal structure of the char. It is a
compact and carbonised char issued from IF-1 whereas the three others demonstrate a
porous and fibrous structure as the mechanical resistance experiments let firstly suggest.
II. 3. Swelling abilities of the coatings
As we mention in the previous section, experiments made with rheometer need application
of a normal force to obtain reliable measurements. However, the application of this normal
force prevents the free development of the coating and obviously modifies the abilities of
the coatings to expand. An investigation of the swelling with variation of the normal force
illustrates clearly this effect and shows the effects on all coatings (Figure 71).
Figure 71 shows results on IF-2 and shows that swelling abilities vary from 400% to 150%
according to the normal force applied on the char. We can also note the fragility of the
developed char when normal force is 400N. From 300°C, the measurement of the swelling is
erratic and decreases from 150 to 50% due to the crash of the intumesced structure by the
upper plate.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 109
Figure 71 : Influence of the normal force applied by rheometer plates on swelling abilities of
coatings (here results of IF-2 are exposed)
Therefore, a new experimental setup has been developed to get a reliable measurement of
the swelling without strain. With this protocol, only the three fragile coatings have been
analysed because IF-1 is sufficiently robust to swell in rheometer with normal force. Results
of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 are investigated at two external heat fluxes: 35kW/m² that corresponds
to simulation of a fire in development and 50kW/m² that corresponds to the simulation of a
developed fire with pre-flashover phenomena [110, 111].
About IF-2 (Figure 72), we can observe the influence of the heat flux applied on the swelling
abilities. Under a high heat flux, the expansion of IF-2 is higher at 50kW/m² than at
35kW/m². Without strain, IF-2 exhibits a swelling ratio of 900% at 35kW/m² and 1200% at
50kW/m². Even if the heat conditions are different in rheometer furnace (convective heat at
500°C) and under heat fluxes (radiation), we can compare the two measurements of
swelling, respectively done on rheometer (130% viewable on Figure 68) or in cone
calorimeter. This comparison allows to clearly show the limitation of swelling caused by the
normal force and the strain applied during rheological experiments.
Other change caused by the heat flux variation is the speed of development. Indeed, we can
have a rough estimation of this parameter by comparing the slope of the swelling curve.
Clearly, we observe a faster development at high heat flux because at the beginning of the
test IF-2 growths by 950% in 100 seconds under a 50kW/m² heat flux while it growths only at
450% during the same time at 35kW/m². This quicker growth at high heat flux can be
explained by the degradation rate of the material. Indeed, we can assume that material
degradation is higher at high heat flux and causes then an important release of volatile
products i.e. an important amount of gases trapped into the swollen structure.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 110 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 72 : Expansion measurements of IF-2 exposed to conical heater at two different heat fluxes
Same experiments have been carried out on IF-3. The trends, clearly viewable and exposed
with IF-2 in Figure 72, are however more difficult to be stated with IF-3. Indeed, in Figure 73,
we observe that the expansion of the char versus heat flux appears very close: the swelling
ratio of IF-3 at the end of the test is around 1000% whatever the heat flux. We can however
determine a slight difference in terms of swelling speed because the shield develops faster
at high heat flux: the complete expansion is reached after 150 seconds at 50kW/m² versus
250 seconds at 35kW/m². It is also noteworthy that time needed to reach the complete
development of char at 50kW/m² in the case of IF-3 (i.e. 1000% after 160s) is lower than for
a char from IF-2 (i.e. 1200% after 250s). So the behaviour of IF-3 permits to put quickly in
place a structure in severe conditions and consequently to provide a protection earlier than
IF-2. This information is in agreement with the early intumescent process caused by PER and
highlighted by previous rheological experiments.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 111
Figure 73 : Expansion measurements of IF-3 exposed to conical heater at two different heat fluxes
Substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol is the main difference between IF-3 and IF-4. We
have already observed the consequence of this modification on visco-elastic properties and
swelling abilities on the previous section. However, normal force modified our
measurements and no conclusion could be reliably drawn.
On Figure 74, we observe the development of the char issued from IF-4 at 50kW/m² and at
35kW/m². Effect of the heat flux is easily viewable on the speed of development, but less
evident on the final swelling. Indeed, whatever the heat flux, a swelling of around 700% is
reached by the sample. Nevertheless, the steady state is obtained after 150 seconds at
50kW/m² while it occurs after 300 seconds at 35kW/m². The speed of development can be
estimated at 650% per 100 seconds at 50kW/m² and at 350% per 100 seconds at 35kW/m².
So we note that this speed is lower than in the case of IF-3. This low expansion and this slow
speed of development confirm the effect of dipentaerythritol compared from
pentaerythritol. Indeed, we have already enounced that the ratio of OH groups is strongly
linked to swelling abilities. Consequently use of dipentaerythritol instead of PER in
intumescent formulations causes a decrease of the swelling abilities and slows down the
growth of the intumescent shield rate because PER has a higher ratio of hydroxyl group than
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 112 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 74 : Expansion measurements of IF-4 exposed to conical heater at two different heat fluxes
To resume about swelling abilities (Table 8), we can firstly remark the effect that is caused
by normal force and strain applied by plates on rheological measurements. Even if the heat
phenomena that take place in the two devices are different (convection in rheometer
furnace and pure radiation in cone calorimeter), a direct comparison of the values shows
clearly the limitation implying by the strain. Hence, we have defined a ratio between the
swelling abilities measured without normal force and the ones measured with normal force
in order to highlight the sensitivity of the char to strain. Higher the ratio, more the char
would be affected by strain. Even if the accuracy of this parameter has not been determined,
we can obtain some interesting information about the mechanical resistance of the coating.
Indeed, when we take into account the swelling at 35kW/m², no significant difference is
observed. Whatever the coating, the calculated ratios exhibit values in a narrow range. At
low heat flux, the specificities of the formulations and their differences cannot be
underlined. On the contrary, at 50kW/m², IF-2 appears clearly as the most sensitive char to
strain whereas IF-3 and IF-4 still exhibits values close to the ones at 35kW/m². Thanks to this
experimental parameter, we have so underlined the weakness of IF-2 responsible for its
failure during jet-fire resistance test.
Table 8 : Swelling abilities obtained with and without normal force and ratio between the two
measurements to quantify sensitivity to the normal force
with normal force
at 35kW/m²
Ratio at 35kW/m²
at 50kW/m²
Ratio at 50kW/m²
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 113
Second, with this experimental setup, the effect of substitution of PER (IF-3) by
dipentaerythritol (IF-4) is also viewable. Indeed, thanks to PER, IF-3 develops its intumescent
shield quicker than IF-4 containing dipentaerythritol. Moreover, IF-4 exhibits a lower
swelling rate than IF-3 whatever the heat flux. This can be explained by a lower ratio of OH
groups in dipentaerythritol than in PER.
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Page 114 Ph-D report J. Ciret
III. Conclusions about physical
Thanks to these different experiments, we have determined some fundamental physical
properties of intumescent coatings which are known to play an important role to build a
performing coating. Indeed investigations in the state of the art have demonstrated that the
viscosity of the degraded matrix, the swelling abilities of the formulation and the mechanical
resistance of the developed structure are critical factors.
About our four intumescent coatings, we have firstly shown significant differences in terms
of viscosity provided by carbon sources (epoxy resin alone or with PER or with
dipentaerythritol according to the formulations). Indeed, PER causes the shift of the viscosity
decrease at lower temperature (270°C) in IF-3. Consequently swelling and intumescence
process begin also at lower temperature for IF-3. Substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol (IF-
4) allows to modify the behaviour of IF-3 to a behaviour close to that of IF-2. Indeed, IF-4
exhibits a viscosity decrease and begins to swell at higher temperature than IF-3 and we
suspect this modification to provide better fire properties to IF-4 than to IF-3. These results
must be linked with the behaviours observed for jet-fire tests. Indeed, the IF-3 failure and
the flowing of char observed for jet-fire test can be partially explained by the visco-elastic
properties. Indeed, we can suggest that phenomenon of flowing that occurs on the back
faces can be the consequence of a too low viscosity of the melt phase, as observed at 220°C
in our rheological experiments. In similar conditions in jet-fire test, IF-4 presents a better
performance because this flowing disappears in agreement with the change observed for
rheological experiments with our coatings and in literature when PER is substituted by
The mechanical resistance is also a crucial parameter for an efficient protective shield and
this parameter could explain the failure of IF-2 and IF-3 without mesh. Our experiments
allow to conclude that IF-1 is the most robust and dense char, its char appears as not
sensitive to any strain. Presence of boric acid and a high content of silicate in IF-1 explain this
property and have been well studied by Jimenez [105]. On the contrary, the three other
coatings do not exhibit any resistance facing to the least force applied on the top of the char
during experiments carried out in the rheometer. This sensitivity to strain is shown by
experiments in rheometer to evaluate the mechanical resistance but also by comparing the
swelling abilities of the coatings in rheometer and in free conditions. Indeed a new
experimental setup has been developed and it permits to reach the swelling abilities in
radiative conditions without application of normal force. This methodology highlights the
limitations of the expansion implying by any strain on coatings. Thanks to an empirical
parameter (ratio between the two swelling measurements with and without normal force),
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Chapter III: Physical behaviours of intumescent coatings
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 115
we have determined that IF-2 and IF-3 are the most sensitive coating to strain. This confirms
thus previous results observed for IF-2 and for IF-3 during jet-fire test resistance that fail in
the impact zone where pressure is maximal and where no coating resists to impact.
Therefore, physical approach provides us interesting information about the intumescent
process. Some conclusions target the role of boric acid and the effect of the carbon sources
on the visco-elastic behaviours or on the mechanical resistance of the formulations. Strongly
linked with the efficiency of the char of these mixtures, these properties have been shown
by physical approach but could be explained by the investigation of the chemical evolution
that takes place inside these formulations. That is why the next chapter is dedicated to the
chemical approach of the intumescent process focused on the role of the carbon source and
the slight differences known inside IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 117
Chapter IV: Chemical
approach of the
intumescent process
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 119
Intumescent coatings are designed to maintain the steel integrity under severe conditions.
As discussed in Chapter I, we know that intumescent formulations are generally based on
three “active” ingredients:
- A carbon source (polyols such as PER or dipentaerythritol) to provide carbons needed
to form the carbonaceous structure,
- An acid source (usually ammonium polyphosphate APP) to dehydrate the carbon
source from an accurate temperature or in presence of flames.
- A blowing agent producing non-flammable gases that cause expansion of the
carbonaceous structure.
APP-PER systems have been widely studied and their mechanism of action has been
elucidated [70] and detailed in the state of the art. Several synergisms have also been
observed with APP and notably combination of APP with boron compounds (e.g. H
, Zinc
Borate…) and TiO
(ingredients widely used in intumescent paints notably in our
formulations). The reactivity of APP with boron derivatives has shown to be beneficial in
terms of thermal stability and fire protection in intumescent paints [74, 112] because of the
formation of borophosphates. On the contrary with TiO
, the formation of TiP
between phosphate and TiO
) is less investigated and conclusions are opposite: some papers
[85, 113] conclude to a beneficial contribution of the interaction between APP and TiO
terms of mechanical properties and fire performance while others [114] do not report any
benefit. One of the purposes of this section will thus be to investigate the reactivity of APP
with TiO
in each formulation and to clarify the potential benefit of such reaction.
In addition the results for jet-fire test (Chapter II) and first investigations of the physical
behaviours (Chapter III) have underlined the influence of the carbon source and notably the
effect of the substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol. We have shown that carbon source
could allow a shift of the temperature range where intumescent process occurs, PER based
systems developing their intumescence at lower temperature than dipentaerythritol based
ones. So the second purpose of this chapter will be to investigate the chemical changes of
the systems due to use of different carbon sources and to elucidate the role of each carbon
To carry out these investigations, in a first step, basic mixtures based on active components
in our intumescent formulations have been studied. This preliminary investigation should
provide some information about the mechanism of degradation of the intumescent
formulations, the respective role of the carbon sources and the effect of TiO
. To determine
the chemical degradation pathways, we have first studied the thermal stability of the
mixtures then by using relevant techniques, we have analysed the residues of mixtures after
a 3 hours of heat treatment at a characteristic temperature of the intumescent process.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 120 Ph-D report J. Ciret
In a second step, a similar approach has been followed to study IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 in order to
highlight the interaction and the reactivity between the different components in presence of
the resin and of others ingredients such as silicates for example. IF-1 is excluded of this study
because its formulation is widely different since it contains boric acid. The effect of boric
acid has already been observed on physical properties in the previous chapter and the
chemical investigation is reported in details in the literature [74, 105]. As a conclusion, we
should propose a chemical degradation pathway for IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 121
I. Materials and experimental
I. 1. Material
A complete presentation of the intumescent formulations has been made at the beginning
of the second chapter. Nevertheless, it is useful to remind the main active components.
The investigation is based on the study of three different epoxy based intumescent coatings,
IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4. On the three formulations an ammonium polyphosphate, AP422 from
Clariant, is added as both acid source and blowing agent (because of the release of
ammonia) [76]. In addition the carbon source is played respectively by the epoxy resin on IF-
2, by both epoxy resin and pentaerythritol (PER) on IF-3 and by both epoxy resin and
dipentaerythritol (dPER) on IF-4 (Table 9). Furthermore, additives used on paint formulations
have been added (pigments, surfactant and mineral fillers) but the exact composition of the
coatings are not known. One of these additives will be investigated: TiO
that is suspected to
play a role in the chemical degradation pathway of the systems.
Table 9 : Comparison between the active ingredients of 3 formulations
Polymeric matrix
Acid source
Carbon source
DGEBA epoxy resin
Epoxy resin
DGEBA epoxy resin
Epoxy resin + PER
DGEBA epoxy resin
Epoxy resin + dPER
First, to focus our investigation on intumescent process we have carried out experiments
with basic mixtures containing the “active” ingredients of intumescence. The systems
studied are mixtures based respectively on APP-Epoxy, APP-PER and APP-dPER containing or
not TiO
. Ratios (Table 10) between these different components have been chosen according
to those used in intumescent formulations.
Table 10 : APP/Carbon source/TiO
ratio of the basic mixtures
Epoxy Resin
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 122 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Our investigations have been so carried out firstly on six basic mixtures that could provide a
first idea about the chemical degradation mechanism of the complete intumescent
formulations. Indeed, the use of three carbon sources represents the main (known)
difference observed on IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4.
I. 2. Thermal stability
Thermo-gravimetric analyses were carried out at 10°C/min under synthetic air (flow rate =
100mL/min, Air Liquide grade), using a TA SDT Q-600. The samples (approx. 10mg) in powder
form were placed in open alumina pans, using gold sheets in order to avoid reactions of the
phosphorus species of the coating with alumina.
In order to determine whether a potential increase or decrease in the thermal stability
happens between the studied ingredients, the weight difference curves between
experimental and calculated TGA curves were computed as follows [72]:
- W
(T): values of weight given by the TGA curve of the intumescent ingredients (APP
+ Carbon source),
- W
(T): values of weight given by the TGA curve of TiO
- W
(T): values of weight given by the TGA curve of the basic mixture (APP + Carbon
source + TiO
- W
(T): theoretical TGA curve computed by linear combination between the values
of weight given by the TGA curve of the intumescent mixtures and TiO
: W
(T) =
(T) where x is the content of TiO
in the mixtures.
- ΔW(T) = W
(T): weight difference curve.
Therefore, the ΔW(T) curves allow us to show a potential increase or decrease in the thermal
stability of the system due to the presence of TiO
I. 3. Heat treatment
Thanks to the thermo-gravimetric curves, we are then able to determine five characteristic
temperatures (heat treatment temperature: HTT) in order to simulate the evolution of the
intumescence structure. Heat treatments have been carried out under synthetic air in
tubular furnace following the temperature-time program shown in Figure 75.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 123
Figure 75 : Experimental setup and temperature profile of the heat treatment in tubular furnace
The coatings are heat treated for three hours at these specific temperatures in a tubular
furnace and the products are then grinded as powder in order to carry out chemical
analyses. The heat treated residues are then analysed by XRD and solid state NMR.
