Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Ofce of Health and Human Services
THP-2 (Rev. 11/14)
Request and Justification for Therapy Services
Complete and attach this form when submitting a prior authorization request for physical, occupational, or speech/language therapy on paper or using
MassHealth’s Provider Online Service Center (POSC). If submitting a request through the POSC, providers can download the form from the POSC or
complete the form online and submit it electronically as part of the request.
I. Provider information
Provider name Group provider ID/SL
Provider address
Provider telephone no. Individual provider ID/SL
II. Member information
Last name First name MI
MassHealth member ID no.
III. Other insurance information
MassHealth is the payer of last resort. The provider must use diligent efforts to verify whether other insurance exists and to obtain payment
rst from the other insurance.
Other insurance carrier Policyholder’s name
Policy no.
Has the insurance carrier changed since the last prior-authorization request? yes no
Why is the requested service not covered by this insurance?
IV. Physician referral
Referring physician Address
Primary medical diagnosis name and ICD-CM diagnosis code
Secondary medical diagnosis name and ICD-CM diagnosis code
Date of onset Date of referral Precautions
Reason for referral
V. Health-related services currently provided to the member
Check all services currently used by member. Indicate the frequency and payer.
Service Frequency and payer
Adult day health
Chapter 766/School-based Medicaid
Day habilitation
Early intervention services
Home health aide
Nursing services
Occupational therapy
Personal care attendant
Physical therapy
Speech/language therapy
Other (specify)
VI. Requested services
Location of service delivery home outpatient hospital department physician’s ofce rehabilitation center therapist’s ofce
other (specify)
Date of initial evaluation Rehabilitation potential
Has (or will) the member use all of the visits allowed without prior authorization as part of the current treatment plan? yes no
If yes, estimate the number of additional visits that will be needed to achieve treatment goals.
How do your goals differ from the other therapy services currently being provided?
What other therapy services has the member received in the past 12 months?
Who will be responsible for the carryover of the home exercise program, if applicable?
If other than the member, is this person able to attend therapy sessions on a regular basis to obtain training? yes no
If yes, has the member been compliant with the home exercise program to date? yes no
Please indicate the type, frequency, duration, and length of visit per day that you are requesting.
Type Frequency per week Estimated duration Length of visit per day
(i.e., number of visits) (i.e., weeks, months)
Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Speech/language therapy
VII. Medical necessity
Although most therapy can be viewed as benecial, MassHealth does not pay for therapy services unless they are medically necessary as specied
in 130 CMR 450.204, and meet the applicable MassHealth Guidelines for Medical Necessity.* Providers should address how the services
provide specic, effective, and reasonable treatment of the member’s diagnosis and physical condition;
are directly and specically related to an active treatment regimen;
are of a level of complexity and sophistication that the judgment, knowledge, and skills of a licensed therapist are required;
can achieve a specic diagnosis-related goal; and
are reasonably calculated to prevent, diagnose, prevent the worsening of, alleviate, correct, or cure conditions in the member that endanger life,
cause suffering or pain, cause physical deformity or malfunction, threaten to cause or aggravate a handicap, or result in illness or inrmity.
Provide a brief summary below of the medical necessity for the treatment you are proposing, including individual therapies and therapeutic activities.
This eld must be completed.
What are the objective measures you have used to chart progress toward the stated goals? This eld must be completed.
Important: You must attach a copy of the current physician’s referral for all requests in addition to completing this section. For rst requests, you
must also attach a copy of your initial evaluation. For subsequent requests, you must also attach a copy of the last two evaluations.
* Please refer to the MassHealth Guidelines for Medical Necessity Determination for Physical Therapy; the MassHealth Guidelines for Medical Necessity
Determination for Occupational Therapy; or the MassHealth Guidelines for Medical Necessity Determination for Speech and Language Therapy, as
applicable, for additional information. These MassHealth guidelines are located on the MassHealth website at
Therapist’s name and title
Therapist’s signature Date