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Threshold Program Admissions
29 Everett Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
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How long have you known the applicant?
In what capacity?
Are there any limitations that would prevent this applicant from being involved in physical activities essential to
her/his vocational training goals? Yes □ No □
Threshold Program Recommendation Form For:
Name of Applicant
The above-named individual has applied for admission to the Threshold Program, a comprehensive two-year certicate
program at Lesley University for highly motivated young adults with diverse learning disabilities and other special needs.
Threshold students are high school graduates who typically have received extensive special services in either private or
public schools, yet each would likely have considerable diiculty succeeding in a traditional University degree program.
Threshold students must possess suicient emotional stability and maturity to participate successfully in the program.
With the above information in mind, please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Use additional
pages if more writing space is needed.
If possible, one reference should come from an employer or work supervisor. Other possible reference writers include
a psychotherapist or social worker. Suitable recommendation writers are people who have known the applicant for at
least six months. Relatives/ family friends are not a suitable reference.
The form can be emailed to THAdmissions@lesley.edu, or sent via regular mail to the Coordinator of Admissions,
Threshold Program, Lesley University, 29 Everett Street, Cambridge, MA 02138- 2790.
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