I. 4. X-Ray diffraction
The X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analyses allow us to characterize the crystallized products in the
char. Samples have been analyzed to investigate the structure of the intumescent char and
its composition.
XRD spectra were recorded in the [5°60°] 2-theta angle range using a Bruker AXS D8
diffractometer with radiation Cu K
(Cu Kα)
= 1,5418 Å) in configuration 2θ/θ. The acquisition
parameters were as follows: a step of 0.02°, a step time of 2 s. The data are analysed using
the diffraction patterns of Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD).
The ICSD is a comprehensive collection of crystal structure entries for inorganic materials,
produced by Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, and the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, US. ICSD includes records of all inorganic crystal structures with
atomic coordinates published since 1913. The data base contains more than 70 000 record.
I. 5. Solid state NMR
The high-resolution solid-state NMR spectroscopy was performed using a Bruker Avance II
100 and a Bruker Avance II 400 spectrometer at a spinning speed of 5kHz and of 10kHz
respectively (exception are mentioned when results are presented). Bruker probe heads
equipped with 7mm (Bruker 100) and with 4mm (Bruker 400) MAS (Magic Angle Spinning)
assembly were used.
The low abundance of some atoms compared to the protons leads to poor absorption of the
radiofrequency pulse in a FT-NMR experiment. This limitation can be overcome by exciting
the protons in a sample followed by a sequence of two series of long-time pulses which
make the protons and the other nuclei resonate at the same frequency. The latter is called
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 124 Ph-D report J. Ciret
the "Hartman-Hahn" condition and the process is called "Cross-polarization" (CP). The time
of cross-polarization is called the "contact time". Cross-polarization leads to a large
enhancement of the excitation of the nuclei. The large number of protons in the sample
however interferes with the decay of the isolated nuclei due to weak interactions of the
spins. This dampening of the signal can be removed by a strong radio frequency signal which
essentially holds the protons in a highly resonating state so they are not capable of
absorbing resonance from the nuclei. This is called
H Dipolar Decoupling (DD)”.
C NMR measurements were performed at 100.8 MHz (9.4 T) with CP-MAS-DD. All spectra
were acquired with contact times of 1ms and a repetition time of 5s was used for all the
samples. Typically, 1024 scans (or 2048 for samples heat-treated at high temperature) were
necessary to obtain spectra with good signal to noise ratio. Tetramethylsilane was used as
the reference.
P NMR measurements were performed at 40.5 MHz (2.35 T) using MAS. A repetition time
of 120s was used for all samples. H
in aqueous solution (85 %) was used as reference.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 125
II. Basic mixtures based on
intumescent ingredients and TiO
II. 1. Thermal stability
II. 1. a) Basic mixtures based on APP and different carbon
First step of this study investigates the influence of the carbon source on the thermal
stability of the systems without TiO
. In Figure 76, we observe the thermal stabilities of each
From the TGA curves, it can be seen that APP has no weight loss before 300°C. The
mechanism of degradation of pure APP has been widely investigated [76, 87]. The weight
loss around 20% over the range of 290 500°C is attributed to APP decomposition releasing
and H
O. The weight loss over the range 500 650 °C can be attributed to the
sublimation of P
[115]. The residual weight is 20% at 800°C.
The three carbon sources exhibit different behaviours. The degradation of pentaerythritol
occurs between 220 and 300°C. The weight loss is mainly due to PER dehydrating, then
dehydrogenizing and charring. Similarly, dipentaerythritol begins to degrade at 300°C and is
almost completely degraded at 400°C (a first degradation step can be observed before 300°C
corresponding to degradation of around 5% of PER contained in commercial
dipentaerythritol). Then after 400°C, the degradation rate is slower until 570°C, this last step
should correspond to the rupture of C-O-C bond. Finally, the degradation of the epoxy resin
occurs in two main steps: a first step between 300 and 460 °C, corresponding to a weight
loss of 80% and a second step between 460 and 600°C leading to the total degradation of
the resin. The mechanism of thermal degradation of the cured epoxy resin has been studied
by different authors. According to Grassie et al. [116], the weakest points in the cross-linked
resin network should be the N-C and the O-CH
bonds. However, the high concentration of
hydroxyl groups in the cured resin favours localised intra-molecular hydrogen bonding which
would promote dehydration as it has been found in other studies [117, 118]. In the other
hand, Keenan and Smith [118] postulated that primary degradation occurs at the N-C
bond and most likely at the C
bonds by homolytic rupture to produce free
radicals. Complex secondary reactions then occur to lead to the formation of small
molecules such as phenols or cresols found during degradation of cured epoxy
Finally, titanium dioxide exhibits no weight loss up to 800°C and is thermally stable.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 126 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 76 : TGA curves of the pure components in air at 10°C/min
The thermal stability of the basic mixtures without TiO
is reported in Figure 77. Whatever
the composition, degradations occur in three main steps:
- Between 200 and 400°C, two degradation steps occur successively. The determined
temperatures of degradation are correlated with those observed on the TGA curves
of pure products (Figure 76) because we observe degradation of APP/PER from
190°C, APP/dPER from 205°C and APP/Epoxy from 250°C. Those temperatures are
close to the respective degradation onset of pure carbon sources.
- The last step, which could be attributed to the oxidation of the formed char, occurs
at higher temperature (between 600 and 700°C) that is significantly different
according to the carbon source: the degradations of APP/PER and APP/dPER begin at
lower temperature than that of APP/Epoxy.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 127
Figure 77 : TGA and derivative TGA curves of the mixtures based on APP and carbon sources in air
at 10°C/min
Regarding the curves, it is obvious that APP/PER is the less stable, APP/Epoxy exhibits the
higher thermal stability and the behaviour of APP with dipentaerythritol seems to be
intermediate. This stability ranking is in agreement with those of carbon sources but results
also of an interaction between the two different components. Indeed, literature [86, 119]
reports that APP and PER react together at 200°C: phosphoric ester bonds are formed first
by alcoholysis of the polyphosphate chain, then alcoholysis and/or esterification leads to
cyclic pentaerythritol phosphate structures inserted in the polyphosphate chains. Similarly,
first step of APP/dPER degradation occurs on temperature range from 250 to 350°C, in
agreement with dPER TG curve. We could assume that similar interactions/reactions occurs
between dipentaerythritol and APP. The increase of the temperature at which the
interaction happens could be explained because the dehydration ability of the dimer is lower
than the one of pentaerythritol (lower ratio of hydroxyl sites compared to carbons). Finally,
APP and cured epoxy resin react together at 320°C. The high temperature of reaction can
also be explained by the high temperature of degradation of epoxy resin (viewable on Figure
76) and by the lower reactivity of epoxy chain with APP.
The residue obtained after those first steps of degradation is more stable in the case of
dipentaerythritol and epoxy resin than in the case of PER. Finally, the last step of
degradation (oxidation) occurs at similar temperature (from 550°C to 600°C) for APP/PER
and APP/dPER while it is delayed for APP/Epoxy from 600°C to 700°C. This difference of
temperature of oxidation could provide information about the sensitivity of the char to
oxidation. The char resulting from the mixture between APP and epoxy is less sensitive to
oxidation than the two other char. Nevertheless, the final residual weight is very close
whatever the mixtures compositions.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 128 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Thanks to this investigation about thermal stability, three heat treatment temperatures can
lead to interesting information and further analysis at those temperatures should be carried
out. Those temperatures are:
- T=450°C, the evolutions of APP/Epoxy and APP/dPER seem to be similar with a
residual weight (RW) of 65% whereas APP/PER is more degraded (RW=55%).
- T=600°C, the mixtures between APP and PER or dipentaerythritol present a RW=25%
whereas the residue of the APP/Epoxy system is around 60%.
- T=800°C, whatever the carbon source, the degradation is almost completed and the
residual mass is lower than 5%.
Therefore, carbon sources used on these mixtures exhibit different thermal behaviours and
cause change on thermal stability of the mixtures. Among the three main steps of
degradation, we can observe that at low temperature epoxy resin improves the stability of
the mixtures, by comparison with PER and dipentaerythritol. This improvement is also
viewable at high temperature because the onset temperature of last step is also increased of
100°C with epoxy resin, without modifying the final residual weight.
II. 1. b) Basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon sources
and TiO
In addition to these mixtures and to study the influence of TiO
and the potential reactivity
between phosphorus-based components and titanium dioxide, TGA curves of APP/Carbon
systems have been carried out. The modification of the thermal stability is
investigated comparing the theoretical and the experimental TGA curves according to the
method described in the experimental section of this chapter.
For APP/Epoxy/TiO
mixtures (Figure 78), we do not observe any difference between the
experimental and the calculated curves up to 620°C, evidencing that no interaction between
and APP/Epoxy occurs until this temperature. On the contrary, after 620°C, a significant
improvement is viewable and lead to the assumption that a reaction between TiO
and the
degradation products of APP/Epoxy occurs leading to the formation of a thermally stable
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Figure 78 : TGA and difference weight loss curves of APP/Epoxy resin/TiO
in air at 10°C/min
At the contrary, in the case of APP/PER/TiO
mixtures (Figure 79), a large stabilization is
observed from 220°C up to 800°C. This effect is mainly observable between 500 and 800°C
(between 220°C and 500°C, the difference of residual weight is only 3%). Thus, it can be
concluded that, as observed in the case of epoxy resin, the stabilization provided by TiO
occurs at high temperature when a reaction between TiO
and products of a first step of
degradation between APP and PER could take place.
Figure 79 : TGA and difference weight loss curve of APP/PER/TiO
in air at 10°C/min
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 130 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Finally, the behaviour of APP/dPER/TiO
(Figure 80) is similar to that of APP/PER/TiO
. No
interaction is detected up to 500°C. At higher temperature, a large stabilization is observed
and it suggests a reaction between TiO
and degradation products of APP and/or APP/dPER.
Figure 80 : TGA and difference weight loss curve of APP/dPER/TiO
in air at 10°C/min
About the effect of TiO
, whatever the carbon source we cannot observe any significant
modification on the difference weight loss curves consequently to the addition of TiO
up to
500°C for PER and dPER mixtures (up to 600°C for APP/Epoxy/TiO
). However, from this
temperature, a significant stabilisation is observed and potential interaction and/or reaction
is suggested between TiO
and the products issued from the APP-carbon sources
degradation. Thanks to TiO
, the residual weight of the mixtures at 800°C is doubled, going
from around 10% (corresponding to thermally stable TiO
) to 20% (attributed to a thermally
stable products based on titanium derivatives).
II. 2. X-Ray diffraction analyses of the residue
In order to go further in the understanding of the above observed phenomenon (thermal
stabilisation at high temperature), APP/Carbon sources mixtures and APP/carbon
mixtures have been heat treated at T = 450°C for 3 hours in a tubular furnace in
oxidative conditions, according to the profile exposed in Figure 75. This temperature has
been chosen in order to observe products resulting from the interaction between TiO
the degradation products of APP-Carbon sources. Indeed, even if this interaction between
components has been detected in TGA curves from 500°C (or 600°C), previous investigations
lead in the laboratory have shown a kinetic difference between a degradation in tubular
furnace (isotherm heat treatment for three hours) and a dynamic degradation in TGA device
(rate of 10°C/min). We can thus assume empirically that step of degradation observed from
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500°C in TGA curves occurs at lower temperature after three hour-heat treatment in tubular
furnace. The residues have then been analyzed using adapted spectroscopic tools.
II. 2. a) Basic mixtures based on APP and different carbon
The first analytical tool used to identify the product is X-Ray diffraction. Whatever the
carbon source, diffractograms of residue after heat treatment at 450°C (Figure 81) are
similar. The residues exhibit a charred structure and their spectra exhibit a broad band
(centred on 2θ = 2223°) suggesting the formation of an amorphous product containing
carbons [112, 120]. It is well recognized that the carbon structure obtained when the
intumescent process occurs is poorly organized [74, 121]. It could also be noted that at this
temperature APP (a crystallised compound) is no more observed. It is not surprising
according to the TGA curve of the APP reported in Figure 76 demonstrating that the weight
loss at this temperature is around 20%. Indeed, at this temperature APP decomposes firstly
to yield polyphosphoric acid and evolving ammonia (first step of the TGA curve), then
between 360 and 420 C, the polyphosphoric acid reacts with the carbonaceous compound to
form a phospho-carbonaceous structure, namely char [122].
Figure 81 : X-Ray diffractograms of basic mixtures APP/Carbon source after heat treatment at
II. 2. b) Basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon sources
and TiO
When TiO
is added in the mixture, the behaviour of the ternary systems differs from one
system to another (Figure 82). Indeed, after heat treatment at T = 450°C, a well-defined
diffractogram for the two mixtures composed by APP/Epoxy/TiO
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 132 Ph-D report J. Ciret
observed. This well-defined diffractogram may be attributed to the presence of TiP
123, 124], whereas peaks of TiO
are not viewable anymore thanks to direct comparison
with Figure 83. As a consequence, it can be proposed that a reaction between APP and/or its
degradation products and TiO
leading to the formation of TiP
occurs at high
temperature. In other hand, the addition of TiO
in APP/dPER system does not lead to the
formation of titanium pyrophosphate since only a broad band centred around 2theta=22° is
viewable. This diffractogram is similar to the one obtained previously when the APP/dPER
system was heat treated without TiO
Figure 82 : X-Ray diffractograms of the ternary systems APP/Carbon source/TiO
after heat
treatment at T=450°C
Figure 83 : X-Ray diffractograms of TiO
(red) and TiP
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The X-Ray diffraction analyses demonstrate that TiO
modifies the chemical evolution of the
basic mixtures based on APP/Epoxy and APP/PER. The product resulting from a reaction
between TiO
and APP or its degradation products was identified as TiP
. This reaction
does not occur before T = 450°C when the carbon source used in the mixture is
dipentaerythritol. In order to go further in the understanding,
C NMR and
analyses were used to follow the changes respectively of the carbon structure and of the
phosphorus species present in the char.
II. 3.
C NMR spectra of the residue
II. 3. a) Basic mixtures based on APP and different carbon
C spectroscopy is a powerful tool to characterize the carbonaceous
materials and, thus, to confirm the hypothesis proposed from the previous X-Ray
diffractograms. The
C NMR spectra of the binary systems are presented in Figure 84. They
exhibit a broad band centred at 130ppm. The broadness of the band implies the presence of
several non-magnetically equivalent carbons [74, 86]. Thus, it may be assumed that a not
well-organized structure is observed. This result is in good agreement with the data obtained
from X-Ray diffraction analyses that demonstrate that an amorphous structure is obtained.
Moreover, the chemical shift of this band leads us to assign the carbon present in the char to
unsaturated C=C bonds mainly present in aromatic and polyaromatic species [125].
Furthermore, oxidation of the char can also be proposed since the large band present an
overlap between 150 and 170ppm, in particular in the case of APP/Epoxy and APP/PER.
In addition, we can distinguish a small band between 0 and 50ppm on the spectra of the
APP/PER and of the APP/dPER mixtures. This band can be assigned to aliphatic carbons from
polyol derivatives even if the high temperature suggests its degradation.
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Figure 84 :
C NMR spectra of the binary systems APP/Carbon source after heat treatment at
Whatever the carbon source used in the binary systems (APP/carbon source), the residues
obtained after heat treatment at 450°C present a carbonaceous structure
(aromatic/polyaromatic stacks that is partially oxidised).
