Thornton Assistance Programs
housing and shelter
The Thornton Water Assistance Program helps low-income individuals and families
struggling to pay their water bill. Thornton Water customers and residents living in
apartment complexes, manufactured home parks, condominiums and townhomes that
receive water through the city of Thornton can apply for the program once per calendar
year. Those who meet the program qualifications will receive a credit on their water account.
For master meter water customers, the city gives the credit to the property owner or
property management company. For more information, contact Community Connections at
The 2021 credit for those with a Thornton Water account is $360.
The 2021 credit for those living in a master meter community is $80.
Thornton residents who income qualify may be able to
receive the city of Thornton Recreation Divisions Reduced
Rate Assistance Plan (RRAP). Eligible residents will receive a 50
percent discount on city-sponsored recreation programs, IDs,
and daily admission fees at the Trail
Winds Recreation Center, Margaret
W. Carpenter Recreation Center,
Park Village Pool, and City Pool. If
you are interested in participating in
this program, contact the Carpenter
Recreation Center at 303-255-7800.
If you are 62 years of age or older,
you may qualify for a property tax
rebate and a sales tax rebate on your
grocery bills. Qualifying seniors must
have lived in the city of Thornton
during the previous tax year, paid property taxes
on a home within the city and meet specific
income criteria. To learn about additional
program qualifications, contact Active Adult
Supervisor, Jenny Ressl at 720-977-5852.
Residents can use Thorntons Click and Haul service
to get rid of clutter in the garage or basement, plan
a do-it-yourself room remodel, clean up the yard or
storage shed, get rid of recently replaced furniture
or appliances, or for a rental property cleanup. Fees
start at $65, however, residents who income qualify,
may be able to receive
a $20 credit towards a
scheduled Click and Haul
collection. This service
is by appointment only.
For more information,
contact Thorntons
Environmental Services
Division at 720-977-6200.
Applications are accepted, reviewed, and approved
by Thorntons Community Connections Division:
Hand delivery: 9471 Dorothy Blvd., by appointment
only, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., excluding
Mail: Community Connections, 9471 Dorothy Blvd.
Thornton, CO 80229
See the backside for program eligibility requirements.
Must be a Thornton Resident.
Thornton Water customers living outside of the city limits are eligible for the Water Assistance Program.
Must be a U.S. citizen or legally residing in the U.S.
Household has not already received program assistance during the current calendar year.
1. Have you been approved for LEAP?
LEAP can qualify the whole household for Thornton Assistance Programs
2. Have you been approved for Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, or TANF?
Each member of the household can qualify with MEDICAID, SNAP, WIC or TANF.
3. Have you not been approved for LEAP, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, or TANF?
You may qualify based upon your total gross household income.
Everyone who is 18 years of age or older living in the house must have a combined gross income that is
185% of the federal poverty level or less.
Household Size Gross Monthly Income Limits Gross Annual Income Limits
1 $1,973 $23,680
2 $2,685 $32,227
3 $3,385 $40,626
4 $4,085 $49,025
5 $4,785 $57,424
6 $5,485 $65,823
7 $6,185 $74,222
8 $6,885 $82,621
housing and shelter
2021 Assistance Program Application
This application is used to income-qualify households for all of the Thornton Assistance Programs
Please complete this application & include all necessary verification documents.
Full Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City, Zip Code: __________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone Number: ____________________________ Ward: ________________
Months/Years at Current Address: __________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________________
Which program(s) would you like to apply for? Please check all that apply.
Water Assistance Click & Haul Reduce Rate Assistance Plan
Property and Food Sales Tax Rebate Program
If you are applying for the Water Assistance Program a copy of your Thornton Utility Bill is required with this
application. Thornton Utility Bill
If you are applying for the Property and Food Sales Tax Rebate Program a copy of your 2020 property tax
statement is required with this application. 2020 Property Tax Receipt
Are you currently approved for LEAP? Yes No
If Yes, LEAP can qualify the whole household for Thornton Assistance Programs. Documents needed:
Thornton Assistance Application Government Issued ID
LEAP Approval Letter (current year)
Are you currently approved for Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, or TANF? Yes No
If Yes, each individual over 18 years old in the household will need to present these documents to qualify:
Thornton Assistance Application Government Issued ID
Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, or TANF Benefits Approval Letter (current year)
If you are not currently approved for LEAP, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, or TANF, you may qualify based upon your
household income. Documents needed to turn in:
Thornton Assistance Application Government Issued ID
A copy of all income documents for all adults (18+) living in the home (Tax Returns,
Paystub, Social Security Income, Retirement, Unemployment, etc., as applicable)
A copy of your most recent bank statement for all adults (18+) living in the home
LIST ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: you plus all the people who live in the house with you.
Full Name
Relationship to Applicant
Date of Birth
Depending on the program and/or household, additional documents may be required with this application.
I swear or affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Colorado that I am a United States
citizen, or that I am a permanent resident of the United States, or I am lawfully present in the United States
pursuant to federal law. I understand that state law requires me to provide proof that I am lawfully present in the
United States in order to receive this public benefit.
Also, I certify that the information provided on and with this application is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge. I understand that if I have provided false or misleading information, I will be denied assistance
or expected to repay the water cost. I authorize City of Thornton staff to verify all information provided. I
will comply with all City policies and ordinances for this program. I understand that income-qualified applicants
can only receive assistance once during the calendar year.
Print Full Name of Applicant
Applicant Signature Date