II. 3. b) Basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon sources
and TiO
Figure 85 reports the
C NMR spectra of the ternary basic mixtures after heat treatment at T
= 450°C. Similarly, to the results obtained in the case of the binary system, a broad band
centred at 130ppm is observed for the three carbon sources demonstrating that part of the
carbon is included in amorphous aromatic/polyaromatic condensed structure. In the case of
APP/Epoxy and APP/dPER, the spectra obtained with and without TiO
are more or less
similar even if their broadness is higher with TiO
, above all for APP/dPER/TiO
compared to
APP/dPER. However, the spectrum of the residue obtained from APP/PER/TiO
shows, in
addition to the band at 130ppm, additional broad band (with three main peaks) centred at
30ppm that can be assigned to aliphatic carbons. This band is not observed in the case of the
binary system without TiO
and the presence of aliphatic carbons on mixtures at this
temperature is surprising because at 450°C PER is totally degraded. This band can attributed
to alkyl carbon type CH
- [125]. So, not attributed to PER, such aliphatic groups could be
yielded during the degradation mechanism and the formation of the protective structure
and trapped in the polyaromatic shield. We could suspect a modification of the degradation
mechanism causing not only the formation of an intumescent structure but also aliphatic
species thermally stable and trapped into the structure.
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Figure 85 :
C NMR spectra of the ternary systems APP/Carbon source/TiO
after heat treatment at
C solid-state NMR highlights the formation of the carbonaceous char at 450°C.
Whatever the composition of the mixtures, the characteristics broadband centred at
130ppm is observed, demonstrating the development of the condensed structure composed
of aromatic and polyaromatic species, these species can be partially oxidized in particular in
the case of char resulting from the degradation of APP/Epoxy and of APP/PER that appear
more oxidized than char of APP/dPER.
Concerning TiO
, this additive does not modify the global mechanism of degradation for two
systems: APP/dPER and APP/Epoxy. However, we could suspect with APP/PER/TiO
stable aliphatic carbons are yielded during the degradation and trapped into the structure.
C NMR allows us to demonstrate the formation of the carbonaceous structure
from 450°C whatever the composition with and without TiO
. This carbonaceous structure is
mainly composed of aromatic and polyaromatic species (mixed with aliphatic carbons for
) and is issued from a reaction between APP and carbon source that occurs
before 450°C.
II. 4.
P NMR spectra of the residue
II. 4. a) Basic mixtures based on APP and different carbon
P NMR is finally used in order to investigate both the amorphous and crystallised
phosphorus species present in the residual char of the basic mixtures. Indeed, even if X-Ray
diffraction analyses demonstrate the formation of TiP
, it does not give information,
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Page 136 Ph-D report J. Ciret
regarding the amorphous phosphorus-containing products present in the residue and it is
well recognised that intumescent char can contain amorphous phosphate-based compounds
[74, 86].
Figure 86 and Figure 87 report the
P NMR spectra of the basic mixtures respectively
without and with TiO
. In the case of APP/Epoxy and APP/PER, the residues obtained after
heat treatment exhibit a large band centred around 2ppm. This band can be assigned to
phosphoric acid [86, 88, 121, 126-128]. But in the case of APP/dPER, the spectrum is noisier
and the band is shifted to 0ppm. We can attribute it to orthophosphate species linked to
aliphatic carbons previously determined by
C NMR in Figure 84. Indeed APP degrades to
form ortho-phosphoric and pyro-phosphoric acids. Moreover, in the case of APP/PER (clearly
viewable) and of APP/dPER (detected among a noisy spectrum), a large band centred around
-52ppm is observed and may be attributed to cross-linked phosphates and/or branched
polyphosphoric acid [129-131] which are in an intermediate state between APP degradation
and formation of phosphorus oxides P
Figure 86 :
P NMR spectra of the binary systems APP/Carbon source after heat treatment at
II. 4. b) Basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon sources
and TiO
When TiO
is added in the basic mixture, the degradation pathway of the formulations is
different. For APP/Epoxy/TiO
, a large peak centred at around 0ppm and a collection of
bands between -40 and -50ppm is observed. According to the previous XRD spectrum and
literature [85, 114], this collection of bands could be attributed to TiP
whereas the large
peak at 0ppm is still assigned to phosphoric acid. For APP/PER/TiO
, only
is viewable
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with a collection of bands between -40 and -50ppm. No peak is detectable at 0ppm and thus
it suggests that no phosphoric acid or orthophosphate species are present. However
knowing the initial content (56% of APP i.e. 17% of phosphorus and 8% of TiO
i.e. 5% of
titanium), we calculate that phosphorus components are in excess in the mixtures. So we
can suggest that not only TiP
derivatives is formed but also branched polyphosphoric acid
is, viewable in the same chemical shift range [131]. Finally, with dipentaerythritol, bands are
observed between 0 and -20ppm whereas a large and not well-defined band is observed
between -40 and -50ppm. The first set of peaks is usually detected in the case of
intumescent systems. Bands at 0ppm can be attributed to phosphoric acid (similarly to band
observed for APP/Epoxy/TiO
) while band at -10ppm is attributed to ortho- and pyro-
phosphate species linked to aromatic carbons and/or to pyrophosphate species, [86, 127].
Then the large band centred around -45ppm can be attributed to titanium pyrophosphate,
probably in a glassy structure because of the broadness of the band not. Those results are in
good agreement with the X-Ray diffraction analysis (Figure 82).
Figure 87 :
P NMR spectra of the ternary systems APP/Carbon source/TiO
after heat treatment at
II. 5. Discussion and conclusion
Those results lead us to propose two different chemical degradation pathways:
- (1) either the APP degrades leading to the formation of phosphoric acid, the acid
reacts with the carbon source leading to a phospho-carbonaceous structure that degrades
and further reacts with TiO
leading to titanium pyrophosphate embedded in a degraded
phosphorus and carbon containing matrix.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 138 Ph-D report J. Ciret
- (2) or the APP degrades leading to the phosphoric acid and competitive reactions
between the acid and the carbon source or TiO
occur leading to the formation either of a
phospho-carbonaceous structure and/or of TiP
It may be proposed that depending on the carbon source used in the system, the first or the
second pathway could occur and thus the influence of the titanium dioxide will be different.
can react with ammonium polyphosphate (or its derivate products) to form TiP
, a
ceramic-like compound at high temperature [113]. This ceramic-like material is suspected to
enhance the properties of the char structure and to protect the substrate against fire [85].
Indeed the TiP
structure consists of TiO
octahedra and PO
tetrahedra sharing corners in
a three-dimensional network [123] and the Ti-O-Ti structure can better resist to oxidation
and can improve the thermal stability of the intumescent coating at middle and later stage
of a fire [113].
Second in the case of PER, we suspect TiO
to slightly modify the degradation mechanism of
the APP/PER mixture. Indeed, while with epoxy resin or dipentaerythritol, we observe a
degradation of the aliphatic carbons and an aromatization of the residues, with PER and
, thermally stable aliphatic carbons seems to be formed and trapped in the
carbonaceous structure. Moreover, stabilization of the system by TiO
could explain the
absence of phosphoric acid and why we detect only TiP
at high temperature.
In order to go further in the understanding and to demonstrate that the effect observed in
the basic mixtures can also be detected in the complete intumescent formulations, similar
analyses of heat treated intumescent formulations will then been investigated following the
same protocol.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
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III. Chemistry and reactivity of
the complete intumescent
The same experiments and the same techniques as those described in the first section of this
chapter are carried out on the complete intumescent formulations in order to highlight the
interaction and the reactivity between the different components of the complete
formulations. The objective is to propose a chemical degradation pathway for each
intumescent formulation.
III. 1. Thermal stability of the intumescent
The thermo-gravimetric curves of the four intumescent formulations in air are presented in
Figure 88 and their derivatives in Figure 89. Thanks to these graphs, we can determine the
different steps of degradation of each formulation and compare the stability of the different
intumescent coatings versus temperature in thermo-oxidative conditions.
Figure 88 : TGA curves of the intumescent formulations in air at 10°C/min
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Figure 89 : Derivative TGA curves of the intumescent formulations in air at 10°C/min
Firstly, the mechanism of degradation of IF-1 is well known and exhibits four main
degradation step as described in a previous work [105]. Two overlapped steps are observed
between 100 and 200°C corresponding to a weight loss of about 10% and to the degradation
of boric acid. Indeed H
successively dehydrates into metaboric acid and then into boron
A third step occurs between 180 and 500°C, corresponding to a weight loss of about 35%.
Boron oxide and phosphoric acid obtained from APP degradation react together to yield
borophosphates BPO
and as boron has been added in excess compared to phosphorus,
some B
remain at 600°C.
Then, a fourth step, occurring between 500 and 800°C, leads to a final residue of about 30%
of the initial weight. This step is attributed to degradation of different fillers contained in IF-1
and to the oxidation of the char.
This mechanism of degradation has been well-defined and the performance of the
intumescent formulation has been successfully correlated with the formation of
borophosphates. However, the three other formulations do not contain boron components
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
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and borophosphate formation become thus impossible. Therefore, the goal of the next
investigations is to determine a chemical degradation pathway for the three other coatings.
Regarding those coatings, we can note that, except the degradation of boric acid (100-
180°C), the two other steps of degradation occur in the same range of temperature: from
200 to 400°C concerning the main step and oxidation of the transient char is observed after
600°C. Nevertheless, some differences provide us additional information. First, the stability
of IF-2 is higher since its degradation begins at 200°C while the mass losses of IF-3 and IF-4
become significant respectively from 170°C and from 180°C. This highest stability of IF-2
could be explained by the addition of respectively PER and dipentaerythritol in IF-3 and IF-4
that causes degradation at lower temperature as observed with basic mixtures: thermal
stability of APP/Epoxy is higher than APP/PER and APP/dPER (Figure 77). Moreover, we could
note that the oxidative degradation at high temperature of IF-2 and IF-4 is faster than IF-3.
Contrary to the basic mixtures where APP/Epoxy residue was less sensitive to oxidation than
the two others, it is the IF-3 (with PER) that seems to be the less sensitive to oxidation and
that exhibits the highest stability. Consequently, at 800°C, the thermal degradation of IF-3 is
not completed and continues above 800°C.
Thanks to these TGA curves highlighting the thermal stability of the formulations (Figure 90),
five temperatures have been chosen corresponding to characteristic steps of the
intumescence process:
- At 250°C, boric acid is completely degraded while degradation of the three other
coatings starts.
- At 300°C, the rate of degradation is maximal.
- At 450°C, the degradation rate is slow, a transient material is obtained.
- The fourth temperature (600°C) corresponds to the material just before its last
degradation step attributed to oxidation.
- At 800°C, a relatively stable residue is formed for the coatings, except for IF-3. An
additional higher temperature (900°C) has been added to investigate the evolution of
this intumescent formulation.
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Figure 90 : Determination of the five characteristic temperatures
According to these temperatures, the intumescent coatings are heat treated for three hours
in a tubular furnace (m = 5g) and the residues are analysed using adapted spectroscopic
III. 2. Mechanism of degradation of intumescent
formulation 2
III. 2. a) Investigation of the structure of the intumescent
system by X-Ray diffraction
Figure 91 reports the X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-2 and of its residue obtained after heat
treatment at the previously defined characteristic temperatures.
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Figure 91 : X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-2 and of its residues at several characteristic
From ambient temperature to 300°C, mainly APP and TiO
are detected (see Figure 92 for
comparison) with two intense peaks around 15° and four peaks between 25 and 30°. Then
from 450°C and at higher temperatures, diffractograms become noisy due to the
carbonisation of the system and progressive loss of its crystallinity. Whereas TiO
is still
detected (peaks at 27, 36 and 54°), APP is no longer observed. The disappearance of the
characteristic peaks of APP can be explained by its reaction with epoxy resin and the
formation of a carbonaceous structure as previously observed in TGA curves of APP/Epoxy
(Figure 77) and of IF-2 (Figure 88) showing a step of degradation of systems between 300
and 450°C. This observation is also in agreement with literature [76, 79] that reports
reactivity of APP with carbon source around 300°C and with the degradation of the epoxy
resin in the same temperature range (Figure 76). So we can suggest that in this temperature
range [300 450°C] the intumescent process occurs as already observed by rheological
experiments as swelling is important from 300°C. In addition, we detect since 450°C the
progressive growth of a large band between 20 and 25° that can be attributed to amorphous
carbons [120] mainly present in char.
Finally, for a heat treatment at 800°C, TiO
is still detected but three additional peaks at 23,
25 and 27° appear and can be assigned to TiP
(Figure 82).
P NMR spectra are necessary
to confirm those species because of the low resolution of XRD diffractogram.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
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Figure 92 : X-Ray diffractograms of APP and of TiO
III. 2. b) Investigation of the evolution of the carbon
structure in the intumescent system by
C solid-state NMR
C NMR spectra of IF-2 and of its residue obtained after heat treatment at the
previously defined characteristic temperatures are reported on Figure 93. Only heat
treatments up to 450°C have been reported because additional analyses do not present
further information. At higher temperature, spectra are similar to that at 450°C, exhibiting a
broad band centred at 130ppm with a low signal to noise ratio.
Figure 93 :
C NMR spectra of IF-2 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures
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From ambient temperature to 300°C, the three first spectra exhibit a signal that is mainly
characteristic of the epoxy resin (see Figure 94 to comparison). Indeed, we assume that, as
far as we know the formulations, IF-2 does not contain other carbon elements, except
DGEBA type resin and amide hardener with unknown carbonyl chains [59, 132]. This
assumption is confirmed by spectra at low temperature where no more additional peaks
have been detected thanks to
C NMR. Thanks to these spectra, we can however remark
that two bands detected at 70ppm and at 170ppm have intensities that decrease
progressively with temperature. At 170ppm, band is attributed to carbons from carbonyl
group of the hardener and has disappeared at 250°C. At 70ppm, band corresponding to CH
O sites (C3 and C10 from epoxy network) decreases up to 300°C. This intensity decrease
should be caused by a scission of this bond in the epoxy chain and thus the formation of φ–
OH. Then we suggest that APP could react with hydrolyzed epoxy resin and form of P-O-C
bonds with aromatic carbons (C4 and C7) whose bands decrease up to 300°C.
Then the spectrum of the material heat treated at higher temperature (T > 300°C) only
shows a noisy signal. The temperature of 300°C could be classified as “a critical
temperature” for the intumescent development. Indeed, as previously demonstrated this
temperature corresponds to the temperature range where the sample swells (observed
during rheological experiments) and corresponds to the beginning of the APP degradation
and its reaction with the carbon source (observed thanks TGA curves and X-Ray
Figure 94 :
C NMR spectrum of the thermoset cured resin
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 146 Ph-D report J. Ciret
III. 2. c) Investigation of the evolution of the phosphorus
components in the intumescent system by
P solid-state
Finally, the
P NMR spectra of IF-2 and of its residue obtained after heat treatment at the
previously defined characteristic temperatures are reported on Figure 95.
P NMR appears
as the spectroscopic tool of choice since it provides information regarding the evolution of
the phosphorus containing compounds that are observed in the intumescent shield along
the heat treatment.
Figure 95 :
P NMR spectrum of IF-2 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures
On Figure 95, the spectra of the residues heat treated up to 300°C show a double band at -
22 and -24ppm which is attributed to the central group of polyphosphates in ammonium
polyphosphate. In that temperature range, we observe broad bands centred at 0ppm and at
-10ppm attributed respectively to phosphoric acid or orthophosphates linked to aliphatic
carbons and orthophosphates linked to aromatic carbons. These two bands are caused by
the degradation of APP and its reaction with the carbon source. Indeed APP degradation
leads to the formation of phosphoric and/or pyrophosphoric acids via a hydrolysis reaction
that may react on OH sites of hydrolyzed epoxy resin, as suggesting after
investigation, to form P-O-C bridges.
At higher temperature, (T = 450°C), a broad band centred around 0ppm and presenting
shoulder at = -8ppm is observed. At this temperature, the degradation of the APP is
complete, phosphoric acid has been mainly detected (band at 0ppm) but they remain also
ortho- and pyrophosphate linked to aromatic groups from epoxy resin degradation (band at -
8ppm).This last band should confirm the formation of thermally stable P-O-C bonds [128].
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The spectrum of the residue collected after a heat treatment of 600°C shows a broad band
between 0 and -25ppm with a singlet at = -20ppm. The singlet at -20ppm is assigned to
polyphosphoric acid often observed in degradation of intumescent systems [90], but the non
complete knowledge of the formulation prevent us to conclude accurately. Broad and low
intense bands between 0 and -25ppm could also be attributed to ortho- and pyro-phosphate
resulting from APP. Lastly, at T = 800°C, a collection of bands similar to those observed in the
case of the basic mixtures and attributed to TiP
is detected. It is thus demonstrated that
at higher temperature the formation of titanium pyrophosphate occurs also in the case of IF-
2 similarly to observation made with APP/Epoxy/TiO
basic mixture.
To conclude, when epoxy resin is used as a single acid source, IF-2 exhibit a mechanism of
degradation leading to the formation of titanium pyrophosphate. Nevertheless, several steps
can be determined to yield crystalline structure. Firstly, APP and epoxy resin may react
together, via a scission of CH
-O bonds. This reaction permits the formation of a phospho-
carbonaceous structure from 450°C. Then TiO
, observed up to 600°C, reacts with
phosphorus components to product TiP
at 800°C, causing therefore scission of P-O-C
III. 3. Mechanism of degradation of intumescent
formulation 3
A similar approach than the first one used for IF-2 was used to investigate the mechanism of
degradation of IF-3. The focus is nevertheless on the influence of PER and the consequence
of this modification between the two formulations. Furthermore as already mentioned with
investigation of the thermal stability, last oxidation of IF-3 is not completed at 800°C. We
have so added a higher heat-treatment temperature (900°C) to investigate the chemical
changes of this intumescent system.
III. 3. a) Investigation of the structure of the intumescent
system by X-Ray diffraction
Figure 96 reports the X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-3 and of its residues obtained after heat
treatment at the previously defined characteristic temperatures.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 148 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 96 : X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-3 and of its residues at several characteristic
Similarly, to IF-2, the first component that we can detect by X-Ray diffraction at low
temperature is APP with intense peaks. However while we are able to detect it from ambient
to 300°C for IF-2, the peaks attributed to APP have already disappeared at 250°C for IF-3 and
only TiO
is clearly viewable at 300°C. Therefore it seems that addition of PER causes the
degradation of APP and/or its reaction with PER as suggested elsewhere at lower
temperature [127, 133]. This degradation at lower temperature is also in agreement with
the TG curve of IF-3 where the onset temperature appears lower than those of IF-2 (Figure
89). Consequently at 300°C, IF-3 exhibits only a noisy spectrum where TiO
peaks are still
viewable (at 27, 35 and 54°) because of the intumescent process and of the carbonization.
This carbonization and the development of an intumescent structure containing amorphous
carbons cause the appearance of a broad band between 20 and 25° as observed with IF-2
from 300°C. It can thus be assumed that the phospho-carbonaceous structure characteristic
of the intumescent shield should be formed at lower temperature when PER is used as co-
carbon source with epoxy resin.
Then up to 800°C, we observe noisy signal. At 800°C, similarly to what occurs in IF-2, we
detect appearance of three peaks at 23, 25 and 27° assigned to TiP
(Figure 82) whose
crystallisation is in progress. Indeed, for a heat treatment of 900°C, we observe a well-
defined spectrum highlighting the formation of well crystallized TiP
. Diffractograms of
complete formulations become as well-defined as those of basic mixtures and reveal the
formation of a more crystallized structure that literature [113] qualifies as a ceramic-like
material enhancing the char structure and protecting the substrate.
P NMR spectrum will
confirm the presence of such specie.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
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III. 3. b) Investigation of the evolution of the carbon
structure in the intumescent system by
C solid-state NMR
C NMR spectra of IF-3 and of its residue obtained after heat treatment at the
previously defined characteristic temperatures are reported on Figure 97. Once again, only
heat treatments up to 450°C have been reported because additional analyses do not present
further information except a broad band centred at 130ppm among a noisy signal.
Figure 97 :
C NMR spectra of IF-3 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures
The first difference provides by
C NMR is the detection of PER at ambient temperature
with two bands at 50 and 58ppm (Figure 98).
Figure 98 : Assignment of bands on
C NMR spectrum of PER
We note that when the material is heat treated at low temperature (250°C), PER has already
reacted or degraded as suggested by the disappearance of its two bands and the conclusions
drawn using the TG curve of pure products (Figure 76). The epoxy resin degrades in a second
step because the “signature” of the epoxy resin is observed until a heat treatment of 300°C
in the case of IF-3. It should also be underlined that the band at around 70ppm (band
corresponding to CH
-O sites in epoxy network - Figure 94) does not decrease up to 300°C
when the carbonization due to intumescent process occurs and a consequent noisy
spectrum is observed. It is thus possible to assume that in presence of PER, the APP or its
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 150 Ph-D report J. Ciret
degradation products react with PER rather than with the epoxy resin. The transient residue
should thus present a different structure comparing IF-2 and IF-3.
Previous works with basic mixtures and several papers [119, 133, 134] report this interaction
between APP and PER, showing that upon heating APP and PER together phosphoric ester
bonds are formed first by alcoholysis of the polyphosphate chain around 280°C. The formed
phosphor-ester can then undergo a ring closing esterification and a reduction to a phospho-
carbonaceous network. This second step could be viewable from 450°C when spectrum of
the material exhibits only a noisy signal. Similarly, to IF-2, this phenomenon may be
attributed to the aromatic and polyaromatic carbons forming the structural shield.
III. 3. c) Investigation of the evolution of the phosphorus
components in the intumescent system by
P solid-state
Finally, the
P NMR spectra of IF-3 and of its residue obtained after heat treatment at the
previously defined characteristic temperatures are reported on Figure 99.
Figure 99 :
P NMR spectra of IF-3 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures
In the case of IF-3, APP is detected up to 300°C. This is demonstrated by the double bands at
-22 and -24ppm while we have suspected its degradation at lower temperature drawn on
the disappearance of characteristic peaks at 15° on X-Ray diffractograms (Figure 96). This
apparent discordance can be explained by a loss of the crystallinity of APP which gives no
signal by XRD. But this sustained detection of APP at 300°C confirms also a similar evolution
of IF-2 and IF-3. Indeed the degradation of IF-3 begins from 250°C since additional bands
appear after a heat treatment at this temperature. At 250°C and 300°C, we detect two bands
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 151
at -4 and -12ppm that are attributed respectively to ortho-phosphates PO
in R
(R being
an alkyl group) and to either PO
in R’R
(with R’ being an aromatic group whereas R is an
alkyl group) or to pyro-phosphates (R
). At higher heat treatment temperature (450°C),
we can distinguish three bands in the region [-1 to -20ppm]. Even if it is difficult to attribute
accurately each one, it may be reasonably assumed that these bands correspond
respectively to orthophosphate and/or phosphoric acid (-1ppm), to pyrophosphates groups
(at -7ppm) and to orthophosphate in Φ
around -15ppm.
Then from 450°C, a broad band between -40 and -50ppm is also observed. This chemical
shift range corresponds to the range where TiP
is observed. It can be reasonably assumed
that non-crystallised titanium pyrophosphate is formed at this temperature because we
cannot detect it with X-Ray diffraction. Lastly, it can be noticed that whatever the heat
treatment (800°C), no evidence of crystallised TiP
is found
as we do not observe any
well-defined collection of bands between -40 and -50ppm at the contrary of the results
obtained in the case of the basic mixture APP/PER/TiO
(Figure 87). This result is however in
agreement with the results obtained from the X-Ray diffraction analyses at 800°C that do not
show clear evidence of the formation of titanium pyrophosphate except only a progressive
outline of the three peaks at 23, 25 and 27° that suggests its formation at higher
Nevertheless, it appears that when PER is added as co-carbon source with epoxy resin on
intumescent formulation, it is the additive (PER) that plays mainly the role of carbon source
and that react faster with APP. In the other hand, epoxy network is distinguished up to 300°C
without reacting with APP because their characteristic bands are not modified up to 450°C
(even at 70ppm where APP usually react with epoxy network in the case of IF-2). This change
of carbon source could modify the chemical pathway of IF-3 compared to IF-2. We assume
that the residue obtained after reaction between APP and carbon source should exhibit a
different structure based on ortho- and pyro-phosphates. Then titanium pyrophosphate is
suggested at 800°C and well detected at 900°C. So we remark that main difference between
IF-2 and IF-3 could be the temperature where TiP
is crystallized. In spite of degradation at
lower temperature, PER and intermediate residue seem to delay its formation at higher
III. 4. Mechanism of degradation of intumescent
formulation 4
Due to their similarities, investigation of IF-4 will be done in direct comparison with IF-3.
Indeed, PER is completely substituted by dipentaerythritol in order to modify the visco-
elastic behaviour of the coating. We have already shown that this modification causes a shift
of the viscosity decrease and the observed behaviour is close to the one of IF-1 or IF-2.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 152 Ph-D report J. Ciret
However, a decrease of the swelling abilities was also noted. Aim of this investigation is to
study the chemical changes of the system.
III. 4. a) Investigation of the structure of the intumescent
system by X-Ray diffraction
Figure 100 reports the X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-4 and of its residue obtained after
heat treatment at the previously defined characteristic temperatures.
Figure 100 : X-Ray diffraction patterns of IF-4 and of its residues at several characteristic
Firstly, we observe that patterns of IF-4 (Figure 100) are less noisy than those obtained for
IF-3 (Figure 96). It can thus be proposed that since X-Ray diffraction analysis is sensitive to
the crystallized components, the crystallinity of the charring system resulting from IF-4
decomposition is higher than that observed for IF-3.
At ambient temperature, similarly to what observed for previous coatings, the pattern of the
complete intumescent formulation exhibits mainly the bands that are characteristic of APP
and TiO
(Figure 83). The characteristic peaks of APP disappear partially after a heat
treatment at 250°C whereas the peaks attributed to TiO
(an intense peak at 27° and two
low peaks around 36 and 54°) are observed up to 600°C for IF-4. Then, the degradation of
APP is complete at 300°C. We observe the degradation of APP at lower temperature similarly
to IF-3 while APP is still detected at 300°C for IF-2. Consequently, it may be proposed that
PER and dipentaerythritol exhibit a higher reactivity with APP than epoxy resin. This
difference can be explained by the mechanism occurring in each formulation. With PER or
dipentaerythritol, we assume that esterification reaction occurs while with epoxy resin we
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 153
have shown that a first bond scission from epoxy network is needed to form φ–OH sites and
then a reaction with APP could occur. The phospho-carbonaceous structure resulting from
the degradation of APP and characteristic of the intumescent shield should be formed at
lower temperature when dipentaerythritol is used as co-carbon source with epoxy resin in
the complete formulations.
Following the degradation of APP, from 450°C, we detect directly the formation of TiP
demonstrated by the presence of three intense diffraction peaks between 2theta = 20 and
30°. These peaks are detected up to a heat treatment of 800°C. Moreover, the X-Ray
diffraction pattern of IF-4 heat treated at 800°C is very well-defined and presents some
additional peaks particularly at 22° and 24°. Due to unknown formulation and in spite of
investigation using ICSD database, we cannot attribute these peaks. Therefore, as a first
conclusion, X-Ray diffraction analyses show that whereas IF-3 and IF-4 both degrade with the
subsequent formation of TiP
, the temperature range in which this reaction occurs is very
different. Indeed, TiP
may be suspected from 800°C for IF-3 (with pentaerythritol)
whereas it is clearly observable from 450°C in IF-4 (when PER is substituted by
III. 4. b) Investigation of the evolution of the carbon
structure in the intumescent system by
C solid-state NMR
Thanks to the
C NMR spectra of IF-4 and of its residue obtained after heat treatments
(Figure 101), we should confirm the chemical pathway discussed above and the formation of
the potential carbonaceous structure. Once again, only heat treatments up to 450°C have
been reported because analyses at higher temperature do not present additional
information and any new change in system.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 154 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 101 :
C NMR spectra of IF-4 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures
On the spectra at ambient temperature, we mainly detect bands attributed to epoxy resin by
direct comparison with Figure 94. Moreover, typical bands attributed to dipentaerythritol
(narrow and intense bands at 50, 58 and 66ppm) are also detected (Figure 102).
Figure 102 : Assignment of bands on
C NMR spectrum of dipentaerythritol
When the material is heat treated at low temperature (250°C), the dipentaerythritol
degrades shown by the disappearance of peaks attributed to dipentaerythritol. This
observation suggests a reaction of dipentaerythritol or of it degradation products and
similarly to what happens with PER (disappearance of bands at 250°C) we assume an
esterification reaction of dipentaerythritol by APP to form phosphoric ester bonds.
Furthermore this reaction is correlated by the degradation of APP at 250°C (lower
temperature than those observed with IF-2 or IF-3) determined using the X-Ray diffraction
patterns. In parallel, we can note that the epoxy resin does not degrade up to 300°C. So if we
consider that both epoxy resin and PER are used as carbon source in the intumescent
formulation, we can observe that APP reacts preferentially with PER (disappearance of its
bands) than with epoxy resin (whose bands are remaining at 250°C). Thus we can assume
that reactivity of PER with APP is higher than ones of epoxy resin with APP and that the
activation energy required to such reaction is lower for PER with APP than for epoxy resin
with APP.
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At 300°C, degradation of the matrix is also observed because only a large band centred at
around 130ppm is detected. This broad band is characteristic of intumescent coating and
implies the presence of several non-magnetically equivalent carbons. This band can be
assigned to several types of aromatic and polyaromatic species which can be partially
oxidized. It suggests the condensation of aromatic species to polyaromatic species. This
broadening may also be explained by the fact that a disorganized structure is created. At
higher heat treatment temperature (T = 450°C), the signal is very noisy, similarly that we
have already observed for IF-2 and IF-3.
III. 4. c) Investigation of the evolution of the phosphorus
components in the intumescent system by
P solid-state
The chemical change of phosphorus components should also be highlighted by
P NMR. The
different spectra of IF-4 and of its residue obtained after heat treatments are introduced on
Figure 103.
Figure 103 :
P NMR spectra of IF-4 and of its residues at several characteristic temperatures
The main phosphorus component that we detect and that degrades is APP shown by its
double band at -22 and -24ppm. However while we detect this double band up to 300°C for
IF-2 (Figure 95) and IF-3 (Figure 99), when dipentaerythritol substitutes PER, band disappears
and APP degrades completely before 300°C. From 250°C, several broad bands centred at 0
and -10ppm assigned to orthophosphates issued from APP degradation and its reaction with
the carbon source. It is also noteworthy that at T = 300°C, the two broad bands centred at 0
and -10ppm are still observed whereas another broad band centred at -30ppm appears. This
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 156 Ph-D report J. Ciret
band was observed neither in the case of IF-2, nor in the case of IF-3 but it is well recognized
that this band appears when an intumescent system degrades [129, 131]. This band may be
attributed to condensed phosphate/polyphosphate species.
At 450°C, we can also see a broad band around -40 and -50ppm, similar to that viewable on
the spectrum of the residue of IF-3 at 800°C. This band could be similarly attributed to non-
crystallised TiP
. This is in agreement with the XRD pattern at the same temperature
(450°C) showing large bands attributed to titanium pyrophosphate. Once again, we can note
the lower temperature at which this phenomenon occurs. By increasing the temperature
treatment up to 800°C, this band transforms progressively. The bands are more and more
well-defined. At 800 °C, a well-defined spectrum exhibiting a collection of bands between -
40 and -50ppm, similarly to what we observe with the basic mixtures (Figure 87) and
attributed to TiP
. In addition a broad band is detected at -30ppm but, similarly to peaks
observed by X-Ray diffraction, we cannot assign it because the composition of the
formulations are not completely known.
Therefore, X-Ray diffraction and NMR analyses carried out on IF-4 show that TiP
formed from 450°C. Similar reaction as that with PER may firstly be assumed between
dipentaerythritol and APP to form a phosphorus ester at 250°C then a phospho-
carbonaceous structure at 300°C. However, reaction between phosphorus component and
occurs at lower temperature than with PER. Indeed, we detect TiP
from 450°C
instead of 600°C and their bands are well defined at 800°C instead of 900°C. It evidences
that dipentaerythritol speeds up the evolution of the system without modifying the global
chemical pathway observed with PER leading to a well-crystallized TiP
III. 5. Discussion and conclusion
III. 5. a) Influence of the carbon source on the chemical
pathway and the formation of TiP
In order to highlight the effect of the carbon source, we have carried out investigation on
three intumescent formulations which contain three different carbon sources: epoxy resin
for IF-2, PER and epoxy resin for IF-3 and dipentaerythritol and epoxy resin for IF-4. In the
previous chapter, we have underlined the nature of the carbon source on visco-elastic
behaviours and on swelling abilities of the intumescent coatings. Thanks to this current
chapter, some differences have been highlighted about the chemical changes that take place
on the different intumescent systems thanks to the different carbon sources.
Firstly, we have demonstrated that epoxy resin could play the role of carbon source on IF-2
as well as other polyols but only when no other char former is present. Indeed when PER or
dipentaerythritol is added, no reaction between epoxy resin and acid source (APP) is
detected (or at higher temperatures). Nevertheless, the chemical pathway of IF-2 and the
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 157
reaction between APP and epoxy resin suggest formation of TiP
similarly to what occurs
with PER and dipentaerythritol. Then, whatever the carbon source, the TiP
formation is
observed at high temperature. However, effect of the carbon source can be observed by
comparing the temperature where the steps of degradation occur as carbon source seem to
shift the temperature where APP degrades or when TiP
is formed. To corroborate this
change of temperature in the pathway, we can compare the different systems at different
characteristic temperatures of their degradation.
Firstly, at 300°C, we observe in Figure 104 that APP is completely degraded on IF-4 while it is
still detected for the two other coatings, IF-2 and IF-3 evidenced by the double bands at -22
and -24ppm of APP. So thanks to
P NMR we can suppose a degradation/reaction of APP at
lower temperature with dipentaerythritol than with PER or epoxy resin. The reactivity of the
carbon source with APP plays an important role for the esterification reactions and we
suppose that it is better with dipentaerythritol. This first step yields to the development of a
protective shield but also intermediate products containing residues of APP.
Figure 104 : Comparative
P NMR spectra of residues of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 at 300°C
Even if the structure of the intermediate phosphorus products could be different according
to the carbon source, we have shown that these phosphorus based compounds react then
with TiO
to form TiP
. Figure 105 shows the evolution of the phosphorus components at
450°C. The delay highlighted about the comparative analyses of IF-3 and IF-4 is prolonged at
this temperature corresponding to the reaction between phosphorus components and TiO
Indeed, for IF-4 we have already detected a broad band between -40 and -50ppm, which
suggests TiP
formation. This same band can also be observed with difficulties on spectra
of IF-3 but is less intense (highlighting the delay in terms of degradation) and is not viewable
for IF-2.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 158 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 105 : Comparative
P NMR spectra of residues of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 at 450°C
Lastly, X-Ray diffraction pattern of the final residue obtained from IF-2 at 800°C, IF-3 at
800°C and 900°C and IF-4 at 800°C can be compared on Figure 106. The diffraction patterns
in particular those of IF-3 at 900°C and IF-4 at 800°C show similar bands in spite of the
difference of temperature. The peaks attributed to TiP
are clearly observed in both cases
whereas for IF-2 and for IF-3 at 800°C the formation of TiP
can only be suspected.
Figure 106 : Highlights of TiP
formation at different temperature according to the coating
Therefore, these last X-Ray diffractions and other NMR analyses carried out on the three
studied coatings show that whatever the carbon sources used, titanium pyrophosphate is
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 159
formed. However, the temperature range at which it is formed is different. Concluding a
systematic investigation of the evolution of the coatings, the chemical approach of the three
coatings highlights the importance of the carbon source and also the role played by TiO
the different formulations. In the study of basic mixtures based on APP, different carbon
sources (epoxy resin, pentaerythritol and dipentaerythritol) and TiO
, we have demonstrated
the formation of TiP
for the three coatings. The titanium pyrophosphate is the product of
a reaction between TiO
and the phosphorus components issued from the reaction between
APP and different carbon sources. Indeed, APP first degrades into ortho- and pyro-
phosphate as evidenced by solid state
P NMR and then its degradation products react with
to yield TiP
. However, we should note that the temperature range in which this
reaction occurs is different according to the carbon source used. Indeed, TiP
can hardly
be detected from 800°C for IF-3 whereas it is observable from 450°C for IF-4 in diffractogram
with three peaks between 20 and 30°. For IF-2 without additional carbon source added to
the formulation, epoxy resin alone plays a similar role leading to the formation of TiP
around 800°C.
Consequently, it may be proposed that the use of dipentaerythritol instead of PER or epoxy
resin allows to increase the reactivity of APP with the carbon source and thus leads to the
formation of TiP
at lower temperature, notably. Furthermore, we suspect this crystalline
structure to provide a better fire performance to the intumescent coating. Consequently,
the formation of such structure at lower temperature and the shift of the chemical pathway
could explain the different behaviour of IF-4 for jet-fire test and could be a benefit chemical
change for fire protection.
III. 5. b) Chemical investigation of residues from jet-fire
resistance test - Correlation with proposed chemical
To correlate further these observations with the performance of the coating at the jet-fire
test, we have analysed by X-Ray diffraction residues obtained from the jet-fire resistance
tests described on the second chapter. Only IF-2 and IF-4 analyses have been done because
they were the only residue available.
On IF-2 char resulting from the large scale jet-fire test (Figure 107), three zones can be
distinguished on the piece of char. From the surface to the steel/coating interface, we
observe respectively an upper layer that is dense and compact (thickness = 2cm), then on
the middle this part exhibits large vacuum with lot of bubbles, and finally near steel another
thinner layer (1cm) that is dense and compact.
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 160 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 107 : Piece of IF-2 char from large scale jet-fire test
So we have analysed these three samples taken on the piece of char of large scale jet-fire
test (Figure 108). On large scale test, peaks characteristics of TiP
is detected whatever the
layer of the sample analysed. In the upper layer, sharp peaks (attributed to TiP
or TiO
are superimposed on a broad band characteristic of amorphous carbons. Amorphous
carbons are mainly located in the upper layer because on the two other samples (middle and
inner layer), all bands viewable on the diffractograms are sharp and can be attributed to
or TiO
. Indeed the internal structure of the char seems to be mainly formed with
crystalline components and the detection of titanium pyrophosphate is more and more well
defined when the layer is deep. We suggest thus a high concentration of carbons on the
surface and furthermore presence of TiP
all along the depth of the char.
Figure 108 : X-Ray diffractograms of IF-2 residues from jet-fire resistance test
On IF-4 char, it is easier to distinguish two zones on the piece of char (Figure 109). From the
surface to the steel/coating interface, we observe respectively a 1cm top layer that peels off
for the jet-fire test and a harder and more compact second part with a thickness of 3cm. We
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
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have however obtained three samples by dividing into two sections the wide layer near
Figure 109 : Piece of IF-4 char from large scale jet-fire test
We have analysed these three samples (Figure 110). On the surface, we find again a broad
peak at 27° attributed to amorphous carbons, their presence at the surface to yield to
carbonaceous structure is underlined. Overlapped with this broad band, other bands
appearing at 25° could be attributed to TiP
. On deeper layers, TiP
could be also
detected on the middle of the sample and bands of TiO
are present on the basis of the
residue, where temperature is lower. Because of thermal protection and temperature
gradient, TiP
is less and less present from the surface to the depth of the coating.
Figure 110 : X-Ray diffractograms of IF-4 residues from jet-fire resistance test
Therefore, we have highlighted the formation of TiP
for IF-2 (all along the depth) and for
IF-4 (less crystallized compound). Furthermore, we have determined a high concentration of
amorphous carbons on the surface. These results should however be put into perspective
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Chapter IV: Chemical approach of the intumescent process
Page 162 Ph-D report J. Ciret
with the wide temperature range reached for jet-fire test. Indeed, locations of specimen
from jet-fire box are not well specified and knowing the temperature gradient existing all
along the box, we can highly think that on some zones temperature reached is higher than
800°C and permits TiP
formation as for IF-2 sample and inversely some zones are cooler
and does not allow the reaction (as we suppose for IF-4 sample).
Nevertheless, with the detection of TiP
in piece taken from jet-fire specimen, our
chemical pathways proposed in this chapter for each coating are validated. We can assume
that whatever the carbon sources used, titanium pyrophosphate is formed. Our analyses
have demonstrated however, that the temperature range at which it is formed is different.
Indeed, reactivity between APP and the different carbon sources are different,
dipentaerythritol react with APP at lower temperature than pentaerythritol. Consequently,
the substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol (IF-3 becomes IF-4) allows chemical steps of
degradation occurring at lower temperature, notably the formation of TiP
We could finally correlate the formation of such structure and the results exposed for jet-fire
resistance test. Indeed, literature shows that formation of TiP
could enhance the
mechanical resistance of the coating. So it would be rather to form such structure as soon as
possible after the beginning of the incident in order to protect reliably the substrate. The
next chapter with the development of a labscale tool mimicking large fire test should show
the consequence of the chemical pathways on the fire performance of each coating.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 163
Chapter V: Development
of an efficient labscale
test mimicking large
scale jet-fire test
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 165
Thick intumescent coatings are usually evaluated in large furnace tests by the test UL 1709
[101] If they pass this test, they are then evaluated by the jet-fire OTI 95634 [103]. Both
these tests are essential since they give a good simulation of a real fire and give means of
determining whether or not fire protection products present minimum performance criteria
required in an offshore platform. However, as these tests are very expensive and time
consuming, they reduce the possibilities of testing a large number of formulations.
Nevertheless, significant differences have been highlighted about the behaviours of the four
intumescent formulations after large-scale jet-fire resistance test, suspecting their physical
properties, notably mechanical resistance or visco-elastic behaviours, being important
parameters. These influences have been determined and confirmed by an investigation of
the physical behaviours, we have suggested that high mechanical resistance of IF-1 is due to
boric acid while other formulations (without H
) exhibit low mechanical resistance facing
to jet-fire impact. So use of mesh in those intumescent coatings is required to provide an
additional reinforcement of the fragile barrier and to keep in place the protective shield.
Furthermore the viscosity decrease observed for IF-3 has been stated as an explanation to
the jet-fire failure and can be explained by the presence of PER. Indeed, PER is known to
cause modification of the visco-elastic behaviours of the coating at lower temperature. The
substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol (IF-3 IF-4) allows to avoid this prejudicial change.
In a second approach, we have determined the chemical pathways of the three intumescent
formulations IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4, where only carbon sources change (epoxy resin in IF-2,
epoxy resin and PER in IF-3 and epoxy resin and dipentaerythritol in IF-4). Effect of TiO
also been investigated, resulting to formation of TiP
at high temperature thanks to a
reaction with the phosphorus components of the char with TiO2. Regarding the results, it
may be proposed that the substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol allows to increase the
reactivity of APP with the carbon source and thus allows occurrences at lower temperature,
notably the formation of TiP
. Similar pathways have been observed for jet-fire resistance
test in IF-2 and IF-4 leading to formation of a carbonaceous structure and of a crystallized
compound of TiP
. This product based on titanium and on phosphorus is described in
literature to enhance greatly the fire performance of intumescent systems and the
mechanical properties of the char, acting as a ceramic binder to reinforce the shield [113].
Knowing all these aspects, the aim of this last chapter is to try to develop experimental and
reliable tools at the lab scale which could provide information about the development and
the efficiencies of the intumescent structure. These tools could constitute a predictive
approach to determine the fire behaviour of the evaluated formulations and give us a low
cost and fast test allowing rapid and reliable results of a large number of different coating
formulations in order to correlate observations made by our physical or chemical
approaches with the results obtained in large scale fire tests.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 166 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Therefore, in the first section of this chapter, we introduce a labscale test developed to
mimic industrial furnaces used for UL 1709 standards (Figure 111). Equipped with a powerful
burner this test allows to evaluate samples according to standardized temperature profiles
specified for hydrocarbon fires.
Figure 111 : Industrial furnaces used for UL 1709 standards
Then, previous jet-fire experiments done with the four intumescent formulations and
introduced on the 2
chapter have shown the crucial effect of pressure and temperature
during the test. Careful analysis of the chars after the jet-fire test revealed zones of high
pressure and zones of high temperature (Figure 112).
Figure 112 : Jet-fire box test and zones of high temperature and/or high pressure
The work on the second section of this chapter has so to detail the development of a small
scale test mimicking jet-fire conditions. The setup of this test should take into account these
two parameters (pressure and temperature), provide similar distributions of heat and
pressure and thus permit observation of coating behaviours in agreement with large scale
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 167
I. Preliminary fire test in furnace
The aim of this test is to evaluate the efficiency of the intumescent coating in terms of heat
transfer similarly to industrial standardized furnace tests but at laboratory scale.
I. 1. Experimental apparatus and materials
Contrary to large industrial fire test, our test occurs in 50cm
-sized furnace but its design
remains close to that of bigger furnaces (Figure 113). In addition, advantages of our test are
the small scale and the easy handling of the tool to screen several formulations and to test
quickly the performance of different formulations. As in the case of large furnace test,
time/temperature profiles are measured on the back of a coated steel plate.
In our test, the heat source is a powerful propane burner generating 35kW. Steel plates used
are squares of 10*10 cm², 3.5mm thick, the steel is exactly the same as that used in the
industrial test. About 1mm of the intumescent coating is applied on the surface of the steel
plate. A black coating, provided by Medtherm Corporation (Huntsville, Alabama), resistant to
800°C and having a constant emissivity of 0.92 is applied on the non-heated side of the steel
plates. The constant emissivity of the backside of the plate allows accurate measurement of
the surface temperature of the plate using an infrared pyrometer or infrared camera. The
infrared camera is positioned at a constant distance from the steel plate and focused on the
back surface of the plate. It detects the temperature on the non heated face of the steel
plate and records the time / temperature curve on a computer. The measurement of
temperature without contact has several advantages: it is instantaneous and can be carried
out in places which are difficult to access. It enables measurement over a larger range of
temperatures without corrosion or degradation. However, it is still important to carefully
control various parameters which could affect the measurements, such as for example the
presence of fumes or dust.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 168 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 113 : Pictures of the small scale furnace test
The aim of intumescent coatings is to decrease as much as possible the slope of the
time/temperature curve, i.e. reaching 400°C as late as possible. Indeed, steel begins to lose
most of its structural properties between 470 and 550°C. The temperature of 400°C has
been thus unofficially adopted as critical temperature for heavily loaded structural
components. So, time of failure, namely the time when the steel temperature reaches
400°C, is obviously one of the parameters to be improved: the best result is obtained when
the longest time of failure is reached. It means that the coating has the best protective
I. 2. Temperature profiles and results
Small furnace tests have then been carried out on the different intumescent formulations
comparing virgin panel and a panel coated only with the epoxy resin (DGEBA + hardener).
The time/temperature curves obtained in labscale furnace tests are shown on Figure 114.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
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Figure 114 : Comparison of the time/temperature curves obtained for IF-2, IF-3, IF-4 and for epoxy
resin using the small scale furnace test
Firstly, we can note the good agreement between the specified temperature profile of the
standard and the temperature taken by thermocouple inside furnace during test, even if the
first goal of this test is not a certification but a preliminary observation of the fire behaviour
of the different coatings. The temperature rises rapidly to 900°C within 4 minutes and
significantly higher overall temperatures are reached (between 1100°C and 1200°C).
Then the virgin plate reaches 400°C in 3 minutes and the epoxy resin coating whose quality
is of course not the thermal insulation does not improve the thermal behaviour of the panel
(time of failure is 3 minutes and 30 seconds). However, when the intumescent coatings are
applied, time of failure increases significantly. It is multiplied by 4 whatever the formulation:
IF-2 and IF-3 exhibit a similar behaviour with a time of failure between 750 and 800 seconds
while substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol in IF-4 provides an increase of 25% more of
time of failure up to 1050 seconds i.e. 17 minutes.
This improvement of time of failure can be correlated with the previous chemical properties
introduced in the previous chapter. X-Ray diffractograms of residues are plotted on Figure
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 170 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 115 : X-Ray diffractograms of residues of IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 after small furnace tests
Whatever the formulations, analyses have shown the formation of TiP
for a testing time
of 30 minutes. This formation is in agreement with the temperature measured on furnace
and with the chemical investigation of the previous chapter. Indeed at 800°C, TiP
formed whatever the carbon source, nevertheless diffractograms in Figure 115 show clearly
that its crystallinity are not the same in the case of IF-4 with dipentaerythritol than in the
cases of IF-2 and IF-3 with respectively PER or epoxy resin. On diffractogram of IF-4, we
observe three well-defined peaks attributed to TiP
(similarly to what we observe after
tubular furnace heat treatment at 800°C for IF-4) showing the great crystallinity of the
residue. On the contrary, for IF-2 and IF-3, the ratio signal to noise is higher even if the three
peaks of TiP
are detected (similar to what we observe after tubular furnace heat
treatment at 800°C for these two intumescent formulations). Therefore, based on
conclusions demonstrated in the previous chapter about the formation of TiP
at lower
temperature with dipentaerythritol (IF-4), we assume that titanium pyrophosphate have
been yielded earlier for fire test and we can suggest that the better efficiency observed with
IF-4 than with IF-2 and IF-3 is correlated to the chemical changes of the formulation.
Therefore, thanks to this first test according to hydrocarbon fire and UL 1709 standard, we
have highlighted a clear correlation between the chemical evolution and TiP
formation in
a first hand and the thermal efficiency and the time of failure in the other hand. It appears
that the formation at lower temperature of the crystalline structure based on titanium can
provide an additional efficiency of the coating. We suspect thus that TiP
enhances fire protection because of formation of a ceramic-like protective material in char
structure, as suggested elsewhere [113, 124]. Moreover, the thermal properties of such
structure could allow a better reflection and a lower absorption of heat, these characteristics
being responsible for the bulk and surface temperature of the shield.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 171
Exhibiting good correlation with previous investigation about physical and chemical
properties of the intumescent formulations, the first experimental setup appears as a
reliable, fast and low cost tool to evaluate fire performance of intumescent coatings in
furnace conditions. However, similar to standard conditions, a second tool must be
developed to take into account the specificity of jet-fires that occur on offshore platforms
and their characteristics due to high velocities, such as heat flux and erosion.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 172 Ph-D report J. Ciret
II. Development of a fire test
mimicking jet-fire
The aim of the jet-fire test is to simulate an accidental load from a gas line rupture on an
offshore oil rig. So, similarly to what we have developed for hydrocarbon furnace test, a
small scale test mimicking jet-fire experimental settings will be beneficial to multiply the
data and to minimize the cost. Moreover, a second objective of this test will be to separate
the two phenomena that take place in a jet-fire and the two crucial parameters that we have
highlighted on the second chapter:
- A high momentum of the jet due to the velocity of the jet and flame impact on the
panel causing important pressure notably on the impact zone
- A radiative phenomenon due to the flames and providing the most part of the heat
and causing the greater temperature change.
II. 1. Experimental settings and optimisation
II. 1. a) Experimental apparatus
Tests have been firstly carried out on 10*10cm²-sized squared metallic panels coated with
1.5mm of each coating. Eventually a mesh has been included into the coating to reinforce
the structure similarly to specimen used for large-scale jet-fire test and described in the
second chapter. In a last section, we have also evaluated the performance of intumescent
formulations coated in panels with central flange, similarly to the ones used in large scale
jet-fire test.
An experimental setup (Figure 116) has been home-built using two different heating devices
in order to observe precisely the behaviours of the coating and to control independently and
separately the two main phenomena characterizing a jet-fire.
Figure 116 : Experimental setup of the labscale jet-fire test
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
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In a first hand, an electrical cone heater provides pure radiative heat and in a second hand
an air jet of controlled temperature and pressure providing pure convective heat is used. The
combination of the cone heater and the air jet should then provide a mix of convective and
radiative heat at the same time with accurate controlled parameters (heat flux, pressure or
velocity of air jet, temperature of air jet). Therefore, our work starts with the determination
of the optimal setting parameters to discriminate the behaviours of the four intumescent
formulations according to the previous observations during jet-fire test exposed in the
second chapter.
II. 1. b) Determination of the optimal parameters
First experiments have been carried out to determine the appropriate experimental
conditions: heat flux of the cone heater, velocity of the air jet, time to deliver the air jet (an
early air jet can avoid the expansion of the intumescent coating). The studied parameters
are summarized in Table 11. All these parameters have been chosen in agreement with the
standard of the large scale jet-fire resistance test focusing on nozzle geometry and gas flow
of propane but also based on the literature review about jet-fire highlighting important role
of the jet length (varying with velocity) and heat radiation (taking into account with the heat
flux from conical heater).
Table 11 : Screening of the different setting parameters used in the labscale jet-fire test
Air temperature
Air speed
(Air pressure)
Heat flux of
cone heater
Delayed time to
switch on air jet
Total Time
15m/s (0.5bar)
30m/s (1bar)
After 150 seconds
After 300 seconds
Concerning the heat flux from the cone heater, several tests have been carried out at 35 and
50kW/m² on the four coatings. Results are presented in Figure 117. Increasing the external
heat flux of the cone does not have a great effect on the time/temperature profiles (air jet is
switched on at time zero and the air speed is fixed at 15m/s). Whatever the heat fluxes,
temperatures on the plateau (steady state zone) are similar; however the time to reach it is
as expected shorter at 50kW/m² than at 35kW/m². Similar intumescence factors (expansion)
and observations of the hole caused by the air jet are found at the two irradiances (see the
pictures on Figure 118).
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 174 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 117 : Temperature profiles on the backside of panels coated by IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 in
labscale jet-fire test at two heat fluxes, 50kW/m² (full curves) and 35kW/m² (dotted curves)
Figure 118 : Char aspect after labscale jet-fire test at 35kW/m² (on the left) and at 50kW/m² (on
the right) Example of IF-2
However, heat flux of 50kW/m² targets a forced-flaming combustion scenario that is typical
of developed fires. Consequently, we have chosen the higher irradiance (50kW/m²) to
continue the optimisation of the tests.
Typical experimental conditions are then: (i) cone heater supplying an external heat flux of
50kW/m² and (ii) air jet exhibiting a velocity of 15m/s heated at 500°C. In spite of this high
temperature, it is noteworthy that the main heat contribution is provided by the radiative
heat flux (surface temperature of the sample is equal to 730°C) while air jet provides mainly
an impacting force at the surface of the sample (momentum effect) causing damage due to
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 175
air speed. Indeed when we compare the profiles with and without air jet (Figure 119), the
temperatures reached are very close, except for IF-3.
Figure 119 : Temperature profiles on the backside of panels coated by IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 in
labscale jet-fire test according to air jet contribution, with air jet (plain curves) and without air jet
(dotted curves)
Another observation is that differentiation between the coatings is not significant. Even with
air jet, no change can be detected to differentiate the char resistance of the coatings. To
improve our protocol, we have examined different setups by varying the time when air jet is
turning on. Without air jet, the coating can expand freely, after full expansion of the
intumescent coating, the air jet is turned on and observations can be made concerning the
char resistance. Figure 120 shows the consequence of delaying the air jet. Indeed, after
switching on the air jet at 150 seconds, we observe a quick increase of the temperature on
the backside of the panel because of partial destruction of the protective coating. This
destruction is evidenced by the pictures taken after the test that show only a print when air
jet and cone heater are switching on together (Figure 121, left picture) while important
damage is observed when air jet is delayed (Figure 121, right picture).
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 176 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 120 : Temperature profiles on the backside of panels coated by IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4
according to time when air jet is switching on: air jet is switched on at the beginning of the test
(plain curves) or air jet is switched on 150 seconds after the beginning of the test (dotted curves)
Figure 121 : Char aspect after labscale jet-fire test without time delaying (on the left) and with time
delaying (on the right) Example of IF-2
According to the above results, we have decided to apply a ‘delayed time for turning air jet
in order to improve the differentiation of the coatings. Two values of delayed time have
been selected at 150 seconds and 300 seconds. Time delaying allows the char develops
freely and then to be impacted by the air jet.
Finally, the velocity of the air jet or pressure must be determined. At 30m/s, all the coatings,
except IF-1, exhibit severe damage but differences cannot be distinguished (results are not
presented). We have thus fixed the velocity of the air jet at 15m/s. This velocity allows
observing significant difference between the coatings and provides a sufficient impact to
damage the more fragile coating without modifying the behaviour of the most robust one.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 177
In Table 12, we have summarized the optimal parameters permitting to discriminate the
behaviour of the four intumescent coatings.
Table 12 : Optimized configurations used to evaluate the four coatings with the labscale jet-fire
Air speed
Heat flux of
cone heater
Delayed time to
switch on air jet
Total Time
50 kW/m²
After 300 seconds
50 kW/m²
After 150 seconds
In order to be as clear as possible, we propose to present only the results obtained with the
configuration both when coatings are applied alone on square panels and when mesh is
included to reinforce the intumesced structure. Others results obtained with the 2
configuration can be found in appendix.
II. 2. Tests on squared panels coated by
intumescent formulations
The four coatings have been evaluated using squared panels according to the optimisation
done above. Before presenting the results and thanks to previous analyses notably
determination of the mechanical resistance using our rheological approach, the behaviour of
our coatings can be summarized as follows:
- IF-1 is known to be a robust coating exhibiting a dense and compact char. This
coating is our reference in terms of resistance facing to jet and the preliminary
experiments confirms this information.
- The three other coatings, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4, are coatings with relatively low
resistance facing to strain, jet and impact.
Temperature profiles obtained with the four coatings on the backside of the panel are
shown in Figure 122.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 178 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 122 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
Analysing the temperature profiles of the four coatings, we can suggest two behaviours. A
type of coating is sensitive to air jet because IF-2 and IF-3 exhibit increasing slopes on the
time/temperature profiles when turning on air jet. The other types of coating, IF-1 and IF-4,
exhibit smooth time/temperature profiles. It can be explained by the remaining charred
layer on the panel while chunks of intumescent char are blasted off by air jet leaving
unprotected steel at the location of the impact zone in the case of IF-2 and IF-3.
Careful investigation of the char after performing the test provides additional information.
IF-1 char (Figure 123) does not present any trace of the air jet impact. The swelling is
relatively low (0.7cm 450%) but the char is very dense and it provides a homogeneous
protection characterized by no temperature gradient on the backside.
Figure 123 : Picture of IF-1 char after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire
test (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 179
Concerning the ‘fragile’ coatings (IF-2 and IF-3), damage on IF-2 (Figure 124) caused by air jet
is very significant. After test, different concentric circular zones from the centre to the edge
are observed. At the centre, a 1.2cm-diameter zone is almost uncoated which explains the
increase of the temperature and the ‘halo’ in the middle of the IR image (Figure 124).
Swelling up to 1.3cm with eroded char is observed on the edge of the impact zone.
Figure 124 : Picture of IF-2 char after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire
test (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
IF-3 is known to be the most fragile coating. After turning on the air jet, IF-3 exhibits
temperature close to that obtained with virgin panel (Figure 122). By observing the char
after test (Figure 125), the reason is self-explanatory. Indeed due to air jet impact, the
structure is totally destructed and lets a large unprotected zone. In this zone, a quick
increase of temperature is measured since this temperature reaches that of virgin panel.
Obviously, no swelling measurement is available. This behaviour can be explained both by a
bad adhesion and a bad mechanical resistance to air jet. The large zone of unprotected steel
should be compared to the observations done after the jet-fire test where IF-3 failed for the
same reasons. In fact, under strain caused by a jet, the intumescing structure does not
adhere to the metallic substrate and is ejected by the jet.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 180 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 125 : Picture of IF-3 char after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire
test (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
Concerning IF-4, the difference with IF-3 is very significant. Firstly, on the temperature
profiles (Figure 122) we can observe that the temperature does not change when the air jet
is switched on. This good insulation is confirmed by the char aspect (Figure 126). Indeed, we
can see that a stronger protective layer (thickness = 1cm) remains stuck on the panel all
along the test. Consequently, the protection is homogeneous and the temperature on the
backside of the panel remains lower than 250°C. However, it is noteworthy that the upper
part of the intumescent structure is partially damaged by the air jet although it provides
Figure 126 : Picture of IF-4 char after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire
test (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
As a conclusion with this experimental configuration, the formation of a cohesive structure
and the superior impact resistance of IF-1 are confirmed. Differences between the
formulations can be commented as follows:
- IF-1 does not exhibit any damage caused by air jet impact. Nevertheless, expansion
is relatively low.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 181
- The intumescent structure developed from IF-3 is completely destructed while that
of IF-2 is partially destroyed at the location of impact and the rest of the structure
is kept on the panel.
- Substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol provides a significant improvement of the
resistance of the char. Containing dipentaerythritol in IF-4, a residual protective
layer is maintained on the panel even if the upper part is partially damaged while
with PER on IF-3, all the coating is pulled out.
II. 3. Tests on squared panels coated by
intumescent formulations reinforced with mesh
The use of mesh in intumescent coating provides an additional reinforcement of the barrier
formed when burning. The efficiency of this reinforcement has been demonstrated for large
scale jet-fire resistance test with IF-2 and IF-3, particularly because of their low mechanical
resistance whereas its effect is not significant for a robust coating as IF-1. Therefore, to
improve the mechanical resistance and to keep a sufficient insulation, mesh has been
incorporated inside the three “fragile” coatings. Except this incorporation, experimental
configuration remains similar and the temperature profiles are shown on Figure 127.
Figure 127 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 reinforced
by mesh (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
The inclusion of mesh improves the resistance of the coating facing to air jet. Although the
temperature profiles of IF-2 and IF-3 still exhibit an increasing slope directly link with the
switching on of the air jet, this phenomenon is attenuated and almost disappeared for IF-2
thanks to the reinforcement provided by mesh.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 182 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Concerning IF-4 coating, knowing that its behaviours without mesh are relatively good and
damage does not appear as dramatic, effect of mesh are not significant and have just
confirmed a better resistance of IF-4 facing to air jet than IF-2 and IF-3. No temperature
variation has been detected on its temperature profile. This difference of behaviours
between IF-3 and IF-4 is much more highlighted by the similar evolution of the temperature
before onset of the air jet (curves are superimposed) while a gap appears after applying the
air jet.
Therefore, mesh provides a great improvement for the resistance of the coating. To confirm
information provided by temperature profile, an investigation of the char aspects after test
is shown on Figure 128. First observations of the chars suggest that a higher amount of
residues remain on the steel plate than with the previous settings. Incorporating mesh in the
coating permits to keep the intumescent structure on the panels and to protect them.
Figure 128 : Pictures of the char obtained with intumescent coatings reinforced by mesh after
labscale jet-fire test (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
IF-2 develops an intumescent structure with a swelling of 1.7cm with mesh. On this
structure, a 1.3cm diameter central hole is formed by the impact of the air jet which does
not reach the panel. A residual dense layer remains stuck on the panel, this layer is kept
thanks to mesh and its presence is not observed for previous experiments carried out
without mesh.
Char developed from IF-3 exhibits large differences with and without mesh after the test.
Mesh keeps the structure on the panel except on the impact zone where a 1.9cm-diameter
zone of non protected steel is formed which can explain the increase of temperature.
However, by comparison with first experiments we can note that panels remains mainly
protected. Of course thermal conductivity of steel and local weakness of the coating cause a
temperature profile exhibiting quick increase when air jet impacts.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 183
Finally, the behaviour of IF-4 is similar with and without mesh. Indeed, the temperature
profiles are similar reaching 250°C in the steady state zone. Similar intumescence factor and
damages are observed. No effect of mesh must however be put into perspective with the
great behaviour exhibited without mesh similarly to IF-1.
Using the experimental parameters defined in the beginning of this section, the benefit of
mesh is shown. It permits to enhance the impact char resistance and the thermal
insulation keeping char at the surface of the substrate. Nevertheless, mesh is not sufficient
to maintain the structure of IF-3 on the impact zone.
II. 4. Tests on flanged panels coated by
intumescent formulations
To mimic the specific setup of the panel during jet-fire test, our panels have been modified
accordingly. The panels have been designed with a flange located in the middle of the steel
plate (Figure 129). This geometry could modify the swelling of the systems especially at the
edge between the flange and the back faces. Holes have been drilled right through the
flange and thermocouples have been embedded in the flange so that the thermocouple is
located at the interface coating/panel during the test. The panel undergoes an external flux
of 50kW/m
and the jet is turned on at 300 seconds after the beginning of the test. Jet
impacts at level of the second hole i.e. in the middle of the flange. However, with this
geometry, it is not possible to measure temperature profiles and to observe thermal
cartography by IR camera, only measurements with thermocouples at three positions is
possible for measuring time/Temperature profiles.
Figure 129 : Experimental setup to use flanged panels in labscale jet-fire test
Using this specific design IF-1 exhibits superior impact resistance against air jet. The
temperature profiles taken in three points (Figure 130) show a constant increase of
temperature except when the air jet is turned on. At this time (300 seconds), we observe a
slight decrease of the temperature and then its stabilization. We have attributed this change
to the variation of the temperature and the contribution of the air jet cooling down the
surface of the coating (convective effect) as previously discussed.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 184 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 130 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-1 coated on flanged panel
(heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
Before onset of the air jet, temperature evolutions are very smooth. Radiative effect causes
a temperature gradient from the bottom to the top of the flange. However, we can detect
one inflexion point on the temperature profiles when the air jet is switched on. These
variations cannot really be explained by observing the samples after test. Indeed, visual
investigation of the char (Figure 131) after the test confirms the good resistance of the
coating facing to heat and to impact. No damage is detected on the char surface, a compact
and dense char with some bubbles coats the whole panel.
Figure 131 : Char obtained from IF-1 after labscale jet-fire test on flanged panel (heat flux of
50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
Concerning the three other formulations, the intumescent chars are affected facing to jet,
notably on the impact zone, as shown on Figure 132.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 185
Figure 132 : Pictures of chars obtained from IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 after labscale jet-fire test on flanged
panel (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
For IF-2 (Figure 132), the central part of the flange exposed to the jet is no longer coated by
intumescent structure at the end of the test while the upper and lower places are still
protected. The surface adjacent to the flange is also damaged by air jet because we can
observe on the left part a partial blast of the coating caused by air flow. However, contrary
to the experiments carried out with flat panels, temperature profiles obtained with
thermocouples on the interface metal/coating does not show this destruction on the flange.
Indeed, in agreement with the observation done on IF-2 char, we expected to observe
significant increase of temperature, notably on the impact zone where coating is destructed.
Instead of this, IF-2 profiles (Figure 133) exhibit curves that are initially superimposed
representing the uniform evolution of the coating facing to heat flux from cone heater. But
when air jet is switched on (after 300 seconds), temperature increases slightly on the
boundaries and more strongly on the impact zone. However, the differences are not
significant to make conclusions.
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Page 186 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Figure 133 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-2 coated on flanged panel
(heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
For IF-3 (Figure 132), picture shows that the part of the flange where the jet impacts is
totally unprotected. Furthermore, we can also detect damage at the surface adjacent to the
flange. Jet impacts the flange and damages a central band perpendicular to the flange by
erosive effect. On this band, the residual layer is very thin (not measurable) while on top and
bottom of the side face a swelling of 0.7cm is observed and usually sufficient to provide
protection. On temperature profiles, the effect of the air jet can be detected. Indeed, initially
superimposed until turning on the air jet, the three curves exhibit different temperature
changes. As soon as the air jet is switched on, the temperature on the impact zone increases
rapidly while on the edges of the flange it continues to increase smoothly. To highlight the
larger damage on IF-3 than on IF-2, we can also remark that higher temperatures are
reached on temperature profiles of IF-3 (> 300°C) than those of IF-2. Thus these conclusions
have been stated investigating the char aspect and have been confirmed by the thermal
evolutions, even if temperature gaps are very slight and only trend can be proposed.
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 187
Figure 134 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-3 coated on flanged panel
(heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
For IF-4 (Figure 132), the coating is damaged on the flange where the air jet impacts the
char. Nevertheless, the char developed on the back faces exhibits an enhanced resistance
facing to air jet. In terms of swelling, we can measure a swelling on the side face of 1.5cm at
the highest point. About the temperature evolution (Figure 135), the temperatures increase
similarly until turning on the air jet. We then observe a higher increase of temperature at the
impact zone than at the top and at the bottom in agreement with major location of the
damage. However, the differences are small and prevent any further discussions.
Figure 135 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-4 coated on flanged panel
(heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 300 seconds)
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Page 188 Ph-D report J. Ciret
To conclude this part and this experimental settings about the use of this specific design of
panel, temperature measurements do not permit any significant discriminations between
the formulations. Our first explanation is the inappropriate location of the thermocouples.
Steel has a high heat conductivity which permits a rapid distribution of the temperature in all
directions (isotropic heat conductivity). Accepting this, the rapid increase of the temperature
on the impact zone (because of the partial destruction of the intumescent char) is
propagated along the flange and a temperature gradient cannot be detected. The design and
the techniques used to measure the temperatures have thus to be improved in order to
obtain results mimicking jet-fire test in terms of geometrical aspect. Nevertheless, we can
observe some consequences of the panel design on the expansion of the intumescent
coatings, showing less homogeneous swelling along the panels due to presence of flange and
complexity of the geometry. Others conclusions can be established about the thermal
insulative provided by coatings and the temperature exhibited by coated panels where IF-2
seems to better insulate metallic panels than IF-3 and IF-4 in spite of superficial damage:
final temperature measured by thermocouples are lower in the case of IF-2 than in the two
others cases.
II. 5. Conclusions and discussion about the benefit
of a new experimental tool
To underline the importance of the chemical difference and to understand the behaviours of
the different coatings facing to jet-fire, we have undertaken to develop a labscale air-jet test.
After optimizing the experimental parameters, a setup was proposed to evaluate the
different coatings and their resulting resistance facing to impact.
The first conclusions and the correlations with large-scale results are very promising. Indeed
if IF-1 appears as a robust coating without equivalent in terms of resistance, the three other
coatings suggest significant and interesting differences. For IF-2, its mechanical resistance is
poor. Localized on the impact zone, damage caused by the air jet provides a large insulation
loss. This low resistance can be improved by incorporating mesh inside coating to avoid
critical damage of the intumescent structure. However, mesh does not completely solve the
insulation loss at the impact. For IF-3, its behaviour is the worst. Indeed facing to air jet, the
intumescent shield is totally blasted off while this coating flows away of the panel due to its
low viscosity during the jet-fire test. The intumescent structure does not resist to impact and
is pushed from the centre to the edge because it does not adhere to panel. Once again,
mesh provides significant improvement to this coating, allowing to keep the structure on the
whole panel except at the impact zone. The best improvement is provided by the
substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol. Indeed using dipentaerythritol in IF-4, a residual
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 189
protective layer is maintained on the panel and allow a homogeneous protection of the
substrate, as efficient as IF-1 in terms of insulation and apparent swelling.
So the conclusions of this section are drawn as follows:
- Whatever the conditions, IF-1 exhibits the same behaviour developing a hard and
compact char resistant to air jet.
- Concerning IF-2 and IF-3, correlations have been found between our labscale air jet
test and the jet-fire test about the low mechanical resistance and the destruction of
the structure.
- Substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol causes modification of the behaviour of
the coating. IF-3 and IF-4 react differently facing to impact, with total destruction
for the first formulation while a robust protective layer remains to protect panels
with the second one.
- Mesh reinforces significantly the coatings, notably for IF-2 and IF-3 and appears as a
solution to pass severe test with impact of flames.
Correlations with the large scale jet-fire test can be sum up in the Table 13.
Table 13 : Evaluation and correlation of the behaviours of coatings
Labscale test
Weakness on the front of
the jet, impact causes
destruction on the centre
of the panel
Reaction of the char
facing to the air flow,
structure is destroyed all
along the surface due to
provides appearance of a
residual layer resistant to
impact and protecting
Large-scale jet-
fire test
Failure due to low
resistance of the char
after 35min
Failure due to low
viscosity, flowing of the
char on the back face
after 13min
The char peels back as
the adhesion is very poor,
failure after 51min
Therefore, thanks to this labscale tool, we are able to observe and to explain the four
different behaviours exhibited by the intumescent coatings. Some of these behaviours are
self explanatory, similarly to large-scale jet-fire test and highlight the weaknesses of the
formulations. Indeed to correlate these two scales, we can find some common points and
similar observation about the intumescent formulations as the low swelling abilities of IF-1
even if its robustness allow a great fire performance for 60 minutes, or the low mechanical
resistance of IF-2 and of IF-3, causing their test failures at both two scales. But the main link
that we can establish between the two tests is mainly due to visual investigation of the char
and thermal consequence that damage can cause on the insulative efficiencies of the
coatings. Effectively, if main heat is provided by cone heater and radiation, the impingement
of an air jet on a flat plate can reproduce the erosive effect on the fire protection material
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Chapter V: Development of an efficient labscale test mimicking large scale jet-fire test
Page 190 Ph-D report J. Ciret
and can damage strongly the most fragile char as observed when IF-3 is completely blasted
by air jet from the beginning of the test.
To conclude about the labscale test, even if no quantitative information have been obtained
after this test in terms of fire-resistance rating, experiments and observations permit to
obtain reliable information about the behaviour of the different coatings. Some aspects are
still different between the two scales tests but we manage to establish some correlations. In
addition with the first tool developed in laboratory to mimic industrial furnaces, this labscale
test mimicking the characteristics of the jet-fire test constitutes a new tool to make ‘high
throughput’ screening of new formulations.
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General Conclusions
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 191
General Conclusions
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General Conclusions
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 193
This Ph-D work was based on the study and explanations of the behaviours of four epoxy-
based thick film intumescent coating, applied on offshore platforms and which has to resist
in very strong conditions, such as jet-fires.
Our studying methods have investigated three different approaches about high fire risks on
offshore locations. These approaches are all based on a starting assessment introduced on
the chapter II about the behaviours of our four studied coatings for large scale jet-fire
resistance test. Each coatings exhibit behaviour that highlights their weaknesses facing to
impact of jet-fire or heat generated by such phenomenon. Clearly, intumescent formulation
1 produces a very hard and not flexible char that does not expand very much. As it does not
expand enough, it fails at the hottest part of the box due to lack of insulation. On the
contrary intumescent formulation 2 failure occurs on flange edge where the flame impacts.
The char evolved from this product seems not to be sufficiently resistant and is destroyed by
the high momentum delivered by the flame impact. Reinforcement provided by inclusion of
carbon and glass fibre mesh system before testing can permit a great improvement of the
mechanical resistance. Then intumescent formulation 3, a compromise between the two
first coatings, appears as strong enough to resist on edge of flange and exhibit an expanded
insulative char. However its failure occurs on the back face of the box: an area where neither
intumescent formulation 1 nor intumescent formulation 2 fail. Finally, intumescent
formulation 4, based on a slight modification of IF-3, introduces also a new type of failure
caused by appearance of large voids at the steel/coating interface.
Regarding these four different failures highlighting mechanical resistance and visco-elastic
properties, we have firstly investigated the physical properties of the intumescent coatings.
Differences in terms of viscosity are shown by the use of different carbon sources. Indeed
effect of the carbon sources (epoxy resin alone or with PER or with dipentaerythritol) are
clearly determined by comparison between IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4. PER causes the shift of the
viscosity decrease at lower temperature (270°C) and consequently swelling and
intumescence process begin also at lower temperature for IF-3. Substitution of PER by
dipentaerythritol (IF-4) allows to modify the behaviour of IF-3. These results must be linked
with the results of jet-fire tests because the IF-3 failure and the flowing of char observed for
jet-fire test can be partially explained by the visco-elastic properties. Indeed we can suggest
that phenomena of flowing that occurs on the back faces can be the consequence of a too
low viscosity of the melt phase, as observed at 270°C in our rheological experiments.
Nevertheless, this flowing disappears for jet-fire test when PER is substituted by
dipentaerythritol. Secondly, the mechanical resistance is also suspected for explaining the
failure of IF-2 and IF-3 without mesh. Our experiments allow to conclude that IF-1 is the
most robust and dense char, not sensitive to any strain while the three other coatings do not
exhibit any resistance facing to the less force applied on the top of the char. This sensitivity
to strain confirms thus results observed of IF-2 and IF-3 for jet-fire test resistance that fail in
the impact zone where pressure is maximal and no coating resist to impact. Therefore
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General Conclusions
Page 194 Ph-D report J. Ciret
physical approach provides us interesting information about the intumescent process and
main conclusions target the role of the carbon sources in intumescent formulations.
Strongly linked with the efficiency of the char of these mixtures, these properties have been
underlined by physical approach but could be also explained by the investigation of the
mechanism of degradation that takes place inside these formulations. By analysing several
residues from intumescent coatings at different characteristic temperatures mechanism of
degradation as a function of the char former has been proposed. Indeed, investigations have
been focused on the effect of the different carbon sources used on the intumescent
formulations (epoxy resin in IF-2, epoxy resin and pentaerythritol on IF-3, epoxy resin and
dipentaerythritol in IF-4). The chemical interactions that occur between the main
components have then been investigated by thermo-gravimetric analyses, X-Ray diffraction
and solid state NMR. Firstly, we have shown the effect of the carbon source on the chemical
changes. We have demonstrated that epoxy resin could play the role of carbon source on IF-
2 if no other component is present. However when PER or dipentaerythritol is added, no
reaction between epoxy resin and acid source (APP) is detected. In a first step APP and the
carbon source react together to yield to the development of a protective shield but also
intermediate products containing phosphorus residues. Then, whatever the formulation, the
formation of TiP
is observed at high temperature: phosphorus residues react with TiO
yield to a crystalline structure of TiP
. This crystallized compound is reported in literature
to enhance mechanical properties and flame retardant performance. However, the
temperature range at which it is formed is different. Indeed, TiP
can be detected from
800°C for IF-3 whereas it is only clearly observable from 450°C for IF-4. For IF-2 without
additional carbon source added to the formulation, epoxy resin alone plays a similar role
leading to the formation of TiP
at around 800°C. Consequently, it may be proposed that
the substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol allows to increase the reactivity of APP with the
carbon source and thus enables reaction to occur at lower temperature, notably the
formation of TiP
. The formation of TiP
have been shown for furnace jet-fire and linked
between fire performance and chemical pathway are proposed focusing on the formation of
and its benefit to thermal efficiency of IF-4 compared to IF-3.
Finally, knowing all these properties and chemical changes exhibited by our four
intumescent formulations and explaining their fire performance, the development of an
experimental and reliable tool has been reported. This tool could provide information about
the development and the efficiencies of the intumescent structure. These tools could
constitute a predictive approach to determine the fire behaviour of the evaluated
formulations. Moreover, thanks to these experimental tools, a low cost and fast test would
permit rapid and reliable results of a large number of different coating formulations in good
correlation with the results obtained in large scale standardized fire tests. First test
mimicking hydrocarbon fire standard, we have highlighted a clear correlation between the
chemical pathway and the TiP
formation in a first hand and the thermal efficiency and
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General Conclusions
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 195
the time of failure in the other hand. The second test tries to create a similar phenomenon
that takes place for large scale jet-fire. Using a radiative heater and air jet with high
momentum, the setup permits to focus on the two key parameters of hazardous jet-fire.
Thanks to this experimental setup and to optimized settings, we have success to find again
similar behaviours of the four coatings and to explain them. Some conclusions can thus be
drawn to sum up these behaviours. Whatever the conditions, IF-1 exhibits the same
behaviour developing a hard but low expanded char resisting to jet-fire. Concerning IF-2 and
IF-3, correlations have been found between our labscale air jet test and the jet-fire test
about the low mechanical resistance and the destruction of the structure letting
unprotected the metallic substrate. Mesh can however reinforce significantly the
intumesced structure and appears as a solution to pass severe test with impact of flames.
Finally, the substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol allows to modify behaviour of the
coatings. On the contrary, from IF-3, IF-4 forms a robust protective layer that remains to
protect panels and avoids the increase of the temperature.
Therefore, although the labscale jet-fire test is not completely optimised to detect behaviour
of the coating with the specific geometry of the large scale test (with a central flange), the
combination of the fundamental conclusions about the physical properties and the
degradation pathways of the different formulations and these experimental tools permit to
highlight the weaknesses of the intumescent coatings and to propose solutions to improve
this defaults. Indeed substitution of PER by dipentaerythritol and use of mesh appear as two
solutions developed in this report, evaluated with similar experiments and exhibited
satisfying results to enhance the fire performance of IF-2 and IF-3.
Finally, to end this Ph-D work, we can consider some outlooks. Indeed, thanks to
investigation about role of carbon sources, we have highlighted its influence on the chemical
degradation pathway and temperature at which it occurs, using epoxy resin either alone, or
with PER, or with dipentaerythritol. Our conclusions are based on chemical analyses at
different specific temperatures to determine the changes but it would be interesting to
obtain quantitative information about the kinetic parameters. Indeed, the kinetic of
degradation is a major concern and could be simulated using TGA device. A thermo-kinetic
model could be determined in order to calculate kinetic parameters. This study should allow
to refine the degradation mechanism of the material, notably the reaction between APP and
the carbon source. Our study by chemical analyses has shown differences in terms of
reactivity between APP and the different carbon sources, this approach by modelling could
quantify this reactivity and compute the activation energy of each reaction. It would be so
possible to confirm the better reactivity of APP with dipentaerythritol and the formation of
the protective structure at lower temperature. To complete this study, new carbon sources
(as tripentaerythritol) could be added to the main ingredients in order to screen the
reactivity of APP with carbons sources.
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General Conclusions
Page 196 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Second, to go further to explain the effect of mesh and the improvement viewable for
labscale jet-fire test, we could propose a specific study highlighting its role for severe test as
jet-fire resistance one. Indeed, the use of mesh in the intumescent coating was an aspect
quickly broached in this report but not really investigated except by observing its
consequence on temperature profiles. However, in hot and severe conditions, hybrid carbon
and glass fibre mesh show an interesting behaviour and the observation made after the jet
fire tests as well as the composition of the mesh led us to suspect an influence of the oxygen
on the thermal degradation of the mesh. Indeed, if the glass fibres do not degrade until
1000°C whatever the atmosphere, the carbon fibres are greatly sensitive to oxygen. Mesh
can so remain in the zone where the oxygen level is low (pyrolysis conditions) whereas if
oxygen is present the mesh completely degrades. In both cases, the glass fibres will be
melted. Taking into account this information, this difference of behaviours according to the
oxygen level can be a clue to determine the zone of pyrolysis and zone of combustion on the
test panels during the jet-fire resistance test.
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
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Appendix: Experimental results obtained with 2
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 197
Appendix: Experimental results
obtained with 2
In order to better discriminate the coatings, we have used the same protocol as described in
the last chapter of this report except that the delayed time of the air jet was reduced at 150
seconds. By decreasing the time delaying, we hope to observe a lower expanded structure
and consequently a lower resistance of the char. So we hope to better differentiate coatings
and to observe significant differences between the three fragile coatings (IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4),
knowing that IF-1 exhibit the same behaviour whatever the settings used to test it.
configuration without mesh
Firstly, without mesh, we have observed similar results and similar behaviours at 150
seconds and at 300 seconds (Figure 136 compare to Figure 122). The temperature profiles
allow to highlight the potential local destruction of the coating. As observed previously, IF-1
and IF-4 exhibit smooth time/temperature profiles underlining good toughness of the char.
On the contrary, temperature change can already be observed on temperature profiles of IF-
2 and IF-3 when air jet is turning on. At the end of the experiment, IF-2 exhibits temperature
close to virgin panels, confirming that destruction of the structure and stop of the
protection. About IF-2, the consequences of air jet are smaller, but temperature variation
points to potential local damages.
Figure 136 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-1, IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 (heat
flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 150 seconds)
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Appendix: Experimental results obtained with 2
Page 198 Ph-D report J. Ciret
Picture analyses confirm all the information obtained by temperature profiles. Once again,
behaviour of IF-1 is not modified whatever the experimental configuration: the coating
exhibited a low expanded char without sign of any strain.
Then concerning the three other coatings, a good agreement can also be stated between the
temperature profiles and the pictures exposed on Figure 137.
Figure 137 : Picture of chars after labscale jet-fire test and thermal image for labscale jet-fire test
(heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 150 seconds)
Indeed, we can observe severe damage on structure issued of IF-2 and IF-3. Impact cause
hole on the surface of IF-2 and destruction of the structure, nevertheless this destruction is
not sufficient to observe a total destruction up to the substrate. This explains the gap
already viewable between virgin panel and IF-2 coated panel. Damage are more important
on IF-3 char, structure is totally destroyed from the centre to the edge in a radius of 3cm.
The intumesced structure is pulled out, letting a large non-protected zone where
temperature increases. Finally, for IF-4, an upper fragile intumescent layer that is destructed
and pulled out by air jet, but a lower layer that resists to the jet continues to protect the
panels all along the surface. With a low thickness (0.7cm), IF-4 exhibits behaviour and
resistance close to IF-1, with a low expanded layer avoiding exposition of the panel to heat
and fluxes.
Therefore, this 2
configuration confirms the properties and the differences of each coating.
The resistance of IF-2 and IF-3 and the appearance of a residual layer on IF-4 have been the
main conclusions provided by this new series of experiments.
configuration with mesh
A last series of experiments have been carried out. The delayed time is still reduced at 150
seconds and inclusion of mesh to improve the holding of the char facing to air jet. No new
information have been obtained, however temperature profiles (Figure 138) and pictures
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Appendix: Experimental results obtained with 2
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 199
describing the char aspect after test (Figure 139) confirm the previous conclusions and
illustrate the behaviours of the coatings and the role of the mesh.
Figure 138 : Temperature profiles obtained in labscale jet-fire test for IF-2, IF-3 and IF-4 reinforced
by mesh (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 150 seconds)
Indeed, by observing temperature profiles, an improvement of the coating resistance facing
to air jet is exhibited thanks to inclusion of mesh. The quick variation of temperature
(viewable usually when air jet is switching on) is less significant for IF-2 and IF-3. Their
behaviours are still modified due to air jet but IF-3 is now clearly differentiated to virgin
panels: residual material remains stuck to protect substrate.
Figure 139 : Pictures of the char obtained with intumescent coatings reinforced by mesh after
labscale jet-fire test (heat flux of 50kW/m², air speed of 15m/s, delayed time of 150 seconds)
Char aspects are consistent with the temperature variations. All damages are superficial
without reaching the panels and cancelling the thermal protection. Nevertheless, we
continue to observe print where jet impacts: pressure caused by air jet and mesh limit the
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Appendix: Experimental results obtained with 2
Page 200 Ph-D report J. Ciret
swelling on the central point. Swelling on the edge is 8mm while mesh on the central point
limits the development but maintains the lower layer. On IF-3, a maximal swelling is
measured at 1.6cm and mesh is positioned at 0.6cm from the panel. So it remains a residual
layer on the whole panel to protect it. Finally on IF-4, a very low swelling (0.7cm) is viewable
all along the surface without mark of any impact or mesh undiscovered. Large blocks of
materials, initially the upper layer of the structure, are however pulled out.
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Ph-D report J. Ciret Page 201
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© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Résumé : Cette étude s’intéresse aux comportements de 4 peintures intumescentes développées pour
protéger des plateformes offshores et susceptibles de résister aux « jet-fires ». Un jet-fire peut
intervenir sur un site pétrochimique suite à une fuite d’hydrocarbures sous pression et causer de sérieux
dommages de part la chaleur dégagées et surtout la quantité de mouvement générées. Les aspects
physiques et chimiques de ces formulations ont été développés permettant de mettre en avant les
effets du pentaérythritol sur le comportement viscoélastiques et le processus d’intumescence. Par
diffraction des rayons X et par RMN à l’état solide, nous avons montré les interactions entre ammonium
et polyphosphate et différentes sources de carbones (pentaérythritol, dipentaérythritol, réseau
époxyde) permettant la formation d’un char. Les résidus phosphorés réagissent ensuite avec TiO
former une structure cristalline TiP
suspectées d’améliorer la résistance au feu et la résistance
mécanique du char. Des tests feu ont confirmés ces améliorations. Dans un dernier chapitre nous avons
développé un test permettant de reproduire à l’échelle laboratoire les phénomènes radiatifs et
convectifs du jet-fire. Les premiers résultats ont montré de bonnes corrélations entre les observations
faites à grande échelle et celles réalisées au laboratoire.
Mots clefs : Résine époxyde, Dégradation thermique, Intumescence, Polyphosphate d’ammonium,
Pentaerythritol, Dioxyde de titane, RMN du solide, Diffraction des rayons X, Développement de test feu.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to understand and to explain behaviours exhibited by four epoxy-
based intumescent formulations used on offshore platforms facing to jet-fire. A jet-fire is a turbulent
diffusion flame resulting from the combustion of a fuel continuously released with some significant
momentum. It represents a significant element of the risk on offshore installations. Regarding the
formulation studied, we have developed three approaches. Firstly, the visco-elastic behaviour and
mechanical resistance of the formulations have been investigated. The results show that pentaerythritol
causes a viscosity decrease at lower temperature that appears as prejudicial to maintain efficient char
on steel substrate. In a second part, chemical evolutions of the intumescent formulation have been
determined thanks to solid-state NMR and X-Ray diffraction. Interactions between ammonium
polyphosphate and respective carbon sources present in formulations have been assumed, yielding to
the formation of char and production of phosphorus residues. Then these phosphorus residues react at
high temperature with TiO
to form a crystalline structure TiP
suspected to enhance mechanical
properties and flame retardant performance. In a last part, furnace fire tests confirm this enhancement.
Furthermore, a new small-scale experimental setup is developed mimicking large scale jet-fire resistance
test in order to obtain rapidly and at low cost reliable behaviours of a large number of formulations
facing to high load mixing radiative heat and flame impact. First results have been correlated with the
large-scale ones and different geometries have been considered.
Keywords: Epoxy resin, Thermal degradation, Intumescence, Ammonium polyphosphate,
Pentaerythritol, Titanium dioxide, Solid state NMR, X-Ray diffraction, Fire testing development.
Intitulé et adresse du laboratoire: Laboratoire LSPES Equipe PERF CNRS UMR 8008
E.N.S.C.L, Cité Scientifique, Bât. C7
F-59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
© 2012 Tous droits réservés.
Résumé : Cette étude s’intéresse aux comportements de 4 peintures intumescentes développées pour
protéger des plateformes offshores et susceptibles de résister aux « jet-fires ». Un jet-fire peut
intervenir sur un site pétrochimique suite à une fuite d’hydrocarbures sous pression et causer de sérieux
dommages de part la chaleur dégagées et surtout la quantité de mouvement générées. Les aspects
physiques et chimiques de ces formulations ont été développés permettant de mettre en avant les
effets du pentaérythritol sur le comportement viscoélastiques et le processus d’intumescence. Par
diffraction des rayons X et par RMN à l’état solide, nous avons montré les interactions entre ammonium
et polyphosphate et différentes sources de carbones (pentaérythritol, dipentaérythritol, réseau
époxyde) permettant la formation d’un char. Les résidus phosphorés réagissent ensuite avec TiO
former une structure cristalline TiP
suspectées d’améliorer la résistance au feu et la résistance
mécanique du char. Des tests feu ont confirmés ces améliorations. Dans un dernier chapitre nous avons
développé un test permettant de reproduire à l’échelle laboratoire les phénomènes radiatifs et
convectifs du jet-fire. Les premiers résultats ont montré de bonnes corrélations entre les observations
faites à grande échelle et celles réalisées au laboratoire.
Mots clefs : Résine époxyde, Dégradation thermique, Intumescence, Polyphosphate d’ammonium,
Pentaerythritol, Dioxyde de titane, RMN du solide, Diffraction des rayons X, Développement de test feu.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to understand and to explain behaviours exhibited by four epoxy-
based intumescent formulations used on offshore platforms facing to jet-fire. A jet-fire is a turbulent
diffusion flame resulting from the combustion of a fuel continuously released with some significant
momentum. It represents a significant element of the risk on offshore installations. Regarding the
formulation studied, we have developed three approaches. Firstly, the visco-elastic behaviour and
mechanical resistance of the formulations have been investigated. The results show that pentaerythritol
causes a viscosity decrease at lower temperature that appears as prejudicial to maintain efficient char
on steel substrate. In a second part, chemical evolutions of the intumescent formulation have been
determined thanks to solid-state NMR and X-Ray diffraction. Interactions between ammonium
polyphosphate and respective carbon sources present in formulations have been assumed, yielding to
the formation of char and production of phosphorus residues. Then these phosphorus residues react at
high temperature with TiO
to form a crystalline structure TiP
suspected to enhance mechanical
properties and flame retardant performance. In a last part, furnace fire tests confirm this enhancement.
Furthermore, a new small-scale experimental setup is developed mimicking large scale jet-fire resistance
test in order to obtain rapidly and at low cost reliable behaviours of a large number of formulations
facing to high load mixing radiative heat and flame impact. First results have been correlated with the
large-scale ones and different geometries have been considered.
Keywords: Epoxy resin, Thermal degradation, Intumescence, Ammonium polyphosphate,
Pentaerythritol, Titanium dioxide, Solid state NMR, X-Ray diffraction, Fire testing development.
Intitulé et adresse du laboratoire: Laboratoire LSPES Equipe PERF CNRS UMR 8008
E.N.S.C.L, Cité Scientifique, Bât. C7
F-59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
Thèse de Jérémy Ciret, Lille 1, 2010
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